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Configure Notifications for RDS or Redshift Maintenance Windows

You can set up event notifications for Amazon RDS and Amazon Redshift clusters and instances so that you receive notifications regarding on-going or completed maintenance by either email or SMS using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).

Amazon RDS

To configure event notifications for Amazon RDS:

  1. Open the Amazon RDS console, and then from the navigate page choose Event subscriptions.
  2. Choose Create event subscription.
  3. Enter the Name, select the ARN for the SNS topic, and select Instances as the Source type.
  4. Choose Select specific instances
    , and select your instance.
  5. Choose Select specific event categories, and select Maintenance.
  6. Choose Create.

After you create an event subscription, you will receive notifications with the following event codes:

  • RDS-EVENT-0026 for maintenance in progress.
  • RDS-EVENT-0027 for maintenance that is complete.

Amazon Redshift

To configure event notifications for Amazon Redshift:

  1. Open the Amazon Redshift console, and then from the navigation pane choose Events.
  2. Choose the Subscriptions tab, and choose Create Event Subscription.
  3. Choose Management, and then for the severity select Any.
  4. Choose Cluster as the Source Type, select Choose Specific, and then add your Instance IDs.
  5. Enter a Name for this event, select Yes to enable the subscription, and choose Next.
  6. Choose an existing topic or choose the Create New Topic tab, enter the Name, and specify the Recipients, such as email or SMS.
  7. Choose Create.

After you create an event subscription, you will receive notifications with the following event codes:

  • REDSHIFT-EVENT-2003 for Amazon Redshift maintenance in progress.
  • REDSHIFT-EVENT-2004 for Amazon Redshift maintenance that is complete.

Note: Amazon Redshift scheduled maintenance will not trigger an event. To view changes to upcoming maintenance windows, see the Amazon Redshift forum.


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