1. 程式人生 > >何凱文考研英語每日一句整理四


The other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-like ownership structure of the business. Except in the District of Columbia, non-lawyers may not own any share of a law firm.



  1. restrictive 限制性的
  2. guild-like ownership 行業協會式的所有制結構
  3. non-lawyers 非律師 non-teacher 非教師;不是律師的人; (有同學理解為了沒有律師,所有錯選了D,真的很可惜。)
  4. aggravate 加劇,惡化
  5. ethical situation 道德形勢
  6. law-firm shares 律所股份

Yet, thanks to cross-party alliances forged in the Lords, the Conservative and Labour leaders, and pro-Brexit MPs, will this week be obliged to justify why they think quitting or, in Labour’s case, not-quite-quitting, the single market, the most advantageous and profitable trading arrangement the UK has enjoyed, is a good idea.



  1. alliance 聯盟
  2. forge 形成,打造,鑄就
  3. be obliged to do sth 不得不
  4. justify 證明…是合理的
  5. advantageous 有利的
  6. profitable 賺錢的
  7. in one’s case 對…而言; 按照…而言
  8. pro-Brexit MPs 支援脫歐的議員
  9. the single market 單一市場(這裡指的就是歐盟)


Regulators worry that this novel fund-raising method is allowing people to ignore the rules that are supposed to protect investors. The financial authorities around the world have been promising to crack down on coin offerings, which rose out of nowhere last year to become a popular way for start-ups to raise tens of millions of dollars, sometimes in minutes.



  1. Regulators 監管者
  2. fund-raising method 資金募集手段
  3. ignore 忽視
  4. The financial authorities 金融監管部門
  5. crack down on (短語)制裁
  6. coin offerings 代幣發行
  7. rise out of nowhere 突然出現
  8. start-ups 創業企業

The current emphasis on standardized testing highlights analysis and procedure, meaning that few of us inherently use our innovative and collaborative modes of thought. “This breaks the major rule in the American belief system — that anyone can do anything,” explains M. J. Ryan. "That’s a lie that we have perpetuated, and it fosters commonness.”



  1. highlights 強調
  2. analysis分析
  3. procedure 程式化
  4. inherently 天生
  5. innovative and collaborative modes 創新和聯絡的模式
  6. perpetuate 一直維持
  7. commonness 平庸
  8. comply with 遵守
  9. foster 培養

While polls show Britons rate “the countryside” alongside the royal family, Shakespeare and the National Health Service (NHS)as what makes them proudest of their country, this has limited political support.



  1. poll 民調(民意調查)
  2. alongside …相比;和…一樣(對比的作用)
  3. NHS 英國國家醫療服務體系
  4. while 雖然
  5. Briton 英國人
  6. rate 評為,認為

Yet New York’s good fortune has brought with it two formidable challenges: the challenge of displacement, the product of a rental housing market that has long been starved of inventory, and of meeting the transit needs of a growing city.



  1. fortune 機會,運氣,運勢;鉅款,一大筆錢
  2. with it 隨之(作狀語,閱讀時,見到一般就刪除,完全不影響句子意思,翻譯的時候也不用翻譯)
    例句:This change brings with it the greater reward than financial success.
  3. formidable 令人恐懼的,令人害怕的= dreadful
  4. displacement 取代,替換,移位,免職
  5. transit 運輸,交通=transportation; 中轉
  6. inventory 庫存,清單
  7. be starve of sth 缺少…

But as we move away from the skinny goals of the mid-2000s and embrace different shapes and sizes, one group of campaigners has taken things a step too far. Fronted by plus-sized models and social media influencers, the fat acceptance movement aims to normalize obesity, letting everyone know that it’s fine to be fat.



