1. 程式人生 > >hdu 2822(BFS+優先佇列)

hdu 2822(BFS+優先佇列)

Prairie dog comes again! Someday one little prairie dog Tim wants to visit one of his friends on the farmland, but he is as lazy as his friend (who required Tim to come to his place instead of going to Tim's), So he turn to you for help to point out how could him dig as less as he could. 

We know the farmland is divided into a grid, and some of the lattices form houses, where many little dogs live in. If the lattices connect to each other in any case, they belong to the same house. Then the little Tim start from his home located at (x0, y0) aim at his friend's home ( x1, y1 ). During the journey, he must walk through a lot of lattices, when in a house he can just walk through without digging, but he must dig some distance to reach another house. The farmland will be as big as 1000 * 1000, and the up left corner is labeled as ( 1, 1 ).