1. 程式人生 > >V-rep學習筆記:機器人路徑規劃1


 1 visualizePath = function(path)
 2     if not _lineContainer then
 3 -- simAddDrawingObject: Adds a drawing object that will be displayed in the scene
 4 -- Lua parameters:
 5     --sim_drawing_lines:items are pixel-sized lines(6 values per item (x0;y0;z0;x1;y1;z1) + auxiliary values)
 6     --size: size of the item (width of lines or size of points are in pixels, other sizes are in meters
7 --parentObjectHandle: handle of the scene object where the drawing items should keep attached to. if the scene 8 --object moves, the drawing items will also move,-1 if the drawing items are relative to the world (fixed) 9 --maxItemCount: maximum number of items this object can hold.
10 --ambient_diffuse: default ambient/diffuse color (pointer to 3 rgb values). Can be NULL 11 _lineContainer = simAddDrawingObject(sim_drawing_lines, 3, 0, -1, 99999, {0.2,0.2,0.2}) 12 end 13 14 -- Adds an item (or clears all items) to a previously inserted drawing object. 15 -- itemData: data relative to an item. If the item is a point item, 3 values are required (x;y;z).
16 -- If the item is a line item, 6 values are required, If nil the drawing object is emptied of all its items 17 simAddDrawingObjectItem(_lineContainer, nil) -- clear all items 18 19 if path then 20 local pc = #path / 3 21 for i=1, pc - 1,1 do 22 lineDat = {path[(i-1)*3+1], path[(i-1)*3+2], initPos[3], path[i*3+1], path[i*3+2], initPos[3]} 23 simAddDrawingObjectItem(_lineContainer, lineDat) 24 end 25 end 26 end 27 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 29 robotHandle = simGetObjectHandle('StartConfiguration') 30 targetHandle = simGetObjectHandle('GoalConfiguration') 31 32 initPos = simGetObjectPosition(robotHandle, -1) --Specify -1 to retrieve the absolute position 33 initOrient = simGetObjectOrientation(robotHandle, -1) 34 35 -- Create a task object, used to represent the motion planning task 36 -- Lua synopsis: number taskHandle = simExtOMPL_createTask(string name) 37 t = simExtOMPL_createTask('t') 38 39 -- Create a component of the state space for the motion planning problem 40 -- stateSpaceHandle=simExtOMPL_createStateSpace(name,type,objectHandle,boundsLow,boundsHigh,useForProjection) 41 ss = {simExtOMPL_createStateSpace('2d',sim_ompl_statespacetype_pose2d,robotHandle,{-0.5,-0.5},{0.5,0.5},1)} 42 43 -- Set the state space of this task object 44 -- Lua synopsis: number result=simExtOMPL_setStateSpace(number taskHandle, table stateSpaceHandles) 45 simExtOMPL_setStateSpace(t, ss) 46 47 -- Set the search algorithm for the specified task. Default algorithm used is KPIECE1 48 -- Lua synopsis: number result=simExtOMPL_setAlgorithm(number taskHandle, number algorithm) 49 simExtOMPL_setAlgorithm(t,sim_ompl_algorithm_RRTConnect) 50 51 52 -- Set the collision pairs for the specified task object. 53 -- Lua synopsis: number result=simExtOMPL_setCollisionPairs(number taskHandle, table collisionPairHandles) 54 --[[ 55 Lua parameters: 56 collisionPairHandles: a table containing 2 entity handles for each collision pair. A collision pair is represented 57 by a collider and a collidee, that will be tested against each other. The first pair could be used for robot 58 self-collision testing, and a second pair could be used for robot-environment collision testing. The collider can 59 be an object or a collection handle. The collidee can be an object or collection handle, or sim_handle_all, in which 60 case the collider will be checked agains all other collidable objects in the scene. 61 --]] 62 simExtOMPL_setCollisionPairs(t,{simGetObjectHandle('L_start'),sim_handle_all}) 63 64 startpos = simGetObjectPosition(robotHandle, -1) 65 startorient = simGetObjectOrientation(robotHandle, -1) 66 startpose={startpos[1], startpos[2], startorient[3]} 67 68 -- Set the start state for the specified task object 69 -- Lua synopsis: number result=simExtOMPL_setStartState(number taskHandle, table state) 70 -- state: a table of numbers, whose size must be consistent with the robot's state space specified in this task object 71 simExtOMPL_setStartState(t, startpose) 72 73 goalpos = simGetObjectPosition(targetHandle,-1) 74 goalorient = simGetObjectOrientation(targetHandle,-1) 75 goalpose = {goalpos[1], goalpos[2], goalorient[3]} 76 77 -- Set the goal state for the specified task object 78 simExtOMPL_setGoalState(t, goalpose) 79 80 -- Use OMPL to find a solution for this motion planning task. 81 -- number result,table states=simExtOMPL_compute(number taskHandle,number maxTime,number maxSimplificationTime=-1,number stateCnt=0) 82 -- return value: states--a table of states, representing the solution, from start to goal. States are specified linearly. 83 r, path = simExtOMPL_compute(t, 4, -1, 800) 84 85 visualizePath(path) 86 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 88 -- Simply jump through the path points, no interpolation here: 89 for i=1, #path-3, 3 do -- count from 1 to len(path)-3 with increments of 3 90 pos={path[i], path[i+1], initPos[3]} 91 orient={initOrient[1], initOrient[2], path[i+2]} 92 simSetObjectPosition(robotHandle, -1, pos) 93 simSetObjectOrientation(robotHandle, -1, orient) 94 simSwitchThread() 95 end


運動規劃 V-rep學習筆記機器人路徑規劃1

轉載:https://www.cnblogs.com/lvchaoshun/p/6681541.html 1.引言   如 果你想要讓機器人能幫你拿瓶子、做飯、收拾屋子等,就必須賦予機器人快速生成無碰撞、最優運動軌跡的能力,這就需要靠運動規劃了。有人覺得運動規劃已經很 成熟了,無需再研究,但實際上,機械臂


1 visualizePath = function(path) 2 if not _lineContainer then 3 -- simAddDrawingObject: Adds a drawing object that will be displayed in the scene


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