  1. Move away from 遠離
  2. skinny goal 保持瘦的目標
  3. embrace 接受(本意是擁抱,但是考研英語中都是表示接受某個觀點。)
  4. campaigner 活動者
  5. taken things a step too far 更進一步,因為加了too ,所以表示過分了
  6. Fronted by;由…領導;
    例句:Fronted by a seasoned politician, the commission was viewed as a potential game-changer in the field.
  7. plus-sized models 大碼模特
  8. social media influencers 社交媒體上有影響力的人
  9. the fat acceptance movement 這是一個活動的名字
  10. aims to 目的是…
  11. normalize 使…成為正常;
  12. obesity 肥胖
  13. mid-2000s 本世紀前十年的中期(2005年左右)

Few would deny that parents and teachers should expose children to a wide range of toys and play activities. But what the Swedes are now doing in some of their classrooms goes far beyond encouraging children to experiment with different toys and play styles—they are requiring it. And toy companies who resist the gender neutrality mandate face official censure. Is this kind of social engineering worth it? Is it even ethical?



  1. expose 使暴露於;揭露
  2. go far beyond 遠遠超過
  3. resist 抵抗
  4. neutrality 中立
  5. mandate 命令;指令
  6. censure 責難
  7. ethical 道德的

But while growth is picking up, the global economy still looks vulnerable, the IMF said, especially amid the growing threat of protectionist measures that could cut economies off from global trading partners and risk triggering a trade war.



  1. Vulnerable 脆弱的
  2. Protectionist 保護主義的
  3. Trading partners 貿易伙伴
  4. Trigger 引發
  5. Trade war 貿易戰

Celebrities or idols have the strong presence in our daily lives: they appear in TV commercials, movies, interviews, magazine covers and recently, social media platforms. They exist far away from us and yet their influences are so close and immediate that we feel that they are talking to us in person through screens. Contrary to the common lament over “moral decline”, I believe that stars and celebrities can be the positive momentum to society. The excellent idols can set good examples with their good deeds and inspire our dreams with their achievements. They have the power to channel public attention to crucial issues and bring out energy that government agencies are impossible to catch up.



  1. Contrary to 與…相反
  2. lament 哀嘆
  3. moral decline 道德滑坡
  4. positive momentum 正能量
  5. good deeds 善行
  6. inspire our dreams 激勵我們的夢想
  7. channel public attention to 將公眾的注意力引向…
  8. bring out 產生
  9. catch up 趕上

Education in any society is a mirror of that society. In that mirror we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.


Although he had little else to offer patients besides the lifestyle remedies of the Greeks, melancholia was finally thought to be at least partly biological. In subsequent years, everything from herbal remedies to opium to music therapy to spinning stools designed to make people too dizzy to feel pain fell in and out of vogue.



  1. lifestyle 生活方式
  2. remedy 治療
  3. melancholia 憂鬱
  4. subsequent 接下來的
  5. herbal 草藥的
  6. opium 鴉片
  7. spinning stool 旋轉凳
  8. vogue 流行

So we steadily adjusted our conclusions. We ended up convinced that the national prospect is more promising than we’d felt before we started—full of possibilities that the bleak trench warfare of national politics inevitably obscures.



  1. steadily 穩定地;一直地
  2. adjust 調整
  3. conclusion 總結
  4. end up doing sth or end up in a particular state: 表示你雖然開始沒有意圖,但最終做了某事或達到了某種狀態
  5. prospect 前景
  6. promising 有希望的
  7. bleak 慘淡的bleak 慘淡的
  8. trench warfare 塹壕戰
  9. inevitably 不可避免地
  10. obscure 掩蓋;使……模糊不清

We need to explore the experience of deep emotional connection, belonging, compensation for shame and humiliation, and purpose and mission in life – the sense of finally living a life of glory and strength and power – that provides the emotional nutrients that generate a breeding ground for young men eager and energized to prove their manhood.



  1. belonging 歸屬感
  2. shame and humiliation 羞恥感
  3. purpose and mission 目標和使命
  4. glory 榮耀 The glory of kings (王者榮耀)
  5. the emotional nutrients 情感的養分

Although the Supreme Court of the United States had prohibited intentional racial discrimination in jury selection as early as the 1880 case of Strauder v. West Virginia, the practice of selecting so called elite or blue ribbon juries provided a convenient way around this and other antidiscrimination laws.

