阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-10
// 二叉樹有關的操作 #include "stdafx.h" #include "CommonDataStruct.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stack> #include <queue> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 給定二叉搜尋樹,轉換成雙向連結串列 // lchild變成雙鏈表的prev指標, rchild變成雙鏈表的next指標. BTNODE* BST2DLL(BTNODE* root) { BTNODE* head = nullptr; if (root == nullptr) { return head; } BTNODE* p = nullptr; //p指向已經建好的部分雙鏈表的最後一個元素 BTNODE* q = root; std::stack<BTNODE*> stkTreeNode; while (q != nullptr || !stkTreeNode.empty()) { if (q != nullptr) //壓棧過程不建表 { stkTreeNode.push(q); q = q->lchild; } else // 在pop過程中拼接雙鏈表 { q = stkTreeNode.top(); stkTreeNode.pop(); if (p != nullptr) { p->rchild = q; //p->next = p } q->lchild = p; //q->prev = p if (head == nullptr) // q is the head node. { head = q; } p = q; q = q->rchild; } } return head; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 給定二叉樹,求二叉樹最大的寬度 struct QNODE { QNODE(BTNODE* p, int l) {pTreeNode = p, nLevel = l;} BTNODE* pTreeNode; int nLevel; }; unsigned int GetBTreeMaxWidth(BTNODE* root) { if (root == nullptr) { return 0; } std::queue<QNODE*> q; QNODE* r = new QNODE(root, 0); q.push(r); unsigned int uMaxDepth = 1; while(!q.empty()) { // dequeue all elements that on the same level, and enqueue their children. QNODE* pFront = q.front(); int nCurLevel = pFront->nLevel; while (!q.empty() && (pFront = q.front())->nLevel == nCurLevel) { q.pop(); if (pFront->pTreeNode->lchild != nullptr) { QNODE* lch = new QNODE(pFront->pTreeNode->lchild, pFront->nLevel + 1); q.push(lch); } if (pFront->pTreeNode->rchild != nullptr) { QNODE* rch = new QNODE(pFront->pTreeNode->rchild, pFront->nLevel + 1); q.push(rch); } delete pFront; } // After the while loop is finished, the queue only contains next level elements. // So let's check the length of the queue. if(uMaxDepth < q.size()) { uMaxDepth = q.size(); } } return uMaxDepth; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 已知二叉樹的前序和中序,遞迴構造二叉樹 // ps, pe是preorder前序陣列的起始元素下標和結束元素下標 // is, ie是inorder中序陣列的起始元素下標和結束元素下標 BTNODE* BuildBinaryTree(int preorder[], int ps, int pe, int inorder[], int is, int ie) { if (ps > pe || is > ie) { return nullptr; } int nPreOrderLen = pe - ps + 1; int nInOrderLen = ie - is + 1; if (nPreOrderLen != nInOrderLen) { return nullptr; } BTNODE* root = new BTNODE(); root->val = preorder[ps]; if (nPreOrderLen == 1) { root->lchild = nullptr; root->rchild = nullptr; } else { // Search the root in inorder int r; for (r = is; r <= ie; ++r) { if(inorder[r] == preorder[ps]) { break; } } // if we cannot find root element in inorder, something wrong. if (r == ie && inorder[r] != preorder[ps]) { delete root; return nullptr; } if (r - is > 0) // have left subtree. { root->lchild = BuildBinaryTree(preorder, ps+1, ps+(r-is), inorder, is, r-1); } if (ie - r > 0) // have right subtree { root->rchild = BuildBinaryTree(preorder, ps+(r-is)+1, pe, inorder, r+1, ie); } } return root; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 遞迴後序遍歷二叉樹 void PostOrder(BTNODE* root) { if (root != nullptr) { PostOrder(root->lchild); PostOrder(root->rchild); printf("%d ", root->val); } } // 遞迴前序遍歷二叉樹 void PreOrder(BTNODE* root) { if(root != nullptr) { printf("%d ", root->val); PreOrder(root->lchild); PreOrder(root->rchild); } } // 非遞迴中序遍歷二叉樹 void NonRescursionInOrder(BTNODE* root) { if (root == nullptr) { return; } std::stack<BTNODE*> stkTreeNode; BTNODE* p = root; while (p != nullptr || !stkTreeNode.empty()) { if (p != nullptr) { stkTreeNode.push(p); p = p->lchild; } else { p = stkTreeNode.top(); stkTreeNode.pop(); printf("%d ", p->val); p = p->rchild; } } } // 非遞迴逆中序遍歷二叉樹 void NonRescursionReverseInOrder(BTNODE* root) { if (root == nullptr) { return; } std::stack<BTNODE*> stkNode; BTNODE* p = root; while (p != nullptr || !stkNode.empty()) { if (p != nullptr) { stkNode.push(p); p = p->rchild; } else { p = stkNode.top(); stkNode.pop(); printf("%d ", p->val); p = p->lchild; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 給定二叉搜尋樹,查詢第K大個數,注意是大,所以是逆中序訪問,修改非遞迴中序的訪問左右子樹的順序即可. void FindKthMax(BTNODE* root, int k) { if (root == nullptr) { return; } std::stack<BTNODE*> stkNode; BTNODE* p = root; int nVisited = 0; while (p != nullptr || !stkNode.empty()) { if (p != nullptr) { stkNode.push(p); p = p->rchild; } else { p = stkNode.top(); stkNode.pop(); if (++nVisited == k) { printf("We've got it, %dth maximum number is %d", k, p->val); break; } p = p->lchild; } } if (nVisited < k) { printf("Sorry, K overflowed."); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test #define countof(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]) void TreeTest() { int preorder[] = {11, 8, 3, 1, 4, 9, 17, 13, 12, 14, 19}; int inorder[] = {1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19}; BTNODE* root = BuildBinaryTree(preorder, 0, countof(preorder)-1, inorder, 0, countof(inorder)-1); printf("Pre order: "); PreOrder(root); printf("\r\n"); printf("Post order : "); PostOrder(root); printf("\r\n"); printf("In order : "); NonRescursionInOrder(root); printf("\r\n"); printf("Reverse in order : "); NonRescursionReverseInOrder(root); printf("\r\n"); FindKthMax(root, 5); printf("\r\n"); printf("tree max width is %d\r\n", GetBTreeMaxWidth(root)); BTNODE* head = BST2DLL(root); //正反向驗證雙鏈表 BTNODE* a = head; while (a != nullptr) { printf("%d ", a->val); a = a->rchild; } printf("\r\n"); a = head; while (a->rchild != NULL) { a = a->rchild; } while (a != nullptr) { printf("%d ", a->val); a = a->lchild; } printf("\r\n"); }