材質 “Glow 效果” 的實現【UE4】
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-23
演算法較簡單,首先來看 Base color 部分:
就是將對事先準備好的三張紋理進行線性插值,其中 Mask 為遮罩紋理
接著再來看 Emissive Color 部分:
演算法也很簡單,即隨著時間的變化,經過變化的常量顏色和遮罩紋理進行線性插值,然後結果傳入 Emissive Color(基於物理的渲染中,Emissive Color 決定了這個材質有多亮)
附:基於物理的材質渲染圖 (Specular 通常用於 non-metalic 表面)
最後,附上 UE4 自動生成 HLSL 程式碼,有興趣的朋友可以研究一下:
// Copyright 1998-2016 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* MaterialTemplate.usf: Filled in by FHLSLMaterialTranslator::GetMaterialShaderCode for each material being compiled.
#include "Random.usf"
#include "UniformBuffers/Material.usf"
// for MaterialExpressionDepthOfFieldFunction
#include "DepthOfFieldCommon.usf"
#include "CircleDOFCommon.usf"
#include "GlobalDistanceFieldShared.usf"
#include "SpeedTreeCommon.usf"
#include "MinMaterialTexCoords.usf"
#include "AtmosphereCommon.usf"
#include "PaniniProjection.usf"
#error "USE_DITHERED_LOD_TRANSITION_FOR_INSTANCED should have been defined"
#error "USE_DITHERED_LOD_TRANSITION_FROM_MATERIAL should have been defined"
//Platforms that don't run the editor shouldn't need editor features in the shaders.
//Tie Editor features to platform support and the COMPILE_SHADERS_FOR_DEVELOPMENT which is set via CVAR.
//Materials also have to opt in to these features.
* Parameters used by vertex and pixel shaders to access particle properties.
struct FMaterialParticleParameters
/** Relative time [0-1]. */
half RelativeTime;
/** Fade amount due to motion blur. */
half MotionBlurFade;
/** Random value per particle [0-1]. */
half Random;
/** XYZ: Direction, W: Speed. */
half4 Velocity;
/** Per-particle color. */
half4 Color;
/** Particle translated world space position and size(radius). */
float4 TranslatedWorldPositionAndSize;
/** Macro UV scale and bias. */
half4 MacroUV;
/** Dynamic parameter used by particle systems. */
half4 DynamicParameter;
/** mesh particle orientation */
float4x4 LocalToWorld;
/** SubUV texture coordinates*/
MaterialFloat2 SubUVCoords[2];
/** SubUV interpolation value*/
MaterialFloat SubUVLerp;
/** The size of the particle. */
float2 Size;
float4 GetDynamicParameter(FMaterialParticleParameters Parameters, float4 Default)
return Parameters.DynamicParameter;
return Default;
* Parameters calculated from the pixel material inputs.
struct FPixelMaterialInputs
MaterialFloat3 EmissiveColor;
MaterialFloat Opacity;
MaterialFloat OpacityMask;
MaterialFloat3 BaseColor;
MaterialFloat Metallic;
MaterialFloat Specular;
MaterialFloat Roughness;
MaterialFloat3 Normal;
MaterialFloat AmbientOcclusion;
MaterialFloat2 Refraction;
MaterialFloat PixelDepthOffset;
* Parameters needed by pixel shader material inputs, related to Geometry.
* These are independent of vertex factory.
