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Real Time Bidding for Digital Marketing

Build a Real Time Bidding Platform on AWS and Maximize Speed and Efficiency

With Amazon Web Services’s worldwide infrastructure, you can deploy in regions around the world with just a few clicks minimizing latency and cost in the real-time bidding (RTB) process. Watch this short video to learn how AWS can help you speed up the RTB process.


Real Time Bidding for Digital Marketing

Build a Real Time Bidding Platform on AWS and Maximize Speed and Efficiency With Amazon Web Services’s worldwide infrastructure, you can

Multithread real-time OS for Embedded Python

Zerynth allows rapid integration with sensors, actuators, and industrial protocols. All the required libraries, packages, and drivers are included with

AWS Case Studies for Digital Marketing

As a three-man startup born in the AWS Cloud, CleverTap has gone from processing 50 million events per month to 55 billion in just 3.5 years, w

Content Delivery for Digital Marketing

Deliver your digital marketing and advertising content at minimum latency with AWS With AWS services you can securely deliver advertisi

AWS for Digital Marketing

AWS’ global availability zones and regions, edge locations, and data caching options help you move quickly in every major market. Minimize late

Anaytics for Digital Marketing

Build a scalable and advanced analytics pipeline on AWS to further grow your business To deliver the right message to the right audience

論文筆記:目標追蹤-CVPR2014-Adaptive Color Attributes for Real-time Visual Tracking

exploit orm dom ons tail red 最好 早期 形式化 基於自適應顏色屬性的目標追蹤 Adaptive Color Attributes for Real-Time Visual Tracking 基於自適應顏色屬性的實時視覺追蹤 3月講的第一

Staple: Complementary Learners for Real-Time Tracking——筆記

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Filtering Approaches for Real-Time Anti-Aliasing(2011 SIGGRAPH)

siggraph The sam 不同 gin d3d optional posit ear Filtering Approaches for Real-Time Anti-Aliasing(2011 SIGGRAPH) 在2011的SIGGRAPH上,NVIDA提出了F

《Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Real-Time Background/Foreground Separation in Video》讀書筆記

題目:Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Real-Time Background/Foreground Separation in Video 作者:J.Grosek and J.Nathan Kutz 連結:https://pdfs.semanticschola

論文閱讀筆記十八:ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation

每一個 內核 基於 proc vgg 包含 rep 重要 偏差 論文源址:https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.02147 tensorflow github: https://github.com/kwotsin/TensorFlow-ENet 摘要

Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games 筆記

Stam J. Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games[J]. Journal of Graphics Tools, 2003, 6. 感謝朱老師的指導..本文對論文的實現程式碼進行分析,並試圖補全論文中說得不夠詳細的部分,側重於對solver的分析,openg

【閱讀筆記】Real-time Personalization using Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb

Real-time Personalization using Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb Airbnb, Inc KDD2018 ADS Track 的最佳論文 METHODOLOGY Listing Embeddings

[Paper Reading] A QoE-based Sender Bit Rate Adaptation Scheme for Real-time Video Transmission

A QoE-based Sender Bit Rate Adaptation Scheme for Real-time Video Transmission in Wireless Networks 發表 這篇文章發表於CISP2013,作者是南郵的Chao Qian。 概述

6-----A Random Forest Method for Real-Time Price Forecasting in New York Electricity Market

實時價格的隨機森林法紐約電力市場預測(清華的) 隨機森林,作為一種新引入的方法,將提供價格概率分佈   此外,該模型可以調整最新的預報條件,即最新的氣候,季節和市場條件,通過更新隨機森林 引數與新的觀測。這種適應性避免了不同氣候或經濟條件下的模型失效訓練集。  

Enable real-time streaming big data for compliance assessment

Enabling real-time streaming big data for compliance assessment Objective Our business has millions of pages that our customers inter

論文閱讀-《BlitzNet: A Real-Time Deep Network for Scene Understanding》

ICCV 2017 1.Motivation: 為了做到實時的目標檢測和語義分割 2.Framework 採用的是Resnet50+SSD, ssd這種one-stage的檢測器天生適合和分割一塊做。上取樣過程用到的block如下圖所示,除了

SqueezeSeg: Convolutional Neural Nets with Recurrent CRF for Real-Time Road-Object Segmentation from

摘要 在本文中,我們從三維鐳射雷達點雲的角度對道路目標進行了語義分割。我們特別希望檢測和分類感興趣的例項,例如汽車、行人和騎自行車的人。我們制定這個問題作為一個逐點分類的問題,並提出一個端到端的管道稱為SqueezeSeg基於卷積神經網路(CNN):C

A Google Congestion Control for Real-Time Communication on the World - 01---谷歌網路擁塞控制翻譯文件第一篇

原文地址: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-congestion-00 概述: 這篇文件介紹了2個實時網路傳輸過程中的擁塞控制方法,一個是基於傳送端的,另一個是基於接收端的. 專有名詞:RTCWEB Real-t

《Optimized contrast enhancement for real-time image and video dehazin》論文C++復現

前言 \quad 本文提出了一種針對含有霧的影象和視訊快速、完善的去霧演算法。觀察發現有霧的影象普遍具有低對比度,我們通過增強對比度來