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AWS Global Transit Network

Q: What is a transit VPC?

A transit VPC is a common strategy for connecting multiple, geographically disperse VPCs and remote networks in order to create a global network transit center. A transit VPC simplifies network management and minimizes the number of connections required to connect multiple VPCs and remote networks. 

Q: How is Aviatrix Next-Gen Transit Hub different from a traditional transit VPC?

Aviatrix Next-Gen Global Transit Hub provides enhanced security by maintaining VPC segmentation, allowing the user to control policy-based connectivity and to use encrypted links.

From an operations perspective, this Aviatrix solution includes higher levels of automation via REST APIs, configuration wizards to simplify and streamline orchestration of networking services, troubleshooting with Aviatrix EC2 FlightPath and other integrated tests, and visibility with global dashboards.

Future-oriented teams can grow easily, since this Aviatrix solution removes route table limitations and extends the Next-Gen Global Transit Hub with additional cloud networking use cases. These use cases include:

  • Remote user VPN
  • Egress security
  • Site to cloud and multicloud peering

Q: Why would I implement a transit VPC instead of using multiple connections from my remote networks?

A transit VPC can save time and effort, simplify routing, and also reduce costs. There are fewer connections to manage, and because it is implemented virtually on the AWS Cloud, you can forgo the traditional expense of establishing a physical presence in a colocation transit hub or deploying physical network gear.

Q: Can I use a different VPN appliance than the Aviatrix Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for my transit VPC?

This automated transit VPC Quick Start provides a reference implementation that includes Aviatrix software. The Quick Start doesn’t support transit networking products from other software providers. However, you can achieve similar architectural patterns by using other AWS Marketplace products or your own AWS CloudFormation templates.

Q: How much will it cost to run a transit VPC?

You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this reference deployment, as well as for the Aviatrix licenses, which you can either purchase beforehand or request from the AWS Marketplace. Aviatrix has a metered AMI on the AWS Marketplace, featuring pay-as-you-go pricing, which starts at a few cents per hour per connection. See the Aviatrix pricing page for detailed information.


AWS Global Transit Network

Q: What is a transit VPC? A transit VPC is a common strategy for connecting multiple, geographically disperse VP

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