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Painting Fence[分治]

思路:貪心加分治,首先對於一些[l, r]序號區間內的板子,豎著刷為(r-l+1)花費,橫著刷的話肯定要先刷到最小的長度的那個,然後分成左右兩半,然後分治重複遞迴。

#include<queue> #include<vector> #include<cstdlib> #include<list> #include<stack> #include<cmath> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") typedef long long LL; void debug() {cout << "ok running!" << endl;} int
n, a[5005]; int solve(int l, int r) { if(l == r) return a[l]!=0; if(l > r) return 0; //cout << l << " " << r << endl; int m = 0x3f3f3f3f, pos = -1; int res = (r-l+1); for(int i = l; i <= r; ++i) { if(a[i] < m) { m = a[i]; pos = i; } } for
(int i = l; i <= r; ++i) a[i] -= m; return min(res, solve(l, pos-1) + solve(pos+1, r) + m); } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE //freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); #endif // ONLINE_JUDGE while(cin >> n) { for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cin >> a[i]; } int ans = solve(0, n-1); cout << ans << endl; } return 0; }


Painting Fence[分治]

**題意:**n個寬度為1,高度為ai的板子,橫豎一筆刷漆,問最小需要多少筆刷完。 思路:貪心加分治,首先對於一些[l, r]序號區間內的板子,豎著刷為(r-l+1)花費,橫著刷的話肯定要先刷到最小的

Codeforces 448C Painting Fence分治

get ret define fin 所有 技術 tdi 如何 這一 題目鏈接:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/448/C 題意:   有n個木板豎著插成一排柵欄,第i塊木板高度為a[i]。   你現在要將柵欄上所有地

C - Painting Fence分治

題意:給出寬為1高為Ai的木板n條,排成一排,每次上色只能是連續的橫或豎並且寬度為1,問最少刷多少次可以使這些木板都上上色 分析:刷的第一步要麼是所有的都豎著塗完,要麼是先橫著把最矮的塗完,如果是第一種,那麼ans等於n,如果是第二種,那麼ans=最矮的高度+被刷掉最矮的後,新的幾段不連續木板最小上色次數,

#256 (Div. 2)C. Painting Fence

using paint its fence int () scanf 我們 include 題意:給出籬笆的高度,寬度都是1,我們用寬度為1的刷子刷,只能橫著或者豎著刷,連續的,問最少多少次全刷完 思路:我們可以全部豎著刷,N次,然後我們如果橫著的話就是連續的非0數列中最短

Codeforces 448C. Painting Fence

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[Codeforces 448C]Painting Fence

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Codeforces 448C Painting Fence(分治法)

劃分 .com 規劃 == sum tps codeforce nbsp 長度 題目鏈接:http://codeforces.com/contest/448/problem/C 題目大意:n個1* a [ i ] 的木板,把他們立起來,變成每個木板寬為1長為 a [ i

Codeforces 448C:Painting Fence 刷柵欄 超級好玩的一道題目

Note In the first sample you need to paint the fence in three strokes with the brush: the first stroke goes on height 1 horizontally along all the plank

Painting Fence

getch using show 文件 new blank har pan 註意   傳送門 Descriptionzed 最近總是受到 Farmer 的困擾,因此他在自家的門前插了一排柵欄以防農氣的入侵。柵欄由 N 個豎條柵欄橫向組成,每個豎條柵欄寬度為 1。過了一段時

【題解】Painting Fence

tin get line color template clas code temp endif 【題解】Painting Fence 分治模板。貪心加分治。直接\(O(n^2logn)\)分治過去。考慮一塊聯通的柱形是子問題的,是遞歸的,貪心分治就可。記得對\(r-l+1

洛谷 P2205 [USACO13JAN]畫柵欄Painting the Fence

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SPOJ:House Fence分治&DP)

day 一個 prev 現在 wan stroke AS make ica "Holiday is coming, holiday is coming, hurray hurray!" shouts Joke in the last day of his college.

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題目描述 Farmer John has devised a brilliant method to paint the long fence next to his barn (think of the fence as a one-dimensional number line). He

[USACO13JAN]畫柵欄Painting the Fence 洛谷p2205

題目描述 Farmer John has devised a brilliant method to paint the long fence next to his barn (think of the fence as a one-dimensional number

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There is a beautiful fence near Monocarp's house. The fence consists of nn planks numbered from left to right. The ii-th plank has colo

CodeForces-1132C Painting the Fence

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【Codeforces 1132C】Painting the Fence

def 覆蓋 前綴 連續 前綴和 每一個 順序 第一個 輸出 Codeforces 1132 C 題意:給一些區間\([l_i,r_i]\),從中刪掉兩個,求剩下的區間最多能夠覆蓋的格子數量。 思路:首先枚舉第一個刪掉的區間,然後我們可以通過差分來求出每個格子被多少個區間覆

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ostream stdout ++i rand() oid fclose cnblogs clu 快排 說到快拍,大家都會首先想到sort函數這個神奇的東西 但是,我們總得知道快拍主要用的分治思想 所以就說一說快拍吧 首先是分類 快拍主要有三種方式: 一、以第一個數為基準排