雖然早在1880年的西方Strauder v. West Virginia案例中,美國的最高法院就已經阻止在選舉陪審團時存在有意識的種族歧視,選舉中所謂的精英陪審團的慣例卻提供了一條方便之路,繞開了這種或者另外的反種族歧視法。(也就是說種族歧視在陪審團制度中依然存在!)

looming =potential (若隱若現) rural(鄉村的)
Lucrative(有錢,豐厚,利潤率高) dishonor(違背)
ditch (拋棄) precedent(前任,之前的)
Precedent testing 先驗測試
incentive (刺激因素) superstition(迷信)
dearth (缺乏) jury(陪審團)
skeptical (質疑) scrutiny(審查)
overstep (越界,侵害) lame(無效的)
lameness 無效性
contrast (找出不同點的對比) alleviate(減輕)
correlation (相關性) infancy(初始階段)

Republican leaders abruptly pulled their overhaul of the nation’s health-care system from the House floor on Friday, a dramatic defeat for President Trump and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan that leaves a major campaign promise unfulfilled and casts doubt on the Republican Party’s ability to govern.



  1. Abruptly 突然地;意外地
  2. Overhaul 大修;改革
  3. Dramatic 戲劇性的;重大的
  4. Unfulfilled 未兌現的;未實現的
  5. Cast doubt on 引起懷疑
  6. Govern 治理;執政
  7. campaign promise 競選承諾

Dual-language programs are one of the few exemptions allowed under a 15-year-old law that requires schools to teach all subjects to non-native speakers in English, regardless of whether they can speak the language.
Yet a growing body of research has shown that English language learners in dual-language programs tend to achieve at higher rates than those in segregated programs, such as when students are taught only in their native language or just in English, as is the case in Massachusetts.


But everybody knows Obama needs a liberal to stop the court from moving further to the right than it already has under John Roberts, the present chief justice, a man more stealth-bomber than aircraft-carrier, whose professions of judicial modesty during his own confirmation hearings in 2005 gave little inkling of the controversial decisions over which he has since presided.

約翰.羅伯茨是現任的首席大法官,他在2005年自己的就職確認聽證會表達了中庸的法學思想,萬萬沒想到,從那以後,他做出了一系列有爭議的決定,(所以)約翰.羅伯茨是隱形轟炸機而不是航空母艦,在他的領導下最高法院已經右傾了,每個人都知道, 奧巴馬需要一個自由派的法官來阻止法庭進一步的右傾。


  1. a liberal 自由派的(法官)(在不同的語境中可以是不同的自由派的人士)
  2. the court 最高法院
  3. moving further to the right 右傾
  4. under somebody 在某人得領導下
  5. stealth-bomber 隱形轟炸機
  6. aircraft-carrier 航空母艦
  7. profession 表達
  8. judicial modesty 中庸的法學思想
  9. confirmation hearings 就職確認聽證會
  10. A give little inkling of B A,萬萬沒想到還有B;
  11. controversial 爭議的
  12. preside over 主持

Tech nostalgia is an increasingly pronounced conceit, with the past swiftly turned into a commodity: obscure Nintendo 64 video games sell for big money, and dedicated YouTube channels allow fans to reminisce about 1990s hardware.



  1. nostalgia 懷舊
  2. pronounced 顯著的
  3. conceit 自負
  4. swiftly 快速地
  5. commodity 商品
  6. obscure 朦朧的;晦澀的;無名的
  7. reminisce 追憶
  8. Nintendo 任天堂

Supporters of the new super systems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and better coordinated service. Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks. But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat.

新的超級系統的支持者認為這些合併將會帶來(allow for)大幅的費用降低和更好的協調服務。他們認為任何由壟斷所帶來的威脅都被來自卡車的競爭給消除了。但是很多貨主卻抱怨道對於需要長途運輸的大宗商品,比如煤炭,化學品和糧食;有卡車運輸就太貴了。這樣一來鐵路就卡住了他們的脖子。(這裡是個比喻,表示這些貨主受制於鐵路行業)

Tight-lipped elders used to say, “It’s not what you want in this world, but what you get.”Psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want and want the right things.


No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation. “Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers?” Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner executives last week. “You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?” At Time Warner, however, such questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul-searching that has involved the company ever since the company was born in 1990. It’s a self-examination that has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bottom line.


Today no such severe lack exists as that ordered by Frederick. Nevertheless, some children are still backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly. If these sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for acquiring skills passes and they might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed.


