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Amazon EFS Update – On-Premises Access via Direct Connect

Today we are making EFS even more useful with the introduction of simple and reliable on-premises access via AWS Direct Connect. This has been a much-requested feature and I know that it will be useful for migration, cloudbursting, and backup. To use this feature for migration, you simply attach an EFS file system to your on-premises servers, copy your data to it, and then process it in the cloud as desired, leaving your data in AWS for the long term.  For cloudbursting, you would copy on-premises data to an EFS file system, analyze it at high speed using a fleet of

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, and then copy the results back on-premises or visualize them in Amazon QuickSight.

You’ll get the same file system access semantics including strong consistency and file locking, whether you access your EFS file systems from your on-premises servers or from your EC2 instances (of course, you can do both concurrently). You will also be able to enjoy the same multi-AZ availability and durability that is part-and-parcel of EFS.

In order to take advantage of this new feature, you will need to use Direct Connect to set up a dedicated network connection between your on-premises data center and an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. Then you need to make sure that your filesystems have mount targets in subnets that are reachable via the Direct Connect


You also need to add a rule to the mount target’s security group in order to allow inbound TCP and UDP traffic to port 2049 (NFS) from your on-premises servers:

After you create the file system, you can reference the mount targets by their IP addresses, NFS-mount them on-premises, and start copying files. The IP addresses are available from within the AWS Management Console:

The Management Console also provides you with access to step-by-step directions! Simply click on the On-premises mount instructions:

And follow along:

This feature is available today at no extra charge in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and US East (Ohio) Regions.



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Amazon EFS價格_亞馬遜雲中設定和擴充套件檔案儲存

每月計費的儲存量按照全月內使用的平均儲存空間計算。您的儲存用量以“GB/月”為單位進行衡量,月底合計該值,得出您的月度費用。 每月計費的吞吐量按照該月的平均預置吞吐量計算。您的吞吐量以“MB/s/月”為單位進行衡量,月底合計該值,得出您的月度費用。

Amazon EFS常見問題_亞馬遜雲中設定和擴充套件檔案儲存

問: 什麼是預置吞吐量?應在何時使用? 預置吞吐量使 Amazon EFS 客戶能夠預置檔案系統的吞吐量(無需考慮儲存的資料量),從而優化檔案系統的吞吐效能,以滿足應用程式的需求。 Amazon EFS 預置吞吐量適用於吞吐量 (MB/