1. 程式人生 > >形變立體跟蹤-基於稠密運動估計和力學模擬(1)


參考文獻:Real-time target tracking of soft tissues in 3D ultrasound images based on robust visual information and mechanical simulation

期刊水平:MIA, medical imaging analysis


1. Introduction

Soft-tissue motion tracking is an active research area that consists in

providing accurate evaluation about the location of anatomical structures. To do so, ultrasound imaging is often used since it is non-invasive, real-time and portable. Thus, several
ultrasound tracking approaches have been developed in order to estimate soft tissue displacements that are caused by physiological motions and manipulations by medical tools.
These methods have gained significant interest for image-guided therapies such as radio-frequency ablation (RFA)  or high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) (Pernot et al., 2004) that consist in eliminating tumors by delivering a local treatment on a targeted anatomical region. However, these tracking techniques remain sensitive to different ultrasound imaging shortcomings such as large ultrasound shadows, gain change and speckle noise
. In this paper, we propose a novel tracking approach to tackle these limitations. Our method combines an intensity-based approach with a mechanical regularization(機械正規化). We also propose an ultrasound-specific similarity criterion that has the advantage to be computationally efficient and robust to gain changes introduced by ultrasound imaging.


RFA參考文獻:Higgins H, Berger D L. RFA for Liver Tumors: Does It Really Work?[J]. Oncologist, 2006, 11(7): 801-808.

HIFU參考文獻:Pernot, M., Tanter, M., Fink, M., 2004. 3-D real-time motion correction in high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound Med. Biol. 30 (9), 1239–1249.

2. Related work

2.1 基於特徵的跟蹤

基於表面和生物力學的匹配跟蹤:Papademetris X, Sinusas A J, Dione D, et al. Estimation of 3-D left ventricular deformation from medical images using biomechanical models[J]. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2002, 21(7): 786-800.

基於關鍵點的匹配跟蹤(SIFT):Schneider R J, Perrin D P, Vasilyev N V, et al. Real-time image-based rigid registration of three-dimensional ultrasound[J]. Medical Image Analysis, 2012, 16(2): 402-414.


Angelova D S, Mihaylova L. Contour segmentation in 2D ultrasound medical images with particle filtering[J]. machine vision applications, 2011, 22(3): 551-561.

Rothlubbers, S., Schwaab, J., Jenne, J., Gunther, M., 2014. MICCAI CLUST 2014-Bayesian real-time liver feature ultrasound tracking. In: Proceedings of MICCAI Workshop on Challenge on Liver Ultrasound Tracking, p. 45

Zhang X, Gunther M, Bongers A, et al. Real-time organ tracking in ultrasound imaging using active contours and conditional density propagation[C]. international conference on medical imaging and augmented reality, 2010: 286-294.


2.2 基於強度的損失函式優化

誤差平方和 Sum of Squared Difference, SSD:

Lubke, D., Grozea, C., 2014. High performance online motion tracking in abdominal ultrasound imaging. In: Proceedings of MICCAI Workshop on Challenge on Liver Ultrasound Tracking, p. 29

Royer, L., Marchal, M., Le Bras, A., Dardenne, G., Krupa, A., 2015. Real-time tracking of deformable target in 3d ultrasound images. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Yeung F, Levinson S F, Fu D, et al. Feature-adaptive motion tracking of ultrasound image sequences using a deformable mesh[J]. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 1998, 17(6): 945-956.

絕對誤差和 Sum of Absolute Difference, SAD:

Touil B, Basarab A, Delachartre P, et al. Analysis of motion tracking in echocardiographic image sequences: Influence of system geometry and point-spread function[J]. Ultrasonics, 2010, 50(3):373-386.

交叉相關 Cross-Correlation, CC:

Basarab A, Liebgott H, Morestin F, et al. A method for vector displacement estimation with ultrasound imaging and its application for thyroid nodular disease[J]. Medical Image Analysis, 2008, 12(3):259-274.

De L V, Tschannen M, Székely G, et al. A Learning-Based Approach for Fast and Robust Vessel Tracking in Long Ultrasound Sequences[M]// Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2013. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013:518-25.


2.3 特異性的超聲相似性測度

Baumann M, Mozer P, Daanen V, et al. Prostate biopsy tracking with deformation estimation[J]. Medical Image Analysis, 2012, 16(3):562-576. 提出了一種基於相關性的距離測度,這種測度還能夠處理區域性強度偏差(當超聲束角度發生偏差就會出現灰度偏差)

Cohen B, Dinstein I. New maximum likelihood motion estimation schemes for noisy ultrasound images ☆[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2002, 35(2):455-463. 設計了新的相似度測度,該設計的靈感來源於超聲的斑點噪聲近似瑞利分佈,所以對於超聲斑點噪聲汙染嚴重的情況非常有用,但是對聲影沒有用。

Elen A, Choi H F, Loeckx D, et al. Three-dimensional cardiac strain estimation using spatio-temporal elastic registration of ultrasound images: a feasibility study[J]. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2008, 27(11):1580-1591. 建議採用互資訊作為相似性測度,這樣可以抵抗增益變化的影響,但是互資訊計算量太大了。

Masum M A, Pickering M, Lambert A, et al. Accuracy assessment of Tri-plane B-mode ultrasound for non-invasive 3D kinematic analysis of knee joints[J]. Biomedical Engineering Online, 2014, 13(1):122. 建議使用條件方差和,雖然條件方差和可以降低對增益變化的敏感度,但是對於聲影,條件方差和仍然束手無措。

2.4 Warping Model-變形模型

變形模型主要在於變形函式的設計。目前研究比較透得是平移變形函式 和 彷射變形函式; 研究的比較深的還是形變模型。


Veronesi F, Corsi C, Caiani E G, et al. Nearly automated left ventricular long axis tracking on real time three-dimensional echocardiographic data[C]// Computers in Cardiology. IEEE, 2006:5-8.


