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利用tensorflow 識別四則混合計算式

# Optical Character Recognition

OCR for Baidu competition (level one)
Environment requirements:
tensorflow 1.1.0, python 2.7

This work is based on model from Peiwen Wang whose excellent work (https://github.com/ypwhs/baiduyun_deeplearning_competition) is carried out on keras. Thanks to him sincerely.  

# Contents

* Training dataset

* Model

* Loss & accuracy

* Features learned by different level layers

* Weights and biases

* Gradient descending

# Training dataset
Training dataset has 100,000 pictures including characters from 0123456789+-*() with **different length** as pictures below show.The label format, for example, to the first training picture, is **(7+5)+4 16**. You can download dataset here https://pan.baidu.com/s/1geT4z9x , keep in mind that the label file is inside the unpacked folder.


# Model

The neural network includes conv network,RNN(GRU) and CTC (Connectionist Temporal Classifier) as picture below shows.

There are three conv modules,layer1,layer2,layer3, every module has two conv layers and a max_pool layer. [3,3] kernel and [1,1] strides are used behind every conv layers. [2,2] kernel and [2,2] strides are used by max_pool layer. What's more, **learning features** by different conv modules are outputted by tensorboard.

# Loss & accuracy
As we can see, after training about 2.5h, there is a sharp drop of CTCloss, meanwhile the training and validation accuracy turn to be close to 1.

# Features learned by different layers

Within the same level conv layers,only some of them have learned effective features.  
With the layers going deeper, features learned by them become more and more abstract.




Fully connected layer1

# Weights and biases distributions

# Gradient descending

Gradient descending performance along with iterations

Gradient variation distribution,with iteration growing , gradient becomes very small, as you can see, the black line is the lastest iteration step.


利用tensorflow 識別四則混合算式

# Optical Character Recognition OCR for Baidu competition (level one) Environment requirements: tensorflow 1.1.0, python 2.7 This work is


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本文首發於: 我的簡書 原料 windows10+python3.5+pycharm 安裝tensorflow 利用Tensorflow訓練搭建自己的物體訓練模型,萬里長征第一步,先安裝tensorflow。 tensorflow分為cpu版和gpu版,gpu版的執行


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前言 當我們開始學習程式設計的時候,第一件事往往是學習列印"Hello World"。就好比程式設計入門有Hello World,機器學習入門有MNIST。 MNIST是一個入門級的計算機視覺資料集,它包含各種手寫數字圖片:


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目錄 資料準備 1、引入MNIST資料集 2、儲存前30條資料的原始圖片  一、softmax實現單神經元模型 1、初始化變數 2、向前傳播以及損失函式 3、向後傳播以及優化引數 4、開始訓練 5、評估模型 補充 二、兩層卷積網路分類 1、初

利用 TensorFlow 一步一步構建一個多工學習模型

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經過差不多一個禮拜的時間的學習,終於把完整的一個利用自己爬取的圖片做訓練資料集的卷積神經網路的實現(基於tensorflow)   簡單整理一下思路: 獲取資料集(上網爬取,或者直接找公開的圖片資料集) reshape圖片成相同大小(公開資料集一般都是相同sha


  上篇文章對cnn進行了一些介紹,附了完整小例子程式碼,介紹了一部分函式概念,但是對我這樣的新手來說,程式碼中涉及的部分函式還是無法一下子全部理解。於是在本文中將對程式碼中使用的函式繼續進行一一介紹。 具體程式碼見上一篇(二) 一、 #定義輸入的placehoder,x是特徵