Troubleshoot Email Validation For ACM Certificates
- You don't have an MX record.
- Your domain registrar doesn't support email forwarding.
Option 2 - use DNS
To switch to DNS validation, recreate the ACM certificate and select DNS for validation. DNS validation has several advantages over email validation, especially if Amazon Route 53 is the DNS provider for your domain.
- DNS requires that you create one CNAME record per domain name that is used only for requesting an ACM certificate. Email validation sends up to eight email messages per domain name.
- You can request additional ACM certificates for your fully qualified domain name (FQDN) if the DNS record is in use.
- ACM automatically renews certificates that you validated using DNS. ACM renews each certificate before expiration if the certificate and DNS record are both in use.
- ACM can add the CNAME record for you if you use Route 53 to manage your public DNS records.
- Automation using the DNS validation process is less complex than using the email validation process.
- You can switch to DNS validation at no additional cost.
Instances using the old ACM certificate must be updated to use the new certificate. This is because new ACM certificates generate an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can't retain the ARN with a new ACM certificate. Only a renewed ACM certificate will have the same ARN. You must use one of the following Services Integrated with AWS Certificate Manager: Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon CloudFront, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon API Gateway, or AWS CloudFormation.
You can establish the region for an ACM certificate by running the following at the command line:
Troubleshoot Email Validation For ACM Certificates
You don't have an MX record. Your domain registrar doesn't support email forwarding.
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