struct FMaterialPixelParameters
/** Interpolated vertex color, in linear color space. */
half4 VertexColor;
/** Normalized tangent space normal. */
half3 TangentNormal;
/** Normalized world space normal. */
half3 WorldNormal;
/** Normalized world space reflected camera vector. */
half3 ReflectionVector;
/** Normalized world space camera vector, which is the vector from the point being shaded to the camera position. */
half3 CameraVector;
/** World space light vector, only valid when rendering a light function. */
half3 LightVector;
* Like SV_Position (.xy is pixel position at pixel center, z:DeviceZ, .w:SceneDepth)
* using shader generated value SV_POSITION
* Warning: unlike SV_Position, this is not relative to the current viewport. SV_Position = MaterialParameters.SvPosition.xy - View.ViewRectMin.xy;
float4 SvPosition;
/** Post projection position reconstructed from SvPosition, before the divide by W. left..top -1..1, bottom..top -1..1 within the viewport, W is the SceneDepth */
float4 ScreenPosition;
half UnMirrored;
half TwoSidedSign;
* Orthonormal rotation-only transform from tangent space to world space
* The transpose(TangentToWorld) is WorldToTangent, and TangentToWorld[2] is WorldVertexNormal
half3x3 TangentToWorld;
* Interpolated worldspace position of this pixel
* todo: Make this TranslatedWorldPosition and also rename the VS/DS/HS WorldPosition to be TranslatedWorldPosition
float3 AbsoluteWorldPosition;
* Interpolated worldspace position of this pixel, centered around the camera
float3 WorldPosition_CamRelative;
* Interpolated worldspace position of this pixel, not including any world position offset or displacement.
* Only valid if shader is compiled with NEEDS_WORLD_POSITION_EXCLUDING_SHADER_OFFSETS, otherwise just contains 0
float3 WorldPosition_NoOffsets;
* Interpolated worldspace position of this pixel, not including any world position offset or displacement.
* Only valid if shader is compiled with NEEDS_WORLD_POSITION_EXCLUDING_SHADER_OFFSETS, otherwise just contains 0
float3 WorldPosition_NoOffsets_CamRelative;
/** Offset applied to the lighting position for translucency, used to break up aliasing artifacts. */
half3 LightingPositionOffset;
float AOMaterialMask;
float2 LightmapUVs;
half4 PerInstanceParams;
/** Per-particle properties. Only valid for particle vertex factories. */
FMaterialParticleParameters Particle;
float4 LayerWeights;
/** Parameters used by the MaterialTexCoordScales shader. */
FTexCoordScalesParams TexCoordScalesParams;
/** Used in mobile custom pp material to preserve original SceneColor Alpha */
half BackupSceneColorAlpha;
// @todo compat hack
FMaterialPixelParameters MakeInitializedMaterialPixelParameters()
FMaterialPixelParameters MPP;
MPP = (FMaterialPixelParameters)0;
MPP.TangentToWorld = float3x3(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1);
return MPP;
* Parameters needed by domain shader material inputs.
* These are independent of vertex factory.
struct FMaterialTessellationParameters
// Note: Customized UVs are only evaluated in the vertex shader, which is not really what you want with tessellation, but keeps the code simpler
// (tessellation texcoords are the same as pixels shader texcoords)
float4 VertexColor;
// TODO: Non translated world position
float3 WorldPosition;
float3 TangentToWorldPreScale;
// TangentToWorld[2] is WorldVertexNormal, [0] and [1] are binormal and tangent
float3x3 TangentToWorld;
* Parameters needed by vertex shader material inputs.
* These are independent of vertex factory.
struct FMaterialVertexParameters
// Position in the translated world (VertexFactoryGetWorldPosition).
// Previous position in the translated world (VertexFactoryGetPreviousWorldPosition) if
// computing material's output for previous frame (See {BasePassVertex,Velocity}Shader.usf).
float3 WorldPosition;
// TangentToWorld[2] is WorldVertexNormal
half3x3 TangentToWorld;
/** Per-instance properties. */
float4x4 InstanceLocalToWorld;
float3 InstanceLocalPosition;
float4 PerInstanceParams;
/** Per-particle properties. */
float4x4 InstanceLocalToWorld;
float3 PreSkinnedPosition;
half4 VertexColor;
float2 TexCoordOffset; // Offset for UV localization for large UV values
/** Per-particle properties. Only valid for particle vertex factories. */
FMaterialParticleParameters Particle;
float3 GetTranslatedWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.WorldPosition;
float3 GetPrevTranslatedWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
// Previous world position and current world position are sharing the
// same attribute in Parameters, because in BasePassVertexShader.usf
// and in VelocityShader.usf, we are regenerating a Parameters from
// VertexFactoryGetPreviousWorldPosition() instead of
// VertexFactoryGetWorldPosition().
