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Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

Duolingo is the free, science-based, language education platform that has organically become the most popular way to learn languages online. With over 200 million users and seven billion language exercises completed each month, the company's mission is to make education free, fun, and accessible to all. "Amazon ElastiCache has played an absolutely critical part in our infrastructure from the beginning," said Max Blaze, Staff Operations Engineer at Duolingo. "As we have grown, we have pushed the limits of what is possible with single-shard clusters. ElastiCache for Redis online resharding will allow us to easily scale our Redis clusters horizontally as we grow, greatly simplifying the management of our many Redis clusters, empowering us to scale quickly while also reducing cost across our caching layers, and continue to grow with minimal changes to our current services.


Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

Duolingo is the free, science-based, language education platform that has organically become the most popular way to learn languages online

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis FAQs

Q: What is Amazon ElastiCache for Redis? Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is a web service that makes it easy to deploy and run Redis pr

Speeding up WordPress with Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached

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Amazon ElastiCache: Utilizing Redis Geospatial Capabilities

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Automating SQL Caching for Amazon ElastiCache and Amazon RDS

Our guest bloggers are from Heimdall Data, an AWS partner that offers “DBA assistant” tools (you can find them in the AWS Marketplace). These tool

新品釋出 – Amazon ElastiCache Redis 5.0 相容版

今年早些時候,我們推出了 Amazon ElastiCache 的 Redis 4.0 相容版。在當時釋出的博文中,Randall 說明了 ElastiCache for Redis 叢集如何擴充套件到 TB 級記憶體以及每秒數百萬次讀取和寫入! 最近,我們對 Amazon ElastiCa

Linux系統使用-CentOS7 for Redis

vmware init 如果 虛擬 遠程連接 入門 art vt-x 想要 Redis系列(一):CentOS系統安裝與環境配置 1.為什麽使用虛擬機和CentOS 最近Redis比較 熱門而且易於使用 而 Redisd對window支持並不好。 引用官方說明:http:/

Spring Cache For Redis

我們 cli 序列化存儲 simple 但是 內存 散列 partial factory 一、概述 緩存(Caching)可以存儲經常會用到的信息,這樣每次需要的時候,這些信息都是立即可用的。 常用的緩存數據庫: Redis 使用內存存儲(in

Redis伺服器設定密碼後,使用service redis stop 會出現以下資訊:Waiting for Redis to shutdown ...

Redis伺服器設定密碼後,使用service redis stop 會出現以下資訊:   service redis stop Stopping ... OK (error) NOAUTH

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Amazon ElastiCache

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Amazon ElastiCache Pricing

With Reserved Nodes, you can make a low, one-time, up-front payment for each node you wish to reserve for a 1 or 3 year term. In return, you recei