1. 程式人生 > >【詞彙】Book5 Unit6

【詞彙】Book5 Unit6

  • I have never advocated war except as a means of peace.
    ——Ulysses S. Grant

  • general 將軍

  • parlor 起居室,客廳;接待室

  • modest 謙虛的,謙遜的,謙恭的;不太大的;不很貴的
    a modest house with a small garden 帶有小花園的一座不很大的房子

  • surrender 投降;(使)自首;〔被迫〕放棄

  • virtual 幾乎的;虛擬的,模擬的〔指通過計算機或網路〕

  • fugitive 逃犯;逃亡者;

  • poignant 深沉的,強烈的;辛酸的

  • notion 想法;看法

  • aristocratic 貴族的,上層社會的

  • chivalry 騎士品質

  • embody 代表,體現〔思想或品質〕;包括,收錄
    1、She embodies everything I admire in a teacher. 她具備了我所欽佩的教師該具備的一切素質。
    2、The latest model embodies many new improvements. 最新的款式包含了許多新的改進。

  • knighthood 騎士或爵士身份;俠義精神

  • squire 鄉紳,地主

  • nobility 貴族,高貴

  • aristocrat 貴族

  • hazy 模糊的,含糊的

  • solemn 鄭重的;嚴肅的,莊嚴的;正式的

  • deportment 舉止

  • underfed 未吃飽的,餵食不足的

  • sanctify 使神聖化

  • heroism 英雄氣概

  • tanner 製革工人

  • eternal 永久的

  • sinewy 強壯的

  • reverence 崇敬

  • obeisance 順從,屈服

  • to a fault 極度,近乎過分地

  • surge 湧動,潮流;突然發生

  • implicit 不言明的

  • groove 常規,老一套

  • democracy 民主

  • privilege 特權

  • prosper 興旺,繁榮

  • destiny 命運

  • dollars-and-cents 純金錢的

  • locality 地區

  • tenacity 堅韌不拔,堅持不懈

  • stand by 袖手旁觀

  • combat 同……戰鬥或鬥爭

  • restless 不知滿足的,靜不下來的

  • vitality 生命力;活力

  • lance 長矛,長槍

  • silken 絲的,絲一樣的,綢緞的

  • banner 旗幟的

  • underlying 根本的,潛在的

  • aspiration 抱負,強烈的願望

  • fidelity 忠誠

  • handicap 不利因素;生理上或智力上的缺陷

  • trench 戰壕

  • indomitable 堅強不屈的

  • resourcefulness 足智多謀的

  • reconciliation 和解

  • wholly 完全地

  • in one’s debt 欠某人的情

Unit 6 Words and Expressions

  1. surrender:
    n. the act of saying officially that you want to stop fighting because you realize you can’t win
    *The surrender of Lee’s Army to General Grant opened a great new chapter in American history.
    v. yield as a sign of defeat
    The terrorists were given ten minutes to surrender.
    Colette surrendered to the strong temptation and took out a cigarette.
    CF: surrender, yield & relinquish
    surrender 是常用詞,指經過鬥爭或抵抗向外來的強迫或要求認輸。例如:
    The foreign merchants were obliged to surrender their opium stocks. 外商被迫交出鴉片。
    Don’t through fear of death surrender liberty. 不要因為怕死而放棄自由。
    yield 指因屈從或屈服威懾而讓步。例如:
    Young people shouldn’t yield to any difficulty in their work. 青年人不應該向工作中的任何困難屈服。
    The door wouldn’t yield despite all our efforts to move it. 不管我們再怎麼努力,門就是弄不開。
    A parent relinquishes control over grown children. 家長放棄對成年的子女的管教。
    A champion boxer has to relinquish his title when he gets beaten. 拳擊冠軍被打敗後,他必須交出他的頭銜。
  2. chapter: n. any distinct period in history or in a person’s life
    The Civil War was a sad chapter in American history.
    That summer an important chapter of my life came to an end.
    The whole period leading up to the revolution is an interesting chapter in British history.
  3. to be sure: admittedly, I can’t deny
    To be sure, the SARS epidemic has brought about some negative effect on our economy.
    NB: “sure”這個詞是一個使用頻率很高的詞,與其他詞搭配後形成許多片語。

Fill the blanks with the phrases above. Some phrases may be used more than once.