return GetTranslatedWorldPosition(Parameters);
float3 GetWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
return GetTranslatedWorldPosition(Parameters) - ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation;
float3 GetPrevWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
return GetPrevTranslatedWorldPosition(Parameters) - ResolvedView.PrevPreViewTranslation;
//TODO(bug UE-17131): We should compute world displacement for the previous frame
float3 GetWorldPosition(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.WorldPosition;
float3 GetTranslatedWorldPosition(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.WorldPosition + ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation;
float3 GetWorldPosition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.AbsoluteWorldPosition;
float3 GetWorldPosition_NoMaterialOffsets(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets;
float3 GetTranslatedWorldPosition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.WorldPosition_CamRelative;
float3 GetTranslatedWorldPosition_NoMaterialOffsets(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets_CamRelative;
// using this function allows to write the same code for VS and PS
float4 GetScreenPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
return mul(float4(Parameters.WorldPosition, 1.0f), ResolvedView.TranslatedWorldToClip);
// using this function allows to write the same code for VS and PS
float4 GetScreenPosition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.ScreenPosition;
* Material node DecalMipmapLevel's code designed to avoid the 2x2 pixels artefacts on the edges around where the decal
* is projected to. The technique is fetched from (http://www.humus.name/index.php?page=3D&ID=84).
* The problem around edges of the meshes, is that the hardware computes the mipmap level according to ddx(uv) and ddy(uv),
* but since the pixel shader are invocated by group of 2x2 pixels, then on edges some pixel might be getting the
* current depth of an differet mesh that the other pixel of the same groups. If this mesh is very far from the other
* mesh of the same group of pixel, then one of the delta might be very big, leading to choosing a low mipmap level for this
* group of 4 pixels, causing the artefacts.
float2 ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(float4 SvPosition)
half DeviceZ = LookupDeviceZ(SvPositionToBufferUV(SvPosition));
SvPosition.z = DeviceZ;
float4 DecalVector = mul(float4(SvPosition.xyz,1), SvPositionToDecal);
DecalVector.xyz /= DecalVector.w;
DecalVector = DecalVector * 0.5f + 0.5f;
DecalVector.xyz = DecalVector.zyx;
return DecalVector.xy;
float2 ComputeDecalDDX(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
* Assuming where in a pixel shader invocation, then we compute manualy compute two d(uv)/d(x)
* with the pixels's left and right neighbours.
float4 ScreenDeltaX = float4(1, 0, 0, 0);
float2 UvDiffX0 = Parameters.TexCoords[0] - ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(Parameters.SvPosition - ScreenDeltaX);
float2 UvDiffX1 = ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(Parameters.SvPosition + ScreenDeltaX) - Parameters.TexCoords[0];
* So we have two diff on the X axis, we want the one that has the smallest length
* to avoid the 2x2 pixels mipmap artefacts on the edges.
return dot(UvDiffX0, UvDiffX0) < dot(UvDiffX1, UvDiffX1) ? UvDiffX0 : UvDiffX1;
float2 ComputeDecalDDY(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
// do same for the Y axis
float4 ScreenDeltaY = float4(0, 1, 0, 0);
float2 UvDiffY0 = Parameters.TexCoords[0] - ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(Parameters.SvPosition - ScreenDeltaY);
float2 UvDiffY1 = ComputeDecalUVFromSvPosition(Parameters.SvPosition + ScreenDeltaY) - Parameters.TexCoords[0];
return dot(UvDiffY0, UvDiffY0) < dot(UvDiffY1, UvDiffY1) ? UvDiffY0 : UvDiffY1;
float ComputeDecalMipmapLevel(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float2 TextureSize)
float2 UvPixelDiffX = ComputeDecalDDX(Parameters) * TextureSize;
float2 UvPixelDiffY = ComputeDecalDDY(Parameters) * TextureSize;
// Computes the mipmap level
float MaxDiff = max(dot(UvPixelDiffX, UvPixelDiffX), dot(UvPixelDiffY, UvPixelDiffY));
return 0.5 * log2(MaxDiff);
float2 ComputeDecalDDX(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return 0.0f;
float2 ComputeDecalDDY(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return 0.0f;
float ComputeDecalMipmapLevel(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float2 TextureSize)
return 0.0f;
* Deferred decal don't have a Primitive uniform buffer, because we don't know on which primitive the decal
* is being projected to. But the user may still need to get the decal's actor world position.