Wouldn’t it be great if your smartphone could call your hairdresser and book an appointment? This past May, Google demonstrated software, called Duplex, that can do just that. But consider what it might be like to be on the other end of that conversation—to get a call from a computer sounding like a real human? That’s how good the next wave of AI is going to be, and it’s not just creepy; it’s dangerous. With software like Google’s Duplex, bad actors could use bots to impersonate not only people but people you know, such as a friend or family member.



  1. hairdresser 髮型師
  2. book appointment 預約;定位
  3. demonstrate 展示
  4. creepy 令人毛骨悚然的
  5. impersonate 扮演;模仿;擬人化

Men have a long history of fighting with one another for dominance, but why such duels did not leave tribal unity in tatters and warriors less capable of working together to fend off attacks from predators and hostile clans remains a mystery. One common theory is that men more readily make up after fierce physical conflicts than do women. And an experiment run recently at Harvard University, by Joyce Benenson and Richard Wrangham, and published in Current Biology, suggests this may be true.

人們為爭奪支配地位而相互爭鬥已經有很長的歷史了,但是為什麼這樣的決鬥並沒有讓部落的團結支離破碎,戰士們在一起對抗捕食者和敵對氏族的攻擊的能力更弱,這仍然是一個謎。一個普遍的理論是,男人比女人更容易在激烈的身體衝突後和好。最近在哈佛大學進行的一項實驗,由Joyce Benenson和Richard Wrangham發表在《當代生物學》上,表明這可能是真的。


  1. dominance 統治力
  2. duels 決鬥
  3. tribal unity 部落團結
  4. in tatters 衣衫襤褸(比喻為毀掉)
  5. warrior 勇士
  6. fend off 擊退
  7. predator 捕食者
  8. hostile clans 敵對氏族
  9. fierce physical conflicts 激烈的身體衝突
  10. make up 和解,彌補
  11. reconcile 和解

A ray of light normally travels in a straight line through empty space, but if the ray passes close by a massive object, the curve in space created by the star acts like a bend in the road, causing the light ray to veer away from its formerly straight path.



  1. Ray 光線
  2. Massive 巨大的
  3. Curve 曲線,曲面
  4. Bend 彎曲
  5. Veer away 偏離
  6. Path 路徑

Deliberate practice entails (needs) more than simply repeating a task. Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.


The modern society cannot function properly without trust, a faith that other people or organizations will act fairly and honor their promise. With trust, individuals can make decisions on future plan in expectation of other people’s deliverance, avoiding the upsetting of risks.
For the economy as a whole, the force of trust best shows itself in the form of credit. When there is widespread trust in the market, we see dropping transaction costs and increasing business volume, because companies can get the necessary financial support for expansion at low interest rate from the public.



  1. act fairly 公平行動
  2. honor their promise 遵守諾言
  3. deliverance 行為,行動
  4. In expectation of 期待,基於
  5. shows oneself 表現自己
  6. dropping transaction costs 交易費用下降
  7. increasing business volume 經濟體量上升

In his first extensive interview since his appointment, Hackett talked about his view of the technology and design necessary for the public to embrace self-driving cars, his passion for understanding how technology shapes the way people live and work and how he hopes to change Ford’s corporate culture.



  1. Extensive 廣闊的;全面的
  2. Appointment 任職
  3. Embrace 擁抱;信奉
  4. Passion 熱情
  5. Corporate culture 企業文化

Wilson and colleagues hope to prove their test, which will be more widely available this summer for about $2,400, can be an efficient and reliable solution for the sorts of medical mysteries that befuddle doctors, aggravate patients and can run up huge medical bills.



  1. Available 可獲得的
  2. Efficient 有效的
  3. Reliable 可靠的
  4. Mystery 祕密
  5. Befuddle 使困惑
  6. Aggravate 使惡化;激怒

The strike, like most #MeToo-era advocacy, reveals that those who’ve dealt with workplace misbehavior don’t desire vengeance so much as an acknowledgement of the harm that’s been wrought.



