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Amazon ElastiCache for Redis FAQs

Q: What is Amazon ElastiCache for Redis?

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is a web service that makes it easy to deploy and run Redis protocol-compliant server nodes in the cloud. The service enables the management, monitoring and operation of a Redis node; creation, deletion and modification of the node can be carried out through the ElastiCache console, the command line interface or the web service APIs. Amazon ElastiCache for Redis supports Redis Master / Slave replication.

Q: Is Amazon ElastiCache for Redis protocol-compliant with open source Redis?

Yes, Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is protocol-compliant with open source Redis. Code, applications, drivers and tools a customer uses today with their existing standalone Redis data store will continue to work with ElastiCache for Redis and no code changes will be required for existing Redis deployments migrating to ElastiCache for Redis unless noted. We currently support Redis 5.0.0, 4.0.10, 3.2.10, 3.2.6, 3.2.4, 2.8.24, 2.8.23, 2.8.22, 2.8.21, 2.8.19, 2.8.6, and 2.6.13.

Q: How much does Amazon ElastiCache for Redis cost?

Please see our pricing page for current pricing information.

Q: What are Amazon ElastiCache for Redis nodes, clusters, and replications groups?

An ElastiCache for Redis node is the smallest building block of an Amazon ElastiCache for Redis deployment. Each ElastiCache for Redis node supports the Redis protocol and has its own DNS name and port. Multiple types of ElastiCache for Redis nodes are supported, each with varying amount of CPU capability, and associated memory. An ElastiCache for Redis node may take on a primary or a read replica role. A primary node can be replicated to multiple read replica nodes. An ElastiCache for Redis cluster is a collection of one or more ElastiCache for Redis nodes of the same role; the primary node will be in the primary cluster and the read replica node will be in a read replica cluster. At this time a cluster can only have one node. In the future, we will increase this limit. A cluster manages a logical key space, where each node is responsible for a part of the key space. Most of your management operations will be performed at the cluster level. An ElastiCache for Redis replication group encapsulates the primary and read replica clusters for a Redis installation. A replication group will have only one primary cluster and zero or many read replica clusters. All nodes within a replication group (and consequently cluster) will be of the same node type, and have the same parameter and security group settings.

Q: Does Amazon ElastiCache for Redis support Redis persistence?

Yes, you can achieve persistence by snapshotting your Redis data using the Backup and Restore feature. Please see here for details.

Q: How can I migrate from Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis and vice versa?

We currently do not support automatically migrating from Memcached to Redis or vice versa. You may, however, use a Memcached client to read from a Memcached cluster and use a Redis client to write to a Redis cluster. Similarly, you may read from a Redis cluster using a Redis client and use a Memcached client to write to a Memcached cluster. Make sure to consider the differences in data format, and cluster configuration between the two engines.

Q: Does Amazon ElastiCache for Redis support Multi-AZ operation?

Yes, with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis you can create a read replica in another AWS Availability Zone. Upon a failure of the primary node, we will provision a new primary node. In scenarios where the primary node cannot be provisioned, you can decide which read replica to promote to be the new primary. For more details on how to handle node failures see here.

Q: What options does Amazon ElastiCache for Redis provide for node failures?

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis will repair the node by acquiring new service resources, and will then redirect the node's existing DNS name to point to the new service resources. Thus, the DNS name for a Redis node remains constant, but the IP address of a Redis node can change over time. If you have a replication group with one or more read replicas and Multi-AZ is enabled, then in case of primary node failure ElastiCache will automatically detect the failure, select a replica and promote it to become the new primary. It will also propagate the DNS so that you can continue to use the primary endpoint and after the promotion it will point to the newly promoted primary. For more details see the Multi-AZ section of this FAQ. When Redis replication option is selected with Multi-AZ disabled, in case of primary node failure you will be given the option to initiate a failover to a read replica node. The failover target can be in the same zone or another zone. To failback to the original zone, promote the read replica in the original zone to be the primary. You may choose to architect your application to force the Redis client library to reconnect to the repaired Redis server node. This can help as some Redis libraries will stop using a server indefinitely when they encounter communication errors or timeouts.

Q: How does failover work?

For Multi-AZ enabled replication groups, the failover behavior is described at the Multi-AZ section of this FAQ.