Wein, W., Cheng, J.-Z., Khamene, A., 2008. Ultrasound based respiratory motion compensation in the abdomen. In: Proceedings of MICCAI Worshop on Image Guidance and Computer Assistance for Soft tissue Interventions, 32, p. 294.



Basarab A, Liebgott H, Morestin F, et al. A method for vector displacement estimation with ultrasound imaging and its application for thyroid nodular disease[J]. Medical Image Analysis, 2008, 12(3):259-274.

De L V, Tschannen M, Székely G, et al. A Learning-Based Approach for Fast and Robust Vessel Tracking in Long Ultrasound Sequences[M]// Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2013. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013:518-25.

Touil B, Basarab A, Delachartre P, et al. Analysis of motion tracking in echocardiographic image sequences: Influence of system geometry and point-spread function[J]. Ultrasonics, 2010, 50(3):373-386.




分段彷射模型:Royer, L., Marchal, M., Le Bras, A., Dardenne, G., Krupa, A., 2015. Real-time tracking
of deformable target in 3d ultrasound images. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

薄板樣條模型:Lee, D., Krupa, A., 2011. Intensity-based visual servoing for non-rigid motion compensation of soft tissue structures due to physiological motion using 4d ultrasound. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 2831–2836.

自由形變:Heyde, B., Claus, P., Jasaityte, R., Barbosa, D., Bouchez, S., Vandenheuvel, M., Wouters, P., Maes, F., Hooge, J.D., 2012. Motion and deformation estimation of cardiac ultrasound sequences using an anatomical B-spline transformation model. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp. 266–269.


時間-空間約束:Somphone, O., Allaire, S., Mory, B., Dufour, C., 2014. Live feature tracking in ultrasound liver sequences with sparse demons. In: Proceedings of MICCAI Workshop on Challenge on Liver Ultrasound Tracking, p. 53.、

由粗到精的優化策略:Mukherjee, R., Sprouse, C., Abraham, T., Hoffmann, B., McVeigh, E., Yuh, D., Burlina, P., 2011. Myocardial motion computation in 4d ultrasound. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. IEEE, pp. 1070–1073.

2.5 形變模型拓展研究


Ledesma-Carbayo, M.J., Kybic, J., Desco, M., Santos, A., Unser, M., 2001. Cardiac motion analysis from ultrasound sequences using non-rigid registration. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. Springer, pp. 889–896.


Metz, C., Klein, S., Schaap, M., van Walsum, T., Niessen, W., 2011. Nonrigid registration of dynamic medical imaging data using nD+t B-splines and a groupwise optimization approach. Med. Image Anal. 15 (2), 238–249.

Vijayan, S., Klein, S., Hofstad, E.F., Lindseth, F., Ystgaard, B., Lango, T., 2013. Validation of a non-rigid registration method for motion compensation in 4d ultrasound of the liver. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp. 792–795.


Heyde, B., Claus, P., Jasaityte, R., Barbosa, D., Bouchez, S., Vandenheuvel, M., Wouters, P., Maes, F., Hooge, J.D., 2012. Motion and deformation estimation of cardiac ultrasound sequences using an anatomical B-spline transformation model. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp. 266–269.


Banerjee, J., Klink, C., Peters, E.D., Niessen, W.J., Moelker, A., van Walsum, T., 2015. Fast and robust 3d ultrasound registration block and game theoretic matching. Med. Image Anal. 20 (1), 173–183.

2.6 基於力學模型


Loosvelt, M., Villard, P.-F., Berger, M.-O., 2014. Using a biomechanical model for tongue tracking in ultrasound images. In: Proceedings of IEEE Symp. on Biomedical Simulation. Springer, pp. 67–75.

Marami, B., Sirouspour, S., Fenster, A., W. Capson, D., 2014. Dynamic tracking of a deformable tissue based on 3d-2d MR-US image registration. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging.


為了解決這個問題,Yipeng Hu, Carter, T.J., Ahmed, H.U., Emberton, M., Allen, C., Hawkes, D.J., Barratt, D.C., 2011. Modelling prostate motion for data fusion during image-guided interventions. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 30 (11), 1887–1900.採用生物建模解決3D跟蹤問題 (前列腺很簡單,所以簡單建模是可以的)。





參考文獻:Real-time target tracking of soft tissues in 3D ultrasound images based on robust visual information and mechanical simulation 期刊水平:


參考文獻:Real-time target tracking of soft tissues in 3D ultrasound images based on robust visual information and mechanical simulation 期刊水平:

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