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Blockchain Innovators: Fireside Chat with Global Citizen CTO (5/6)


Global Citizen is on a mission to make donations transparent by enabling donors to track and verify the use of their donation. As part of this mission, IBM has teamed up with Global Citizen to create Challenge Accepted, a hackaton aimed at creating a blockchain network to increase transparency and charitable giving. Tune in for this live interactive fireside chat with Global Citizen CTO, Mark Lehmann, to learn how Global Citizen is planning to leverage blockchain.

This is part 5 of the series: Challenge Accepted: Developing a Blockchain Application with Starter Plan.

Resources for you

Starter Plan: Sign up for the IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan.

Starter Kit: Download the kit to quickly build apps on the IBM Blockchain Platform.


Blockchain Innovators: Fireside Chat with Global Citizen CTO (5/6)

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