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Here and Amazon EFS

Adopting Amazon EFS has eliminated timeout issues. “Prior to using Amazon EFS, we were experiencing timeouts for 5–10 percent of uploads over 100 MB,” says Prem. “Now, we have zero timeouts, which is a huge win. Production deployments depend on the data stored in Artifactory, so it needs to work as expected every time.”

In fact, the solution is faster than ever, according to HERE’s own benchmarks. The speed of transferring a 1 GB file from a cloud-based build server to Artifactory has increased by 38 percent since adopting Amazon EFS. For similar uploads from on-premises tools, speeds have increased by 33 percent. Features such as

AWS Direct Connect and Amazon VPC peering optimize connectivity for faster performance.

With a centralized binary-artifact repository in the AWS Cloud, HERE developers can collaborate effectively and get new innovations to market faster. “Artifactory and Amazon EFS enable us to support a wide range of use cases globally,” says Chitti. “It doesn’t matter if we build in Europe and test in the United States, or which build tools or formats we use—all our build artifacts are in one place, from infrastructure-as-code components to Docker images.”

The elasticity of Amazon EFS has helped HERE reduce total cost of ownership compared to managing its own NFS servers and storage. “Using Amazon EFS, we don’t have to spend time or money overprovisioning to meet growing demand,” says Prem. “We use exactly as much as we need, and we only pay for what we use.”

The company has also implemented disaster recovery by replicating its environment in another AWS region. In case of a regional disaster, the company can simply change the DNS and be up and running again.

HERE uses Amazon EFS to store 1.2 million artifacts in more than 300 repositories, adding up to more than 20 TB. The system serves 750,000 downloads and 50,000 uploads each day from more than 1,000 users and continuous-integration systems. “Because of our success with AWS so far, we are planning to move all feasible DevOps tools in that direction,” says Sivaraman. In the rapidly evolving world of digital location data, AWS is helping HERE get to its strategic destinations faster than ever.


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