  1. advocacy 倡議
  2. misbehavior 行為不端
  3. vengeance 報復
  4. acknowledgement 認可,承認
  5. wrought (wreak的過去分詞)造成巨大的破壞或傷害
  6. Not A so much as B : 否定A,肯定B
  7. Rather than: 而不是

Technology giants in the United States offer some of the country’s most generous employee benefits, but the workers who mow the lawns or serve lunch in the company cafeteria — jobs that are often staffed by outside firms — tend to get far smaller packages. Microsoft announced a new policy Thursday that it hopes will shrink that gap, pledging it will ink contracts only with service providers who give their employees 12 weeks of paid family leave. Analysts say it’s a first for large American firms, which often outsource culinary, housekeeping and receptionist work to contractors that may not supply paid leave. The announcement comes as Washington state, where the company is based, prepares to introduce paid family leave for workers, the fifth state to do so.

技術巨頭們提供的一些員工福利是全美最慷慨的, 但那些在企業食堂備餐或修剪草坪的工人往往得到的福利小得多,這些工作通常是由外包公司來配備人員。微軟星期四宣佈了一項新政策, 希望能縮小這一差距;微軟承諾將只與為員工提供12周帶薪生育假的服務供應商簽約。分析人士說, 美國大企業中這是首例, 它們通常將烹飪、家政和前臺的工作外包給可能不提供帶薪假的服務商。這項政策釋出時,微軟總部所在的華盛頓州正準備引入針對職工的帶薪生育假, 成為第5個這麼做的州。


  1. mow the lawns 修剪草坪
  2. compel 促使
  3. paid family leave 帶薪的生育假

Yet the threats to freedom of immigration movement are more likely to come from the countries that benefit from it. The row over posted workers shows how mobility rights can run up against the EU’s impulse to “protect” citizens in rich countries from globalization’s ravages. Economic and technological changes are making working lives more precarious; in time, more governments may choose to pin the blame on free movement. One former senior EU official involved in previous rounds of accession talks says that an “emergency brake” rule allowing governments to halt labour inflows is inevitable.



  1. Immigration 移民,遷移
  2. Row 爭吵
  3. Posted worker 派遣工人
  4. Mobility 移動
  5. Impulse 衝動
  6. Ravages 摧殘,損害
  7. Accession 登記入冊,加入
  8. Inevitable 不可避免的

It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I love My Children, I Hate My Life,” is arousing much chatter – nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience.

毫無疑問, Jennifer Senior發表的一篇有見地的而且是有爭議性的雜誌封面文章:“我愛我的孩子,我恨我的生活”一定會引起人們的熱烈討論:“養孩子絕不是一種能令人滿足和豐富人生的體驗。”這樣的說法是最能引起人們談興的。


  1. provocative 有爭議性的,煽動性的
  2. chatter 討論,嘮叨
    the chattering classes 喋喋階級(貶)喋喋階級(受過教育 的人士,尤指學術界、藝術界或媒體人士,習慣於發表有關社會和文化的自由主義見解)
  3. life-enriching 豐富人生的
  4. fulfilling 滿足的
  5. anything less than 絕不是
    He is anything less than a good man.
  6. more often than not= often

A report consistently brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly, courteous, and helpful most Americans were to them. To be fair, this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American. There are, of course, exceptions. Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.



  1. courteous 文明
  2. ill-mannered 行為粗魯的
  3. small-minded 思維狹隘的
  4. deserve 配的上,值得,活該

In this world of change and complexity, the need for information is of greatest importance. Those people who have accurate, reliable up-to-date information to solve the day-to-day problems, the critical problems of their business, social and family life, will survive and succeed. “Knowledge is power” may well be the truest saying and access to information may be the most critical requirement of all people.


In America the science of biotic control has its obscure beginnings a century ago with the first attempts to introduce natural enemies of insects that were proving troublesome to farmers, an effort that sometimes moved slowly or not at all, but now and again gathered speed and momentum under the impetus of an outstanding success.

生物控制學一個世紀前在美國就已經隱約出現了。( 當時,) 一些昆蟲給農民帶來了麻煩,(有人)首次試圖引入這些昆蟲的天敵, 該項工作有時進展緩慢甚至停滯不前,但有時在一項突出的成就的促使下,它又加速發展,突飛猛進。


  1. the science of biotic control 生物控制學
  2. obscure 隱隱約約的
  3. now and again 有時(這個短語很重要哦!)
  4. momentum 力量
  5. impetus 刺激
  6. prominent 傑出的
  7. propel 促進

To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behavior arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms.



