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Transform your manufacturing operations with AWS Cloud

Amazon Web Services (AWS) secure, agile, and scalable platform and comprehensive set of, data lake, analytics, and machine learning tools allow you to develop smart factories and products, provide insights to increase your operational efficiency, and accelerate your pace of innovation. Our virtually unlimited storage and High Performance Computing capability enable you to innovate faster, rapidly design and verify new products, and scale seamlessly to meet increasing demand.

AWS allows you to focus your resources on optimizing production, creating new smart-product business opportunities, and improving operational efficiencies across the value chain, while improving your security posture and lowering your IT and OT cost structure.


Transform your manufacturing operations with AWS Cloud

Amazon Web Services (AWS) secure, agile, and scalable platform and comprehensive set of, data lake, analytics, and machine learning tools allow y

Quickly build, test, and deploy your data lake with AWS and partner solutions

Performing data science workloads on data from disparate sources – data lake, data warehouse, streaming, and more – creates challenges f

Containerize your IOT application with AWS IOT Analytics

Overview In an earlier blog post about IoT Analytics, we discussed how AWS IoT Analytics enables you to collect, visualize, process, query

Store, Protect, Optimize Your Healthcare Data with AWS: Part 1

This blog post was co-authored by Ujjwal Ratan, a senior AI/ML solutions architect on the global life sciences team. Healthcare data is ge

How to replace tape backup with a virtual tape library in the AWS Cloud

Tape media management, media costs, 3rd party offsite contracts and the sheer volume of data growth makes tape backup challenging in any org

Accept a BAA with AWS for all accounts in your organization

I’m excited to announce to our healthcare customers and partners that you can now accept a single AWS Business Associate Addendum (BAA) for all ac

Building Microservices with Spring Cloud - Service discovery

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Building Microservices with Spring Cloud - Configuration Server

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Building Microservices with Spring Cloud - Intelligent Routing

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Building Microservices with Spring Cloud - Load balancing

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Building Microservices with Spring Cloud - Fault tolerance Circuit breaker

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Add Languages to Your Xamarin Apps with Multilingual App Toolkit

stand efi working geb ray running strong snippet apply With Xamarin, you can extend your cross-platform apps with support for native spea

Kickstart Terraform on GCP with Google Cloud Shell

too cts start sof branch str row pen shell OCT 24 2018?RILEY KARSON Riley Karson is a software engineer at Google, where he works as a co

Configure a proxy for your API calls with Angular CLI

Table of contents Local development setup with Angular Issue: Dev server plus backend API Configuring your Angular CLI dev-server proxy Local de

Distributed traceability with Spring Cloud: Sleuth and Zipkin

  I. Sleuth 0. Concept Trace A set of spans that form a call tree structure, forms the trace of the request. Span It is th

使用HashiCorp Consul和AWS Cloud Map實現跨混合基礎設施環境服務發現

NOV 29 2018 ANUBHAV MISHRA Yesterday, AWS announced general availability of their new service discovery tool, AWS Cloud Map. AWS users wil

make your lists functional with ReorderableList

In Unity 4.5 we got a nice (undocumented) built-in tool to visualize lists in IDE. It's called ReorderableList, it's located in UnityEdito


TRANSFORM YOUR HABITS3rd EditionNote from James Clear:I wrote Transform Your Habits to create a free guide that would help people like you makeprogress in

Understanding your Convolution network with Visualizations

The above figures show the filters from few intermediate convolution and ReLU layers respectively from InceptionV3 network. I captured these images by runn

Authentication with AWS Amplify: Facebook Login

This will be an in-depth series on authentication with AWS Amplify. Here are the topics I am going to cover, and I will update each blog with the links as