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Server Fleet Managemement at Scale

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers who own a fleet of servers are sometimes unsure of how to best automate their fleet management for operational efficiency and maintenance. AWS Systems Manager provides a unified user interface so customers can view operational data from multiple AWS services, and allows customers to automate operational tasks across your AWS resources.

To help customers more easily leverage the capabilities of Systems Manager, AWS offers the Server Fleet Management at Scale solution. This solution combines Systems Manager with Amazon Inspector, an automated security assessment service, to help simplify software inventory management, OS patch compliance, and security vulnerability assessments on managed instances.  

This webpage provides best practices for implementing an automated fleet management solution, as well as an overview of the Server Fleet Management at Scale solution's design and functionality.


Server Fleet Managemement at Scale

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers who own a fleet of servers are sometimes unsure of how to best automate their fleet management for opera

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