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IAM Policies and Bucket Policies and ACLs! Oh, My! (Controlling Access to S3 Resources)

In previous posts we’ve explained how to write S3 policies for the console and how to use policy variables to grant access to user-specific S3 folders. This week we’ll discuss another frequently asked-about topic: the distinction between IAM policies, S3 bucket policies, S3 ACLs, and when to use each. They’re all part of the AWS access control toolbox, but they differ in how they’re used.

IAM policies vs. S3 bucket policies

IAM policies specify what actions are allowed or denied on what AWS resources (e.g. allow ec2:TerminateInstance on the EC2 instance with instance_id=i-8b3620ec). You attach IAM policies to IAM users, groups, or roles, which are then subject to the permissions you’ve defined. In other words, IAM policies define what a principal can do in your AWS environment.

S3 bucket policies, on the other hand, are attached only to S3 buckets. S3 bucket policies specify what actions are allowed or denied for which principals on the bucket that the bucket policy is attached to (e.g. allow user Alice to PUT but not DELETE objects in the bucket). S3 bucket policies are a type of

access control list, or ACL (here I mean “ACL” in the generic sense, not to be confused with S3 ACLs, which is a separate S3 feature discussed later in this post).

Note: You attach S3 bucket policies at the bucket level (i.e. you can’t attach a bucket policy to an S3 object), but the permissions specified in the bucket policy apply to all the objects in the bucket.

IAM policies and S3 bucket policies are both used for access control and they’re both written in JSON using the AWS access policy language, so they can be confused. Let’s look at an example policy of each type:

Sample S3 Bucket Policy

This S3 bucket policy enables the root account 111122223333 and the IAM user Alice under that account to perform any S3 operation on the bucket named “my_bucket”, as well as that bucket’s contents.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": ["arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/Alice",
      "Action": "s3:*",
      "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::my_bucket",

Sample IAM Policy

This IAM policy grants the IAM entity (user, group, or role) it is attached to permission to perform any S3 operation on the bucket named “my_bucket”, as well as that bucket’s contents.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "s3:*",
    "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::my_bucket",

Note that the S3 bucket policy includes a “Principal” element, which lists the principals that bucket policy controls access for. The “Principal” element is unnecessary in an IAM policy, because the principal is by default the entity that the IAM policy is attached to.

S3 bucket policies (as the name would imply) only control access to S3 resources, whereas IAM policies can specify nearly any AWS action. One of the neat things about AWS is that you can actually apply both IAM policies and S3 bucket policies simultaneously, with the ultimate authorization being the least-privilege union of all the permissions (more on this in the section below titled “How does authorization work with multiple access control mechanisms?”).

When to use IAM policies vs. S3 policies

Use IAM policies if:

  • You need to control access to AWS services other than S3. IAM policies will be easier to manage since you can centrally manage all of your permissions in IAM, instead of spreading them between IAM and S3.
  •  You have numerous S3 buckets each with different permissions requirements. IAM policies will be easier to manage since you don’t have to define a large number of S3 bucket policies and can instead rely on fewer, more detailed IAM policies.
  • You prefer to keep access control policies in the IAM environment.

Use S3 bucket policies if:

  • You want a simple way to grant cross-account access to your S3 environment, without using IAM roles.
  • Your IAM policies bump up against the size limit (up to 2 kb for users, 5 kb for groups, and 10 kb for roles). S3 supports bucket policies of up 20 kb.
  • You prefer to keep access control policies in the S3 environment.

If you’re still unsure of which to use, consider which audit question is most important to you:

  • If you’re more interested in “What can this user do in AWS?” then IAM policies are probably the way to go. You can easily answer this by looking up an IAM user and then examining their IAM policies to see what rights they have.
  • If you’re more interested in “Who can access this S3 bucket?” then S3 bucket policies will likely suit you better. You can easily answer this by looking up a bucket and examining the bucket policy.

Whichever method you choose, we recommend staying as consistent as possible. Auditing permissions becomes more challenging as the number of IAM policies and S3 bucket policies grows.

What about S3 ACLs?

As a general rule, AWS recommends using S3 bucket policies or IAM policies for access control. S3 ACLs is a legacy access control mechanism that predates IAM. However, if you already use S3 ACLs and you find them sufficient, there is no need to change.

An S3 ACL is a sub-resource that’s attached to every S3 bucket and object. It defines which AWS accounts or groups are granted access and the type of access. When you create a bucket or an object, Amazon S3 creates a default ACL that grants the resource owner full control over the resource.

Under certain circumstances, you might find that S3 ACLs  meet your needs better than IAM policies or bucket policies. If you want to manage permissions on individual objects within a bucket, S3 ACLs enable you to apply policies on the objects themselves, whereas bucket policies can only be applied at the bucket level. In addition, bucket policies are limited to 20 kb in size, so consider using S3 ACLs if you find that your bucket policy grows too large.

How does authorization work with multiple access control mechanisms?

Whenever an AWS principal issues a request to S3, the authorization decision depends on the union of all the IAM policies, S3 bucket policies, and S3 ACLs that apply.

In accordance with the principle of least-privilege, decisions default to DENY and an explicit DENY always trumps an ALLOW. For example, if an IAM policy grants access to an object, the S3 bucket policies denies access to that object, and there is no S3 ACL, then access will be denied. Similarly, if no method specifies an ALLOW, then the request will be denied by default. Only if no method specifies a DENY and one or more methods specify an ALLOW will the request be allowed.

This diagram illustrates the authorization process. Diagram illustrating the authorization process

We hope that this post clarifies some of the confusion around the various ways you can control access to your S3 environment.

Additional Resources

Kai Zhao Product Manager, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)