Retrieve AWS Config Items Per Month
SELECT result.configurationitemcapturetime, count(result.configurationitemcapturetime) AS NumberOfChanges FROM (SELECT regexp_replace(configurationItem.configurationItemCaptureTime, '(.+)(T.+)', '$1') AS configurationitemcapturetime FROM default.awsconfig CROSS JOIN UNNEST(configurationitems) AS t(configurationItem) WHERE "$path" LIKE '%ConfigHistory%' AND configurationItem.configurationItemCaptureTime >= '2018-02-01T%' AND configurationItem.configurationItemCaptureTime <= '2018-02-28T%') result GROUP BY result.configurationitemcapturetime ORDER BY result.configurationitemcapturetime The results are similar to this: configurationitemcapturetime NumberOfChanges 2018-02-02 7 2018-02-03 3 2018-02-07 11 ...
Retrieve AWS Config Items Per Month
SELECT result.configurationitemcapturetime, count(result.configurationitemcapturetime) AS NumberOfChanges FROM (SELECT regexp_repl
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AWS Config Partners
Alert Logic® Cloud Insight® Essentials is designed to take the complexity out of protecting your environment from vulnerabilities and configur
Flag S3 Buckets That Allow Access From the Internet Using AWS Config
To check whether S3 buckets are publicly accessible, you can use the bucket permissions check in the Amazon S3 console, or you can use the AWS
AWS Config Resources
Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within We are currently hiring So
AWS Marketplace: F5 Per-App VE
Product Overview F5 Per-App Virtual Editions (VEs) provide Application Deliver
Вопросы и ответы по AWS Config
Вопрос: Каков принцип начисления платы за использование AWS Config и правил AWS Config Rules? При использовании AWS Config стоимос
AWS Config FAQs
Q: How will I be charged for AWS Config and AWS Config rules? With AWS Config, you are charged based on the number configuration i
Начало работы с AWS Config
Amazon Web Services приглашает на работу. Amazon Web Services (AWS) – динамично растущее подразделение в составе В настоящее в
AWS Config雲資源配置_雲資源管理和配置服務
AWS Config 服務可供您評估、審計和評價您的 AWS 資源配置。Config 持續監控和記錄您的 AWS 資源配置,並支援您自動依據配置需求評估記錄的配置。藉助 Config,您可以檢視配置更改以及 AWS 資源之間的關係、深入探究詳細的資源配置歷史記錄並判斷您的配置在整體上是否符
AWS Config Update – New Managed Rules to Secure S3 Buckets
AWS Config captures the state of your AWS resources and the relationships between them. Among other features, it allows you to select a resource a
AWS Config常見問題_雲資源管理服務
問:使用 AWS Config 和 AWS Config 規則時,我將如何付費? 使用 AWS Config 時,您需要根據您 AWS 賬戶中為受支援資源記錄的配置項 (CI) 數量付費。每當 AWS Config 檢測到其記錄的資源型別發生更改時,就會建立配
AWS Config價格_雲資源管理服務
配置快照和配置歷史檔案將傳送到您選擇的 Amazon S3 儲存桶中,而配置更改通知將通過 Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) 傳送。適用 Amazon S3 和 Amazon SNS 的標準費率。使用 AWS Lambda 編寫自定義規則。我
AWS Config Rules – Dynamic Compliance Checking for Cloud Resources
The flexible, dynamic nature of the AWS cloud gives developers and admins the flexibility to launch, configure, use, and terminate processing, sto
Track AWS Resource Configurations With AWS Config
One of the coolest aspects of the Cloud is its dynamic nature. Resources can be created, attached, configured, used, detached, and destroyed in a
AWS Marketplace: Yellowfin 7.4 for AWS (12 Month, 3 User Free then BYOL)
AWS Marketplace is hiring! Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Am
MySQL錯誤: could not retrieve transation read-only status server
查看 sys 而且 could upd 開始 問題分析 事物 就會 問題描述: java代碼在開始事務後,先做了一個查詢,再insert,此時會報: java.sql.SQLException: could not retrieve transation
htm 用法 名稱 href 會話狀態 行為 cookie 程序配置 會話 一).Web.Config是以XML文件規範存儲,配置文件分為以下格式 1.配置節處理程序聲明 特點: 位於配置文件的頂部,包含在<configSections>標誌中。
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener
java lang class <!-- 導入java ee jar 包 --> <dependency> <groupId>javax</groupId> <artif