  1. Emma peered into the room to ________________ that Ruth was asleep.
  2. You can ___________ one thing — there’ll be a lot of laughs.
  3. I know one person who won’t be happy with the decision, that’s _____________.
  4. Jamie’s had his problems ______________, but he’s got potential.
  5. Kids nowadays seem very _____________________.
  6. No one knows __________ what really happened.
  7. I __________ that the rope was firmly fastened around his waist.
  8. make sure
  9. be sure of
  10. for sure
  11. to be sure
  12. sure of themselves
  13. for sure
  14. make sure
  15. in effect: in fact, although perhaps not appearing so
    It sounds as if we are getting a pay rise, but in effect, our wages will fall by 2%.)
    The two viruses are, in effect, identical.
    bring something into effect 實施計劃
    take effect 開始起作用
    to good effect 產生好的效果
  16. poignant: adj. making you feel sad or full of pity
    I was struck by the poignant contrast between his lively mind and his old frail body.
    The picture awakens poignant memories of happier days.
  17. current:
    adj. happening or existing now, but not expected to last for a long time
    In my current job, I am in charge of 25 people.
    n. a continuously moving mass of liquid or gas
    The current is strongest in the middle of the river.
    Who can be sure of the next shift in the current of public opinions?
    CF: current, tendency & trend
    current 指十分明確的,前後一致的且具有實質意義的運動或程序。例如:
    TV has been influencing the current of thought since it came into being. 電視自出現以來一直影響著思想的傾向。
    No one can afford to go against the current of times. 誰也不能逆潮流而上。
    tendency 往往指固有或後天所得的趨勢,有時帶有花很大力氣方能改動的意思。例如:
    As predicted by some economics experts, the tendency now is towards higher taxes. 正像一些經濟學家所預測的那樣,現在的稅收有走高的趨勢。
    Don’t you see the improving tendency in the market? 難道你看不出市場漸漸轉好的趨勢嗎?
    trend 指帶有小曲折的大方向或總趨勢,這個方向或趨勢是可以改變的。例如:
    The trend of prices is still upwards, but it will go the other way soon. I’m so certain of that. 物價仍有上漲的趨勢,但是不久會回落的。這點我十分確定。
  18. collision: n.
    the act of striking together
    The school bus was involved in a collision with a truck.
    a strong disagreement between two people or groups
    Environmentalists and loggers are on a collision course, with no compromise in sight.
    The play represents the collision of three generations.
    CF: impact, collision & shock
    impact 表示一物撞擊一物,被撞擊物應向作用力方向運動,而且受撞擊之物上 要留下痕跡或損傷。用於抽象意義時,impact表示衝擊。例如:
    The car hit the stone wall with great impact. 汽車猛烈地撞上了石牆。
    This book made a great impact on its readers. 這本書對讀者產生了重大的影響。
    collision 指兩個或多個處於運動中的物體相撞,也指抽象的、產生嚴重影響的撞擊。例如:
    The collision of the two vessels was due to the heavy fog. 兩船相撞都是因濃霧所致。
    Passion of revenge brought him into immediate collision with his enemy. 復仇的激情使他立即和他的敵人衝突。
    shock 尤其適用於表示一物體猛烈地撞擊另一物體。例如:
    The shock of the explosion was felt faraway. 很遠的地方都感覺到了這次爆炸所產生的震動。
  19. embody:
    v. represent
    The country’s constitution embodies the ideals of equality and freedom.)
    She embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.
    v. include something
    Their latest car model embodies many new improvements.
    9 . be keyed to: change a system or plan so that it works well with others
    The daycare hours are keyed to the needs of working parents.
    The books are keyed to the interests of very young children.
  20. bring forth: produce something or make it appear
    This novel describes a tragic love affair that brought forth pain.
    Going back would bring forth a flood of happy memories.
    bring sth. to an end 結束某事
    bring sth. into being 成立,產生
    bring back 使想起,使憶起
    bring sth. down on 使(壞事)發生在…
    bring forward 提出法案、計劃等
    bring through 使渡過(難關)
    Fill the blanks with the phrases above.
  21. The bureau __________________ (=was brought into being) during the Second World War.
  22. It was Churchill, above all, who ________________ (=brought us through) the war.
  23. The government _______________(=brought forward) a plan to tackle urban crime.
  24. His recklessness ___________ (=brought down) disaster on the whole family.
  25. The smell of new paper always ________________ (=brings back) memories of school.
  26. It’s time we_______________ (=brought…to an end) this whole sordid affair ______________.
    12). (L. 31) solemn: adj. very serious in behavior or style
    The memorial service was a very solemn occasion.
    I give you my solemn promise that I will do everything I can to help you.
    That solemn little girl hardly ever smiles.
    CF: solemn, formal & ceremonious
    solemn 意為“莊重的”,“正式的”,“合乎儀式的”,原來指一種非常正式的,令人敬畏的宗教儀式,現可用來指並不輕鬆愉快的人或行為。
    I made a solemn promise that I would never play PC games again. 我做了莊重的許諾,再也不玩電腦遊戲了。
    formal 指遵守慣例習俗,並且強調正確性,堅定不移而缺乏自然與親切。
    A judge should have a formal manner in a law court. 在法庭上,法官應該具有正式的舉止。
    ceremonious 意為“禮數周到的”, “拘泥於形式的”,指任何行為的儀式化,最常用來形容人們因襲風尚的行為。
    The banquet was a ceremonious affair. All the guests, dressed in formal clothes, had nothing to do but eat, drink and gossip. 那場宴會十分拘泥於形式。所有的賓客衣著正式,除了吃喝,就是與別人閒聊。
  27. underfed: adj. not given enough food to eat
    Thousands of tired, underfed, poorly clothed soldiers are desperately fighting against a multitude of enemies.
    Women are still the majority of the world’s poor , unhealthy, underfed , and uneducated.
    The prefix under- 1) not enough: used with many nouns, verbs, and adjectives
  1. below: used with many nouns
    Match the words with the definitions.

