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google的開源工程 真多

There are a variety of C unit testing frameworks available however many of them are fairly complex and require the latest compiler technology. Some development requires the use of old compilers which makes it difficult to use some unit testing frameworks. In addition many unit testing frameworks assume the code being tested is an application or module that is targeted to the same platform that will ultimately execute the test. Because of this assumption many frameworks require the inclusion of standard C library headers in the code module being tested which may collide with the custom or incomplete implementation of the C library utilized by the code under test. Cmockery only requires a test application is linked with the standard C library which minimizes conflicts with standard C library headers. Also, Cmockery tries to avoid the use of some of the newer features of C compilers. For more information checkout 
This project is to get Perl implemented as a supported language on Google App Engine. Want to support Perl? - Read Getting Started.
Protocol Buffers for Perl.
Perl XS module to override all “dangerous” Perl operations (any operation which interacts with the system). Notably, this module aims to provide the user with an environment identical to the restrictions in place on Google App Engine for Python.
Google App Engine enables developers to build web applications on the same scalable systems that power our own applications. Google App Engine makes it easy to design scalable applications that grow from one to millions of users without infrastructure headaches. Here are some SDK Release Notes.
JRuby on Google App Engine. With support for the Java Language, it’s now possible to run Ruby code on Google App Engine. This project aims to make using JRuby as easy as any of the native App Engine languages. Although Google employees may participate in this project, the code is experimental and is not officially supported by Google.
The Android Scripting Environment (ASE) brings scripting languages to Android by allowing you to edit and execute scripts and interactive interpreters directly on the Android device. These scripts have access to many of the APIs available to full-fledged Android applications, but with a greatly simplified interface. Want to know more check out FAQ
Speech Enabled Eyes-Free Android Applications. The Text-To-Speech (TTS) library is allows developers to add speech to their applications. Developers give the TTS object a text string, and the TTS will take care of converting that string to text and speaking it to the user. The TTS library is designed such that different underlying speech engines can be used without affecting the higher level application logic. Currently, a port of the eSpeak engine is available. Here is Getting Started Guide
This project seeks to build an infrastructure for micro-architectural optimizations at the instruction level. MAO is a stand alone tool that works on the assembly level. MAO parses the assembly file, perform all optimizations, and re-emit another assembly file. After this, the assembler can be invoked to produce a binary object. MAO reuses much of the code in the GNU Assembler (gas) and needs binutils-2.19 to build correctly. Please see the README.txt file for information on how to build and run MAO. The current MAO version is an early prototype targeting x86.
Reading web-based developer documentation is different than browsing typical web pages. As a developer, you probably refer to key technical doc many times per day, and you want it well-organized, easy to navigate, and — above all — fast. It works with any open source project hosted on Google Code.
The Social Graph Node Mapper is a community project to build a portable library to map social networking sites’ URLs to and from a new canonical form.
This library makes it easy to implement a Visualization data source so that you can easily chart or visualize your data from any of your data stores. The library implements the Google Visualization API wire protocol and query language. You therefore need write only the code required to make your data available to the library in the form of a data table. This task is made easier by the provision of abstract classes and helper functions.
This is an extension of the Torch3 Machine Learning library for handling various types of Deep Architectures and modifications to the standard Multi-layer Perceptrons:
  • Handles an arbitrary number of fully-connected sigmoidal layers
  • Unsupervised learning of MLPs using various reconstruction costs. Greedy layer-wise learning is available as well.
  • An implementation of the Stacked Denoising Autoencoders
  • A preliminary implementation of collective learning idea, whereby a pair of networks are trained in parallel and are communicating with each other.

One of Google Employees is involved in this project (it is not official Google Project). Documentation is here.

A closed loop, high-performance, general purpose protocol-blind fuzzer for C programs. Uses compiler-level integration to seamlessly inject precise and reliable instrumentation hooks into the traced program. These hooks enable the fuzzer to receive real-time feedback on changes to the function call path, call parameters, and return values in response to variations in input data. This architecture makes it possible to significantly improve the coverage of the testing process without a noticeable performance impact usually associated with other attempts to peek into run-time internals. One of Google Employees is involved in this project (it is not official Google Project). Here are some docs.
Thread Weaver is a framework for writing multi-threaded unit tests in Java. It provides mechanisms for creating breakpoints within your code, and for halting execution of a thread when a breakpoint is reached. Other threads can then run while the first thread is blocked. This allows you to write repeatable tests for that can check for race conditions and thread safety. Here is user guide.
A neat tool for creating GDB readable coredumps from multithreaded applications The coredumper library can be compiled into applications to create core dumps of the running program — without terminating. It supports both single- and multi-threaded core dumps, even if the kernel does not natively support multi-threaded core files.
The Rollcage API can be used to sandbox an application on windows. It is primarily used by Chromium, the open source browser project behind Google Chrome. Here is design overview.
Server-based tags serving for large codebases. Client這裡寫圖片描述



There are a variety of C unit testing frameworks available however many of them are fairly complex and require the latest compiler technology. Some develop


There are a variety of C unit testing frameworks available however many of them are fairly complex and require the latest compiler technology. Some develop


genrule {    name: "[email protected]_genc++",    tools: ["hidl-gen"],    cmd: "$(location hidl-gen) -o $(genDir) -Lc++-sources -randroid.hidl:system/


訓練數據 ear most text 處理 spa csdn 增量 archive word2vec註釋 1、多線程並行處理: 1、分配內存空間,創建多線程,執行多線程。malloc,pthread_create,pthread_join 2、每個多線程處理的訓練

Google開源新的 RISC-V IP核: “BottleRocket”(https://cnrv.io)

-s git link ilog 配置 三級 ttl github 非官方 BottleRocket是RISCV RV32IMC的實現。 Google在2017年11月29日在Github上非官方開源了BottleRocket的RTL代碼,同時表明這並不是一個官方支持的G

Google開源C++ 單元測試框架Google Test系列(gtest)之初始gtest

    下載           最新原始碼地址:https://github.com/google/googletest           V1.3和V1.


