Flaws in telepresence robots allow hackers access to pictures, video feeds
Telepresence robots from Vecna Technologies can be hacked using a suite of five vulnerabilities. The flaws can be combined to allow an attacker full control over a robot, giving an intruder the capability to alter firmware, steal chat logs, pictures, or even access live video streams. Vecna has already patched two of the five vulnerabilities and is in the process of addressing the other three. The flaws were discovered earlier this year by Dan Regalado, a security researcher with IoT cyber-security firm Zingbox. The vulnerabilities affect Vecna VGo Celia, a telepresence robot that can be deployed in the field but controlled from a remote location.
Flaws in telepresence robots allow hackers access to pictures, video feeds
Telepresence robots from Vecna Technologies can be hacked using a suite of five vulnerabilities. The flaws can be combined to allow an attacker full contro
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How to Rein in Our Robots
How to Rein in Our RobotsIn the near future, our robot cousins will need to behave if we are to avoid an apocalyptic robot war.Credit: MIT“Although the Sin
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PG cannot execute UPDATE in a read-only transaction出現這種情況時,說明SQL語句可能是執行在一個PG叢集中的非master節點上。檢視data/pg_hba.conf。 SELECT pg_is_in_recovery(); &nb
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