underage too young to legally buy alcohol, drive a car, etc.
undercurrent a feeling not openly expressed
underdeveloped not having grown or developed as usual or necessary
underemployed working in a job where you can’t use all your skills
underpaid earning less money than you deserve
underprivileged very poor, with worse living conditions

  1. the hard way: in the most difficult way, at a great cost
    That poor girl came up in the world the hard way.
    Everyone said that he got his PHD the hard way, since he had to achieve a balance between career, study and family.
    one way or another (口)用某種方法
    ways and means (尤指祕密或非法的)特殊的辦法
    every which way 每一種可能的方法
    that’s the way 就這麼做
  2. come up:
    be mentioned or suggested as something in need of consideration
    Your name came up in their conversation several times.
    A lot of new questions came up at the meeting.
    problems or difficulties suddenly appear or start to affect you
    Sorry I can’t go with you, since something has suddenly come up.
    become richer or more successful in society
    She had come up in the world since her days on the flower stall.
    come about 發生(尤指不受控制地)
    come across 偶然發現
    come down in the world 落魄,潦倒
  3. to a fault: to an exceptional degree
    Generous to a fault, Mr. Samson agreed to provide the necessary equipment free of charge.
    Kind to a fault, she forgave that unfaithful husband of hers.
    She’s really a sweet person and she’s generous to a fault.
  4. surge: n.
    a sudden, large increase in a feeling
    Sophia felt a surge of anger while witnessing this inhumane scene.
    A surge of excitement was filled with her heart when she saw the approach of her husband.
    a sudden increase in something such as demand, interest, etc.
    Stores are expecting the usual surge in demand as Christmas approaches.
    a sudden movement of a lot of people
    As the war became more violent, a surge of refugees swarmed into this country.
  5. implicit: adj. undeclared, unexpressed
    He interpreted her comments as an implicit approval for his behavior.
    Her words contained an implicit threat.
    Confidentiality is implicit in your relationship with a counselor.
    They had an implicit faith in his powers.
    Antonym: explicit
  6. prosper: v.
    grow and develop in a healthy way
    The children seemed to prosper under their care.
    be successful and become rich
    My father was no longer prospering in business since the Great Depression.
    A lot of computer hardware manufacturing companies prospered last year due to the increasing demand.
  7. accessible: adj.
    easy to reach or get into
    The cove is only accessible by boat.
    The resort is easily accessible by boat, rail and air.
    easy to obtain or use
    Storing customer details on computer makes them readily accessible.
    Foreign newspapers and magazines are accessible to everyone at the local library.
    someone is easy to meet and talk to
    I think that you’ll find that this celebrity is very accessible.
    n. access
  8. static: adj. not acting or changing
    Economists predict that house prices will stay static for a long period.
    The workers are complaining that their wages have remained static for four years.
    Oil prices have remained static for the last few months.
  9. tenacity: n. the determination to continue what one is doing
    Talent, hard work, and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.
    Medical staff fought against the epidemic with tenacity.
  10. widen: v.
    become wider or make something wider
    As it approaches the sea, the river begins to widen.
    Wherever you go, the road widen under your feet, the breeze brush off your garment and the people crack for you a broad smile.
    become larger in degree or range
    The gap between income and expenditure has widened to 11%.
    *They are trying to widen the discussion to include environmental issues.
    “en”+“adj” 或“adj”+“en”都有“使…變得更加…”之意。
    broaden 使(知識、經驗)擴大,增加
    lighten 使(工作、擔憂)減輕,減少;使(表情)變得高興
    strengthen 使變強,加強,加固
    enrich 使豐富,使肥沃
    enlarge 擴大,增加,擴充
    enhance 提高,增加

