1. 程式人生 > >CoderForces Round526F Max Mex(倍增求LCA+線段樹路徑合併)

CoderForces Round526F Max Mex(倍增求LCA+線段樹路徑合併)

Max Mex time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output

Once Grisha found a tree (connected graph without cycles) with a root in node 1.

But this tree was not just a tree. A permutation p of integers from 0 to n1 is written in nodes, a number pi is written in node i.

As Grisha likes to invent some strange and interesting problems for himself, but not always can solve them, you need to help him deal with two types of queries on this tree.

Let's define a function MEX(S), where S is a set of non-negative integers, as a smallest non-negative integer that is not included in this set.

Let l be a simple path in this tree. So let's define indices of nodes which lie on l as u1u2uk.

Define V(l) as a set {pu1pu2 , puk}.

Then queries are:

  1. For two nodes i and j, swap pi and pj.
  2. Find the maximum value of MEX(V(l)) in all possible l.

The first line contains a single integer n (2n2105) — the number of nodes of a tree.

The second line contains n integers — p1p2pn (0pi<n) — the permutation p, it's guaranteed that all numbers are different .

The third line contains n1 integers — d2d3dn (1di<i), where di is a direct ancestor of node i in a tree.

The fourth line contains a single integer q (1q2105) — the number of queries.

The following q lines contain the description of queries:

At the beginning of each of next q lines, there is a single integer t (1 or 2) — the type of a query:

  1. If t=1, the line also contains two integers i and j (1i,jn) — the indices of nodes, where values of the permutation should be swapped.
  2. If t=2, you need to find the maximum value of MEX(V(l)) in all possible l.

For each type 2 query print a single integer — the answer for this query.

Examples input Copy
2 5 0 3 1 4
1 1 3 3 3
1 6 3
output Copy
input Copy
5 2 1 4 3 0
1 1 1 3 3
1 5 3
1 6 1
1 4 2
1 1 6
output Copy

Number written in brackets is a permutation value of a node.

In the first example, for the first query, optimal path is a path from node  1 to node 5. For it, set of values is {0,1,2} and MEX is 3.
For the third query, optimal path is a path from node 5 to node 6. For it, set of values is {0,1,4} and MEX is 2.
In the second example, for the first query, optimal path is a path from node 2 to node 6. For it, set of values is {0,1,2,5} and MEX is 3.
For the third query, optimal path is a path from node 5 to node 6. For it, set of values is {0,1,3} and MEX is 2.
For the fifth query, optimal path is a path from node 5 to node 2. For it, set of values is {0,1,2,3} and MEX is 4.
For the seventh query, optimal path is a path from node 5 to node 4. For it, set of values is {0,1,2,3} and MEX is 4. src="https://codeforces.com/predownloaded/8f/b7/8fb73f1d5de495d91e704f41ae1a13c55273c659.png" alt="" width="261" height="302" /> For the ninth query, optimal path is a path from node 6 to node 5. For it, set of values is {0,1,3} and MEX is 2.


CoderForces Round526F Max Mex(倍增LCA+線段路徑合併)

Max Mex time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input


oid void for print names != ostream tmp iostream 大概思想就是,節點$i$的第$2^{j}$個父節點是他第$2^{j-1}$個父親的第$2^{j-1}$個父親 然後可以$O(nlogn)$時間內解決…&hell


next 訪問 find int ext for pac using ins 1.tarjan求lca Tarjan(u)//marge和find為並查集合並函數和查找函數 { for each(u,v) //訪問所有u子節點v    {  


etc ++ sin bre i++ printf floor break truct #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct node{ int to,next,w; }e[100000

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LCA,最近公共祖先。 這是在樹上的演算法,但是為什麼我們把它歸為圖論呢? 因為它對圖論太重要了,其實,樹也是圖,是任意二節點只有一條路徑的圖。 我們來看一下LCA的栗子: 這就是LCA,很好理解吧! 那問題來了,怎麼實現求兩點的LCA呢? 其實很簡單,用暴力法就可以了。先用樹的DFS遍歷求出樹的深度,在


參考題目:Tree 題目描述 給出一棵帶有邊權的樹,問兩點之間的距離。 輸入格式 第一行兩個整數 n 和 m ,分別表示點數和詢問數。 接下來 n-1 行,每行三個整數 x,y,z,表示 x 與 y 通過一條權為 z 的邊連線。 接下來 m 行,每行兩個整數 x


先瞎扯幾句 樹上倍增的經典應用是求兩個節點的LCA 當然它的作用不僅限於求LCA,還可以維護節點的很多資訊 求LCA的方法除了倍增之外,還有樹鏈剖分、離線tarjan ,這兩種日後再講(眾人:其實是你不會吧:unamused:。。。) 思想 樹上倍增嘛,顧名思義就是倍增 相信倍增大家都不預設,


1.引入 2.思路 這道題目是倍增求LCA的模板題。 首先,大家都知道LCA的定義吧?(兩個節點的公共父節點)如果我們求兩個點的LCA的使用暴力求解(DFS找出要求點的深度,一個一個往上跳,一次一次查詢),在卡時間的競賽中是肯定會炸掉的。那麼,我們就使用另一種方法,

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