1. 程式人生 > >SPSS Modeler LAW Does not Open

SPSS Modeler LAW Does not Open

If the license authorization wizard of Modeler does not start what if you click on your programs shortcut and select the shortcut for IBM SPSS Modeler 18.1. and expand the list. below this shortcut the is the shortcut for the license authorization wizard.
What happens if you click this shortcut?
On which operating system you have installed?
You need to make sure you have installed the software as administrator.
Right click on Modeler 18 installer file and select 'run as administrator'
If not done so please uninstall and reinstall Modeler .

On C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Modeler\18.1\bin folder you should also see the law.exe. What happens if you right click on this file and select and select 'run as administrator'


SPSS Modeler LAW Does not Open

@arfgnydnIf the license authorization wizard of Modeler does not start what if you click on your programs shortcut and select the shortcut

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