  1. filter out…from…從…中過濾出…
  2. arose 出現
  3. in…terms 就…角度而言
  4. evolutionary or cognitive 進化和認知

But the newspaper industry never seems to get around to noticing the cultural and class biases that so many former buyers are complaining about. If it did, it would open up its diversity program, now focused narrowly on race and gender, and look for reporters who differ broadly by outlook, values, education, and class.



  1. race and gender 種族和性別
  2. get around to noticing 注意到
  3. annoying 令人討厭的
  4. likeliness 可能性=likelihood=possibility
  5. owing to 因為
  6. prejudice 歧視=bias
  7. in matters of 就什麼而言
  8. narrowly 僅僅,只是

This is a case where the collective interest of the nation’s health overrides the rights of individual companies to sell whatever they want to whomever they want. Manufacturers of processed foods increasingly resemble the tobacco lobby–reluctant to admit that their product is poisonous, insistent that consumer choice is paramount. The analogy is strengthened by neurological research suggesting the extreme compulsion to keep eating sugary, fatty, salty food amounts to a kind of addiction.



  1. This is a case where…這個情況體現了…
  2. override 比…更重要;凌駕
    Considerations of safety override all other concerns. 對安全的考慮高於一切。

Imitation can get a bad reputation, but researchers say our species’ drive to imitate so readily is a significant mechanism through which we learn social norms, integrate into society, and build social connection. And, they say, this level of imitation might be what sets us apart from other species and may have set us on the path to building an advanced society.



  1. Imitation 模仿
  2. Reputation 名聲
  3. Mechanism 機制
  4. Integrate 融入

It’s a rough world out there. Step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat. Light up the stove and you could burn down the house. Luckily, if the doormat or stove failed to warn of coming disaster, a successful lawsuit might compensate you for your troubles. Or so the thinking has gone since the early 1980s, when juries began holding more companies liable for their customers’ misfortunes.

外面的世界很殘酷。一出門,你可能在門墊上滑倒,摔斷了腿。一給爐子生火,你可能會把房子給燒了。幸運的是,如果門墊或者火爐沒有警告即將到來的災難,一場成功的訴訟可能會對你的麻煩做出賠償。從1980年代以來人們的想法就是這樣的了!那時候陪審團開始認為(holding)更多的公司應該為他們消費者的不幸負責(liable for)。

There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-known television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. He was drawing excessively fine distinctions. Of course advertising seeks to persuade.If its message were confined merely to information — and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve, for even a detail such as the choice of the colour of a shirt is subtly persuasive — advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention. But perhaps that is what the well-known television personality wants.



  1. persuade 誘導,說服
  2. inform 提供資訊
  3. distinction 區分
  4. subtly 微妙的

The increase in numbers of married women employed outside the home in the twentieth century had less to do with the mechanization of house work and an increase in leisure time for these women than it did with their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire.



  1. have less / more to do with… 與…有關(表示原因)
  2. Economic necessity 經濟需求
  3. pool of single women workers 單身女工的資源
  4. high marriage rates 高結婚率

A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide — the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. And that divide does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide. There are reasons to be optimistic.



  1. looming danger 若隱若現的危險
  2. work against 對抗= guard against對抗
  3. digital divide 數字鴻溝
  4. less visible 不明顯

Although Evans says he’s leaving simply because he’s run out of professional mountains to climb, cynics may wonder if the mountain of cash on offer at Virgin might have something to do with it.

雖然埃文斯說, 他離開只是因為職業上已經“無高可攀”但是懷疑者們可能會懷疑,(他的離職)或許和維京報出的“高”價關係不小。


  1. professional 職業的
  2. cynics 憤世嫉俗者
  3. on offer 報價;在售中
  4. Virgin這裡指挖Evans的維京音樂電臺

The devices used by the laboratories, known as DNAsequencers, have greatly accelerated biomedical research and discovery,allowing scientists to pinpoint mutations and devise treatments tailored to the genetic characteristics of individual patients. Such tests and treatments,developed in research laboratories, are quickly moving into the practice of medicine.



