1. 程式人生 > >【詞彙】Book5 Uni5 (2)

【詞彙】Book5 Uni5 (2)

  • Global climate change needs global action now. The alarm bells ought to be ringing in every capital of the world.
    ——John Gummer

  • pensioner 領取養老金[退休金]的人

  • pensioners living below the poverty line 低於貧困線

  • time zone 時區

  • accuracy 正確,準確;準確性;精確度

  • strive 努力,奮鬥
    I was still striving to be successful. 我仍在努力爭取成功。

  • 多數科學家不再懷疑世界正在變暖,也不再懷疑是人類改變了氣候。他們認為全球氣候變暖對這個星球及其居住者的長期影響將是災難性的。而且,氣候變化不會平穩地過渡到一個較為暖和的世界。一些地區將受到氣候急速變化的嚴重影響。人口密集的大片地區如佛羅里達沿海地帶將無法居住。千百萬居民將不得不遷移到安全地區。因此,全球變暖出現在世界領袖們的議事日程上也就不足為奇了。

  • Most scientists no longer doubt that the world is warming up and that humanity has altered climate. They agree that the long-term effects of global warming will be disastrous for the planet and its inhabitants. What is more, climate change won’t be a smooth transition to a warmer world. Some regions will be greatly affected by abrupt climate changes. Enormous areas of densely populated land like coastal Florida would become uninhabitable. Hundreds of millions of residents would have to migrate to safer regions. Therefore, it is no surprise that global warming has made its way onto the agenda of world leaders.