1. 程式人生 > >Matter-JS Render.create 渲染器建立

Matter-JS Render.create 渲染器建立


1、create 方法用於建立新的渲染器。option 引數是一個物件,用於指定要覆蓋的預設屬性值。所有屬性都有預設值,許多屬性值都是根據其他屬性自動預先計算而得到。

2、Matter.Render.create([options])  函式原始碼如下。

 * Creates a new renderer. The options parameter is an object that specifies any properties you wish to override the defaults.
 * All properties have default values, and many are pre-calculated automatically based on other properties.
 * See the properties section below for detailed information on what you can pass via the `options` object.
 * @method create
 * @param {object} [options]
 * @return {render} A new renderer
Render.create = function(options) {
    var defaults = {
        controller: Render,
        engine: null,
        element: null,
        canvas: null,
        mouse: null,
        frameRequestId: null,
        options: {
            width: 800,
            height: 600,
            pixelRatio: 1,
            background: '#18181d',
            wireframeBackground: '#0f0f13',
            hasBounds: !!options.bounds,
            enabled: true,
            wireframes: true,
            showSleeping: true,
            showDebug: false,
            showBroadphase: false,
            showBounds: false,
            showVelocity: false,
            showCollisions: false,
            showSeparations: false,
            showAxes: false,
            showPositions: false,
            showAngleIndicator: false,
            showIds: false,
            showShadows: false,
            showVertexNumbers: false,
            showConvexHulls: false,
            showInternalEdges: false,
            showMousePosition: false


<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <script type="text/javascript">
        var stageWidth = 800;//舞臺寬度
        var stageHeight = 500;//舞臺高度
        window.onload = function () {
            var Engine = Matter.Engine;//引擎
            var Render = Matter.Render;//渲染器
            var World = Matter.World;//世界
            var MouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint;//滑鼠控制
            var Bodies = Matter.Bodies;//物體
            var Composites = Matter.Composites;//符合材料
            var Composite = Matter.Composite;//混合體
            var Common = Matter.Common;//公用模組

            var engine = Engine.create();//建立引擎
            var render = Render.create({//建立渲染器
                engine: engine,//渲染建立好的引擎
                 * 則會在div下自動新建canvas,canvas的尺寸是options中的width、height
                 * */
                element: document.body,
                options: {
                    width: stageWidth,//畫布的寬度
                    height: stageHeight,//畫布的高度
                    wireframes: true,//線框模式,預設false不使用線框模式
                    showAngleIndicator: true,//是否顯示角度,預設false
                    showVelocity: true,//是否顯示速度,預設false
                    showCollisions: true,//是否顯示碰撞點,預設false
                    showBroadphase: true,//是否顯示寬頻,用於除錯,預設false
                    showMousePosition: false // 滑鼠約束線
            var mouseConstraint = MouseConstraint.create(engine, {});
            var stack = Composites.stack(20, 20, 12, 4, 0, 0, function (x, y) {
                switch (Math.round(Common.random(0, 1, 2))) {
                    case 0:
                        return Bodies.rectangle(x, y, Common.random(20, 50), Common.random(20, 50));
                    case 1:
                        return Bodies.polygon(x, y, Math.round(Common.random(1, 8)), Common.random(20, 50));
                    case 2:
                        return Bodies.circle(x, y, Common.random(5, 20));
            World.add(engine.world, [mouseConstraint, stack]);
            World.add(engine.world, create4Wall(Bodies));//為世界4周新增4面牆
        function create4Wall(Bodies) {
            var ground_top = Bodies.rectangle(stageWidth / 2, 0, stageWidth, 40, {isStatic: true});
            var ground_right = Bodies.rectangle(stageWidth, stageHeight / 2, 40, stageHeight, {isStatic: true});
            var ground_bottom = Bodies.rectangle(stageWidth / 2, stageHeight, stageWidth, 40, {isStatic: true});
            var ground_left = Bodies.rectangle(0, stageHeight / 2, 40, stageHeight, {isStatic: true});
            return [ground_top, ground_right, ground_bottom, ground_left];