 新建一個maven專案的時候,寫完要run on server 的時候發現部署的一直不是本工程的名字或者是本工程名後面 有括號裡面 有之前工程的名字,之後的訪問路徑也是之前工程的路徑,結果一直導致404.   解決方法,進入workspace找到本工程目錄\.setti


分享一下我老師大神的人工智慧教程!零基礎,通俗易懂!http://blog.csdn.net/jiangjunshow 也歡迎大家轉載本篇文章。分享知識,造福人民,實現我們中華民族偉大復興!        

Google 開源技術protobuf

分享一下我老師大神的人工智慧教程!零基礎,通俗易懂!http://blog.csdn.net/jiangjunshow 也歡迎大家轉載本篇文章。分享知識,造福人民,實現我們中華民族偉大復興!        

Google開源新AI模型,語音區分準確率92%創新高 | 論文+GitHub

雷剛 發自 凹非寺 量子位 報道 | 公眾號 QbitAI 一個AI音箱,認得每一個說話的物件。 所謂“千人千面”,此之謂也。小孩說話,它就依照小孩的喜好和模式,老人票友,它的智慧推薦也相應變化…… 總之一個音箱,對每一個跟他說話的人,都能分辨清楚——對人類再正常不

關於google開源的Material Design說明

原文地址:https://github.com/MaterialDesignInXAML/MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit/wiki/Getting-Started 原始碼地址:https://github.com/MaterialDesignInXAML/MaterialDesign


在python中,命令列介面常用的argparse 和click,但是相對於python-fire 來說靈活度太缺了,fire可以直接將python中的函式,以命令列顯示. 簡單的介紹幾個例子: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8


引入: 這個問題就涉及到Android中的NDK開發或者說JAVA中的JNI開發 注:NDK是屬於 Android 的,與Java並無直接關係 正題: 1),以上問題其實是Android NDK開發生成.so庫後,在其他專案中使用的問題;要想其他直接使用.so庫,


前言 作為靠譜的java服務端程式設計師,圖片這個事情一直是個頭疼的事情。 現在很多網站上,都有上傳圖片這個功能,而圖片對於現在的很多手機來說,拍攝出來的都是高清圖片,解析度也是相當的高,當然佔用的儲存空間也就大了。問題也就產生了,你每個使用者都上傳個3M的圖片怎麼辦?

RISC-V雙週簡報0x0f:Google開源RISC-V CPU(2018-01-18)

RISC-V 雙週簡報 (2018-01-18) 要點新聞: Google開源了其RISC-V CPU 英特爾CPU漏洞跟進報道 RV新聞 DornerWorks 獲得 DARPA SBIR 的合約,得以發展 seL4 Microkernel 的 RISC

Node.js ·執行緒 Worker Threads 初探

基本資訊 筆者在 Node.js 最新的開發版本 v11.4.0 上測試該特性,目前需要新增 flag 才能引入 Worker Threads,例如: node --experimental-worker index.js 複製程式碼 Worker Threads 特性是在2018年6月20日的 v10.

玩轉Google開源C++單元測試框架Google Test系列(gtest)(總)

前段時間學習和了解了下Google的開源C++單元測試框架Google Test,簡稱gtest,非常的不錯。 我們原來使用的是自己實現的一套單元測試框架,在使用過程中,發現越來越多使用不便之處,而這樣不便之處,gtest恰恰很好的解決了。 其實gtest本身的實現並不複雜

Google開源C++單元測試框架Google Test系列(gtest)之斷言

     gtest中,斷言的巨集可以理解為分為兩類,一類是ASSERT系列,一類是EXPECT系列。一個直觀的解釋就是: ASSERT_* 系列的斷言,當檢查點失敗時,退出當前函式(注意:並非退出當前案例)。   EXPECT_* 系列的斷言,當檢查點失敗時,繼續往下


spring cloud 叢集中同一個工程需要在多個不同的埠啟動多個例項,怎麼實現呢 下面我已一個簡單的服務提供者、服務消費者、eureka註冊中心小Demo說明 (之所以一個視窗顯示3個專案是因為我先建立了一個空project,之後在空project的基礎上new model實現) 因

Google開源C++單元測試框架Google Test系列(gtest)之引數化

      在設計測試案例時,經常需要考慮給被測函式傳入不同的值的情況。我們之前的做法通常是寫一個通用方法,然後編寫在測試案例呼叫它。即使使用了通用方法,這樣的工作也是有很多重複性的,程式設計師都懶,都希望能夠少寫程式碼,多複用程式碼。      Google的程式設計師也