  1. DNA sequencers DNA測序儀
  2. pinpoint mutations 定位突變
  3. tailor 調整,針對

Blame for the demise of pubs tends to focus on the 2007 smoking ban, impossible business rates and beer duty, the ocean of cheap alcohol sold by the big supermarkets, and younger people’s dwindling interest in alcoholic drink and its associated rituals.



  1. demise死亡,衰敗
  2. beer duty啤酒稅
  3. dwindle減少
  4. associated相關聯的
  5. ritual儀式

One reason for the complexity is that airlines were early adopters of computerized systems. They built their first electronic reservation systems in the early 1950s; Delta’s current system once belonged to a defunct airline that went bust in 1982. But as airlines merged and more new functions were added—from crew scheduling to passenger check-in and bag tracing— they have come to resemble technological hairballs in which one small problem quickly spirals into bigger ones that even experts struggle to disentangle.


This chasm disproportionately dictates outcomes. While some mobility remains within the middle rungs, the top and bottom 10 percent are the most likely to end up where they’re born.
In America, elite education is the gateway to elite professions. Well over half of Ivy League graduates enter the preserves of the highly educated: finance, management consulting, medicine or law.



  1. chasm 裂痕
  2. dictate 支配,左右
  3. disproportionately 不成比例地(這就是一個貶義詞,通常表示不好的結果)
  4. the middle rungs 中間階層
  5. Management consulting 管理諮詢行業
  6. the preserves專屬的
  7. end up 以…為結束

Yet the BBC will have to change, because the broadcasting world around it is changing. The commercial TV channels — ITV and Channel 4 — were required by the Thatcher Government’s Broadcasting Act to become more commercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs and jobs. But it is the arrival of new satellite channels — funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers’ subscriptions — which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.

Some crowdfunding campaigns have been astoundingly successful: they’ve raised millions of dollars to fund basic research and clinical trials that have likely saved children’s lives. Donations can, however, only carry a therapy so far before a pharmaceutical company must grab the baton—an outcome that’s not guaranteed. And such therapies may not be able to turn back the clock on damage that’s already done, making cinematic happy endings to these stories unlikely. Still, participation in trials gives families some hope of a longer and healthier future for their children.



  1. crowdfunding 眾籌
  2. astoundingly 令人驚訝地
  3. clinical trials 臨床試驗
  4. therapy 治療方案
  5. cinematic happy endings 戲劇性的美麗結局
  6. Still 然而(這個詞是關鍵)
  7. pharmaceutical company 製藥公司
  8. guaranteed 保障
  9. grab the baton 接過接力棒

Royal Bank of Scotland’s gambit to sidestep having to sell its Williams & Glyn business is under threat as smaller lenders mount a challenge, arguing that it does not go far enough to address competition concerns.



  1. Gambit 策略
  2. Sidestep 避免
  3. Under threat 愛到威脅
  4. Mount 發起;提出
  5. Concerns 問題

I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life,” and making the alternative move into “downshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. Nothing could persuade me to return to the kind of life Kelsey used to advocate and I once enjoyed: 12-hour working days, pressured deadlines, the fearful strain of office politics and the limitations of being a parent on “quality time”.



  1. much-publicized:公開的,引人注目的
  2. Resignation:辭職
  3. Build-up: 集結的,巨大的(寫作詞彙)
  4. Doctrine:信條
  5. Downshifting:降檔,這裡根據語境應靈活翻譯為悠閒,閒適。

Remember the last time you were scrolling through an email and saw phrases like “Reattached for your convenience”, “sorry for the double email” or “please advise”? You’re not alone if you felt enraged by reading them. In fact, the nine most loathed phrases in emails all had one thing in common: passive aggression.



  1. scroll through 滾動
  2. for your convenience 為您方便起見
  3. enrage 激怒
  4. loathe 厭惡
  5. aggression 攻擊;侵略

Managers don’t need an academic study to recognize that launches take a toll on many parts of a company, from design and development to manufacturing and marketing. Firms that launch many new products incur high costs, which may hurt stock returns.



  1. launch 新品釋出
  2. incur 導致(這個詞你必須知道哈!)
  3. hurt stock returns 損害股票收益