If you choose not to enable Multi-AZ, then if Amazon ElastiCache monitors the primary node, and in case the node becomes unavailable or unresponsive, Amazon ElastiCache for Redis will repair the node by acquiring new service resources, and will then redirect the node's existing DNS name to point to the new service resources. Thus, the DNS name for a Redis node remains constant, but the IP address of a Redis node can change over time. However, if the primary node cannot be healed (and your Multi-AZ is disabled) you will have the choice to promote one of the read replicas to be the new primary. See here for how to select a new primary. The DNS record of the primary’s endpoint will be updated to point to the promoted read replica node. A read replica node in the original primary’s AZ will then be created to be a read replica in the replication group and will follow the new primary. 

Q: Are my read replicas available during a primary node failure?

Yes, during a primary node failure, the read replicas continue to service requests. After the primary node is restored, either as a healed node or as a promoted read replica, there is a brief period during which the read replicas will not serve any requests as they sync the cache information from the primary.

Q: How do I configure parameters of my Amazon ElastiCache for Redis nodes?

You can configure your Redis installation using a cache parameter group, which must be specified for a Redis cluster. All read replica clusters use the parameter group of their primary cluster. A Redis parameter group acts as a “container” for Redis configuration values that can be applied to one or more Redis primary clusters. If you create a Redis primary cluster without specifying a cache parameter group, a default parameter group is used. This default group contains defaults for the node type you plan to run. However, if you want your Redis primary cluster to run with specified configuration values, you can simply create a new cache parameter group, modify the desired parameters, and modify the primary Redis cluster to use the new parameter group.

Q: Can I access Redis through the Amazon ElastiCache console?

Yes, Redis appears as an Engine option in the ElastiCache console. You can create a new Redis cache cluster with the Launch Wizard by choosing the Redis engine. You can also modify or delete an existing Redis cluster using the ElastiCache console.

Q: Can Amazon ElastiCache for Redis clusters be created in an Amazon VPC?

Yes. If your account is a VPC by default account, your Redis clusters will be created within the default VPC associated with your account. Using the ElastiCache console, you can specify a different VPC when you create your cluster.

Q: Is Redis password functionality supported in Amazon ElastiCache for Redis?

Yes, Amazon ElastiCache for Redis supports Redis passwords via Redis AUTH feature. It is an opt-in feature available in ElastiCache for Redis version 3.2.6 onwards. You must enable encryption in-transit to use Redis AUTH on your ElastiCache for Redis cluster.

Q. How do I upgrade to a newer engine version?

You can easily upgrade to a newer engine version by using the ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup APIs and specifying your preferred engine version for the EngineVersion parameter. On the ElastiCache console, you can select a cache cluster or replication group and click “Modify”. In the “Modify Cache Cluster” or “Modify Replication Group” window select your preferred engine version from the available options. The engine upgrade process is designed to make a best effort to retain your existing data and requires Redis replication to succeed. For more details on that see here.

Q. Can I downgrade to an earlier engine version?

No. Downgrading to an earlier engine version is not supported.

Q. How do I scale up to a larger node type?

You can easily scale up to a larger node type by using the ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup APIs and specifying your preferred node type for the CacheNodeType parameter. On the ElastiCache console, you can select a cache cluster or replication group and click “Modify”. In the “Modify Cache Cluster” or “Modify Replication Group” window select your preferred node type from the available options. The scale up process is designed to make a best effort to retain your existing data and requires Redis replication to succeed. For more details on that see here.

Q. Can I scale down to a smaller node type?

Moving to a smaller node type is currently not supported.

Q. What is the correct metric to use to measure Redis CPU utilization?

Amazon ElastiCache provides two metrics to measure CPU utilization for ElastiCache for Redis workloads – EngineCPUUtilization and CPUUtilization. The CPUUtilization metric measures the CPU utilization for the instance (node), and EngineCPUUtilization metric measures the utilization at the Redis process level. You need the EngineCPUUtilization metric in addition to the CPUUtilization metric as the main Redis process is single threaded and uses just one CPU of the multiple CPU cores available on an instance. Therefore, the CPUUtilization metric does not provide precise visibility into the CPU utilization rates at the Redis process level. We recommend that you use both the CPUUtilization and EngineCPUUtilization metrics together to get a detailed understanding of CPU Utilization for your Redis clusters. Both the metrics are available in all AWS regions, and you can access these metric using CloudWatch or via the AWS Management Console.


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