* So instead of setting up a primitive buffer that may cost to much CPU effort to be almost never used,
* we directly fetch this value from the DeferredDecal.usf specific uniform variable DecalToWorld.
float3 GetActorWorldPosition()
return DecalToWorld[3].xyz;
float3 GetActorWorldPosition()
return Primitive.ActorWorldPosition;
float DecalLifetimeOpacity()
return DecalParams.y;
float DecalLifetimeOpacity()
return 0.0f;
/** Transforms a vector from tangent space to world space, prescaling by an amount calculated previously */
MaterialFloat3 TransformTangentVectorToWorld_PreScaled(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters, MaterialFloat3 InTangentVector)
// used optionally to scale up the vector prior to conversion
InTangentVector *= abs( Parameters.TangentToWorldPreScale );
// Transform directly to world space
// The vector transform is optimized for this case, only one vector-matrix multiply is needed
return mul(InTangentVector, Parameters.TangentToWorld);
return TransformTangentVectorToWorld(Parameters.TangentToWorld, InTangentVector);
#endif // #if FEATURE_LEVEL_SM5
/** Transforms a vector from tangent space to view space */
MaterialFloat3 TransformTangentVectorToView(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, MaterialFloat3 InTangentVector)
// Transform from tangent to world, and then to view space
return mul(mul(InTangentVector, Parameters.TangentToWorld), (MaterialFloat3x3)ResolvedView.TranslatedWorldToView);
/** Transforms a vector from local space to world space (VS version) */
MaterialFloat3 TransformLocalVectorToWorld(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters,MaterialFloat3 InLocalVector)
return mul(InLocalVector, (MaterialFloat3x3)Parameters.InstanceLocalToWorld);
return mul(InLocalVector, GetLocalToWorld3x3());
/** Transforms a vector from local space to world space (PS version) */
MaterialFloat3 TransformLocalVectorToWorld(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters,MaterialFloat3 InLocalVector)
return mul(InLocalVector, GetLocalToWorld3x3());
/** Transforms a vector from world space to local space */
MaterialFloat3 TransformWorldVectorToLocal(MaterialFloat3 InWorldVector)
return mul(InWorldVector, (MaterialFloat3x3)Primitive.WorldToLocal);
/** Transforms a position from local space to absolute world space */
float3 TransformLocalPositionToWorld(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters,float3 InLocalPosition)
return mul(float4(InLocalPosition, 1), Primitive.LocalToWorld).xyz;
/** Transforms a position from local space to absolute world space */
float3 TransformLocalPositionToWorld(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters,float3 InLocalPosition)
return mul(float4(InLocalPosition, 1), Parameters.InstanceLocalToWorld).xyz;
return mul(float4(InLocalPosition, 1), Primitive.LocalToWorld).xyz;
/** Return the object's position in world space */
float3 GetObjectWorldPosition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.xyz;
float3 GetObjectWorldPosition(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
return Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.xyz;
/** Return the object's position in world space. For instanced meshes, this returns the instance position. */
float3 GetObjectWorldPosition(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.InstanceLocalToWorld[3].xyz;
return Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.xyz;
/** Get the per-instance random value when instancing */
float GetPerInstanceRandom(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.PerInstanceParams.x;
return 0.0;
/** Get the per-instance random value when instancing */
float GetPerInstanceRandom(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.PerInstanceParams.x;
return 0.0;
/** Get the per-instance fade-out amount when instancing */
