1. 程式人生 > >SNMP++的深入學習(二)


#include "snmp_pp.h"
#include "oid.h"
#include "vb.h"
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
   // -------[Ways to construct Vb objects ]-------
   // construct a single Vb object 定義一個vb1
   Vb vb1;
   // construct a Vb object with an Oid object
   // this sets the Oid portion of the Vb
   Oid d1(""); //定義了一個Oid d1,值為1.
   Vb vb2(d1);//用d1來為vb2賦值
   cout<<"vb2's oid is "<<vb2.get_printable_oid()<<endl;
   // construct a Vb object with a dotted string 用一個點分制字串來定義vb3的oid值
   Vb vb3( (Oid) "");
   cout<<"vb3's oid is "<<vb3.get_printable_oid()<<endl;
   // construct an array of ten Vbs
   Vb vbs[10];
   //------[Ways to set and get the Oid portion of Vb objects ]
   // set and get the Oid portion portion的意思是part piece
  Oid d2((Oid)"");
   vb1.set_oid(d2); //用d2的值來定義vb1的oid值,由於現在d2值為1.,所以vb1的oid值也為1.
   cout<<"vb1's oid is "<<vb1.get_printable_oid()<<endl;
   Oid d3;
   vb1.get_oid(d3); //d3取vb1的oid,由於vb1的oid值是用d2的值來定義的,所以d3的值也為1.
   cout<<"d3's oid is "<<d3.get_printable()<<endl;
   if (d2==d3) cout << "They better be equal!!/n";
   Vb ten_vbs[10];
   int z;
   for (z=0;z<10;z++)
   ten_vbs[0].set_oid((Oid)""); //先對ten_vbs[0]的值作了一個定義
   //-------[ ways to set and get values ]
   // set & get ints
   int x,y;
  vb1.set_value(x); //將vb1的value值設為x的值,即為5
  cout<<"vb1'value is "<<vb1.get_printable_value()<<endl;
   cout<<"y is "<<y<<endl;
   if ( x == y) cout << "x equals y/n";
   // set and get long ints
   long int a,b;
 cout<<"a is "<<a<<endl;
//-------[ ways to set and get values ]
   if ( a == b)  cout << "a equals b/n" ;
    else cout<<"a is not equals b/n";
   // set & get unsigned long ints
 unsigned long int c,d;
 c = 1000;
  vbs[0].set_value( c);  //將vbs[0]的value值設為1000
  vbs[0].get_value( d);  //用vbs[0]值設y的值
   if ( c == d) cout << "c equals d/n";
   // set a 64 bit counter
   Counter64 c64(1000,1001);
  vbs[1].set_value( c64);
   // get and set an oid as a value
   Oid o1, o2;  //定義兩個Oid o1 o2
   o1 = "";
   vbs[2].set_value( o1);  //將vbs[2]的value值設為o1即1.
   vbs[2].get_value( o2);  //將o2的值設為1.
   if ( o1 == o2) cout << "o1 equals o2/n";
   // set and get an octet string
   unsigned char data[4],outdata[4];
   unsigned long len,outlen;
   len =4; data[0] = 10; data[1] = 12; data[2] = 12; data[3] = 13;
   OctetStr octetstr(data,len);
   vbs[3].set_value( octetstr);
   vbs[3].get_value( octetstr);
   // get & set a string
   char beer[80];  //定義了一個字串beer
   char good_beer[80]; //定義了一個字串good_beer
   strcpy( beer,"Sierra Nevada Pale Ale");
   cout<<"beer is "<<beer<<endl;
  vbs[4].set_value( beer); //將beer的值設定給vbs[4]的value
   vbs[4].get_value( good_beer); //又將good_beer的值設定為beer的值
   printf("Good Beer = %s/n",good_beer);
   // get and set an ip an address
  IpAddress ipaddress1, ipaddress2;
   ipaddress1 = "";
   vbs[5].set_value( ipaddress1);
   vbs[5].get_value( ipaddress2);
   cout << "ipaddress2 is "<<ipaddress2<<endl;
} // end vb example