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SFHacks at San Francisco State University

SF Hacks is San Francisco State Universityb s 24-hour collegiate hackathon. We host the largest collegiate Hackathon in SF with over 350 students from all over the nation to create, experiment, and learn.


SFHacks at San Francisco State University

SF Hacks is San Francisco State Universityb s 24-hour collegiate hackathon. We host the largest collegiate Hackathon in SF with over

San Francisco State University Case Study

To evaluate the performance of the FEATURE project on AWS, the team used software profiling and I/O benchmarking to measure performance metrics

Just #Buidl: Eth San Francisco Hackathon

Each of the ten finalists qualified because of some novel innovation either in approach, use of technology, or a problem they solved. I’m going to do my be

San Francisco Is Smarter Than You Are

This story is for Medium members.Continue with FacebookContinue with GoogleMedium curates expert stories from leading publishers exclusively for members (w

安裝 San Francisco 字型檔,讓 sketch 顯示的 App 畫面不再跑版

安裝 San Francisco 字型檔,讓 sketch 顯示的 App 畫面不再跑版當我們從網路上下載 iOS App 畫面的 sketch 檔時,有時開啟後會發現如下圖的跑版現象,Add Number 跟數字 4567 重疊了 !此時可檢查 sketch 視窗的右上角是否出現紅色的 Notifcatio


iOS 9如今已公開發布。帶來了一些細微的變化,但iOS 9的系統字型變成了蘋果新推出的舊金山字型,代替了之前用的Helvetica Neue。 Helvetica(左),舊金山字型(右) 舊金山字型之前已經用於Apple Watch中,如今則成為蘋果全平臺的

The Secret of the Apple’s New San Francisco Fonts

San Francisco fonts are dynamicOne of the great features of San Francisco is the way it optimizes the typeface dynamically. The system will automatically s

San Francisco

AWS Networking Game Day AWS Networking GameDay is an immersive learning exercise designed to better familiarize players with AWS and AWS Partner networking

pt-table-sync同步報錯Called not_in_left in state 0 at /usr/bin/pt-table-sync line 5231【原創】

試驗環境MySQL5.7.19,自己使用pt-table-sync 3.0.2版本同步後,手動在從庫執行後,在用pt-table-sync驗證時報錯 命令如下: pt-table-sync --print h=,P=3306,u=使用者名稱,p="密碼" --databases j

Fuel for Discussions: The State of Open Data at IODC 2018

Next week, hundreds of policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and technologists will be gathering in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the fifth Internationa

EM Agent Fatal agent error: State Manager failed at Startup

EM 不定期異常宕機,問題重複出現,之前幾次因為忙於其它事,無力兼顧,等回頭處理時,發現EM已恢復正常。 這次問題又重現,準備徹底解決,過程如下: 1. 重新啟動EM失敗,報錯: /u01/oracle/agent/core/ sta


color timer cal then spa tex 執行 -- span 一、只執行一次 nginx.conf location /ngx_timer_at { default_type ‘text/html‘; lua_co

機器學習筆記(Washington University)- Regression Specialization-week five

ril ... des stl it is idg evaluate date lec 1. Feature selection Sometimes, we need to decrease the number of features Efficiency: With f

機器學習筆記(Washington University)- Regression Specialization-week six

lar fec space cti different only similar ant var 1. Fit locally If the true model changes much, we want to fit our function locally to di


表示 facade test true efi 子類 ble 叠代 系列 23種GOF設計模式一般分為三大類:創建型模式、結構型模式、行為模式。創建型模式抽象了實例化過程,它們幫助一個系統獨立於怎樣創建、組合和表示它的那些對象。一個類創建型模式使用繼承改變被實例化的類,而

用eclipse啟動tomcat時報Could not publish server configuration for Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost..錯誤

ecg avd metadata ber cli for hbm aac tlb Could not publish server configuration for Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost. Context with path “


計時 osi 執行 inux days pan 必須 man 一個 at命令 at命令為單一工作調度命令。at命令非常簡單,但是在指定時間上卻非常強大 語法 at [選項] time at > 執行的命令 ctrl+d 選項 -m :當指定的任務被

機器學習筆記(Washington University)- Classification Specialization-week 3

read was lowest already start choose class sort pty 1. Quality metric Quality metric for the desicion tree is the classification error er

at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag的錯誤原因

檢查 mta string bject 報錯 except .com view com 創建對話框時出現下面的錯誤: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘

Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost was unable to start within 45 seconds

需要 lips 解釋 們的 http 連接 結果 但是 with 我們在用普通模式開始服務的時候,服務可以正常開啟. 但是咱們用Debug模式開啟服務的時候,開啟時間會拉長.所以錯誤有事時候就出來了. 錯誤: Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at l