1. 程式人生 > >caffe下的finetune訓練






              2)solver prototxt裡減少學習率base_lr,一般為0.001,增大新加入層的lr_mult,The idea is to have the rest of the model change very slowly with new data, but let the new layer learn fast. we set`stepsize` in the solver to a lower value than if we were training from scratch, since we're virtually far along in training and therefore want the learning rate to go down faster.

Note that we could also entirely prevent fine-tuning of all layers other than `fc8_flickr` by setting their`lr_mult` to 0.



 ./build/tools/caffe train -solver models/finetune_flickr_style/solver.prototxt -weights models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel -gpu 0
