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Send Custom CloudWatch Metrics Using EC2Config

To resolve issues related to custom CloudWatch metrics check the following:

Verify that the instance has access to the CloudWatch endpoints by using the telnet tool for windows.

CloudWatch endpoints:

Note: Some CloudWatch endpoints do not respond to pings.

If there is no connectivity, check the following:

  • If the instance is in a public subnet, add a default route to the Internet gateway in the routing table.
  • If the instance is in a private subnet, add a default route to the NAT instance gateway.

Verify that the security groups and ACLs have the appropriate rules for outbound access.

Enable CloudWatch Logs integration in the EC2ConfigService settings and ensure that you have the latest version of the EC2Config service.

If the traffic is passing through a proxy, verify that you have the correct proxy settings; see

Configure Proxy Settings for the EC2Config Service.

The access and secret keys of the IAM user or role being used in the AWS.EC2.Windows.CloudWatch.json file must have access to the following actions in the policy:

  • For CloudWatch metrics: "cloudwatch:PutMetricData"
  • For CloudWatch Logs: "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:DescribeLogGroups", "logs:DescribeLogStreams", "logs:PutLogEvents"

In the CloudWatch and CloudWatchLogs section of the JSON file, verify that the region entered is the region in which the instance is launched.

Cross-check the CategoryName, CounterName, and InstanceName by adding the metric in Windows Performance Monitor and ensure that the appropriate unit is being used.

The following example shows how the parameters in the performance monitor should be matched with the JSON file:

For percentage free space, the following would be the parameters in the JSON file:


Send Custom CloudWatch Metrics Using EC2Config

To resolve issues related to custom CloudWatch metrics check the following: Verify that the instance has access to the CloudWatch

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