Fill the blanks with the words above.
Steve’s opposition only ______________ (=strengthened) her resolve to go ahead.
Travel definitely _______________ (=broadens) people’s minds.
The discovery of oil will ___________ (=enrich) the nation.
We’re planning to __________ (=enlarge) the garden so that we can plant more flowers there.
The flavor of most foods can be ___________ (=enhanced) by good cooking.
Maybe we should hire another secretary to _________ (=lighten) Barbara’s workload.
22. stand by:
not act or do anything
We can’t stand by and let these kids be ill-treated.
We are not prepared to stand by and let them close our school.
stand in sb.’s way 妨礙某人做某事
stand for 代表,意味著
stand in 暫時替代(某人的工作)
stand up for 維護,保衛
23. vitality: n.
the ability of an organization, country to continue working effectively
China’s reforms have brought vitality to its economy.
The process of restructuring has injected some much-needed vitality into the company.
great energy and cheerfulness
*Despite her 80 years, Elsie was full of vitality.
24. to begin with:
in the first place
Well, to begin with, he shouldn’t even have been driving my car.
The hotel was awful! To begin with, our room was far too small. Then we found that the shower didn’t work.
during the first part of a process or activity
The kids helped me to begin with, but they soon got bored.
25. aspiration: n. a strong desire to have or achieve something
Hannah has always had political aspirations.
He has aspirations to become a great writer.
Any ruling class couldn’t ignore the aspirations of the working classes.
CF: ambition, aspiration & pretension
ambition: 指“雄心”、“野心”的意思。用於褒義時,指某人有遠大的志向;用於貶義時,指某人對名利的慾望。例如:
The young man is filled with ambition to become famous. 這個年輕人一心想成名。
He has serious aspiration to a career in politics. 他一心想從政。
Readers may find the pretension and arrogance of her style irritating.
26. virtue: n.
a particular good quality in someone’s character
Among her virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.
an advantage that makes something better or more useful
Johnson’s plan has the virtue of flexibility.
Free trade has a number of virtues.
by/in virtue of 憑藉,猶豫,因為
make a virtue of necessity (心甘情願)做非做不可的事
27. indomitable: adj. (of a person) strong, brave, and impossible to defeat
She was viewed as a woman of indomitable strength.
Facing the threat of death, the rescuers displayed an indomitable spirit.
28. reconciliation: n. the reestablishing of cordial relation (followed by between / with / of)
All our attempts at reconciliation have failed.
There seemed little hope of reconciliation between the two superpowers.
Both sides displayed a new spirit of reconciliation in the negotiations.
v. reconcile

  1. [TRANSITIVE] to find a way to make ideas, beliefs, needs etc. that are opposed to each other capable of existing together
    There seems to be no possibility of reconciling the two versions of what happened.
    Management and labor are attempting to reconcile their differences.
    reconcile something with something: Research is being undertaken in how to reconcile conservation needs with growing demand for water.
  2. [INTRANSITIVE/TRANSITIVE] if you reconcile two people or groups, or if they reconcile, they become friendly again after a disagreement
    The couple has been making every effort to reconcile.
    Foreign mediators have failed to reconcile the warring factions.
    reconcile someone with someone: It was his father’s wish that he become reconciled with his family.
  3. [TRANSITIVE] to make someone accept a situation even though they do not like it
    reconcile someone to something: She couldn’t reconcile herself to the idea of just giving up.