float GetPerInstanceFadeAmount(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return float(Parameters.PerInstanceParams.y);
return float(1.0);
/** Get the per-instance fade-out amount when instancing */
float GetPerInstanceFadeAmount(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
return float(Parameters.PerInstanceParams.y);
return float(1.0);
MaterialFloat GetDistanceCullFade()
return saturate( View.RealTime * PrimitiveFade.FadeTimeScaleBias.x + PrimitiveFade.FadeTimeScaleBias.y );
/** Rotates Position about the given axis by the given angle, in radians, and returns the offset to Position. */
float3 RotateAboutAxis(float4 NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle, float3 PositionOnAxis, float3 Position)
// Project Position onto the rotation axis and find the closest point on the axis to Position
float3 ClosestPointOnAxis = PositionOnAxis + NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle.xyz * dot(NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle.xyz, Position - PositionOnAxis);
// Construct orthogonal axes in the plane of the rotation
float3 UAxis = Position - ClosestPointOnAxis;
float3 VAxis = cross(NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle.xyz, UAxis);
float CosAngle;
float SinAngle;
sincos(NormalizedRotationAxisAndAngle.w, SinAngle, CosAngle);
// Rotate using the orthogonal axes
float3 R = UAxis * CosAngle + VAxis * SinAngle;
// Reconstruct the rotated world space position
float3 RotatedPosition = ClosestPointOnAxis + R;
// Convert from position to a position offset
return RotatedPosition - Position;
// Material Expression function
float MaterialExpressionDepthOfFieldFunction(float SceneDepth, int FunctionValueIndex)
// tryed switch() but seems that doesn't work
if(FunctionValueIndex == 0) // TDOF_NearAndFarMask
return CalcUnfocusedPercentCustomBound(SceneDepth, 1, 1);
else if(FunctionValueIndex == 1) // TDOF_Near
return CalcUnfocusedPercentCustomBound(SceneDepth, 1, 0);
else if(FunctionValueIndex == 2) // TDOF_Far
return CalcUnfocusedPercentCustomBound(SceneDepth, 0, 1);
else if(FunctionValueIndex == 3) // TDOF_CircleOfConfusionRadius
// * 2 to compensate for half res
return DepthToCoc(SceneDepth) * 2.0f;
return 0;
// TODO convert to LUT
float3 MaterialExpressionBlackBody( float Temp )
float u = ( 0.860117757f + 1.54118254e-4f * Temp + 1.28641212e-7f * Temp*Temp ) / ( 1.0f + 8.42420235e-4f * Temp + 7.08145163e-7f * Temp*Temp );
float v = ( 0.317398726f + 4.22806245e-5f * Temp + 4.20481691e-8f * Temp*Temp ) / ( 1.0f - 2.89741816e-5f * Temp + 1.61456053e-7f * Temp*Temp );
float x = 3*u / ( 2*u - 8*v + 4 );
float y = 2*v / ( 2*u - 8*v + 4 );
float z = 1 - x - y;
float Y = 1;
float X = Y/y * x;
float Z = Y/y * z;
float3x3 XYZtoRGB =
3.2404542, -1.5371385, -0.4985314,
-0.9692660, 1.8760108, 0.0415560,
0.0556434, -0.2040259, 1.0572252,
return mul( XYZtoRGB, float3( X, Y, Z ) ) * pow( 0.0004 * Temp, 4 );
float4 MaterialExpressionAtmosphericFog(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float3 AbsoluteWorldPosition)
// WorldPosition default value is Parameters.AbsoluteWorldPosition if not overridden by the user
float3 ViewVector = AbsoluteWorldPosition - ResolvedView.WorldCameraOrigin;
float SceneDepth = length(ViewVector);
return GetAtmosphericFog(ResolvedView.WorldCameraOrigin, ViewVector, SceneDepth, float3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
return float4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
float3 MaterialExpressionAtmosphericLightVector(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return View.AtmosphericFogSunDirection;
return float3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
float3 MaterialExpressionAtmosphericLightColor(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return View.AtmosphericFogSunColor;
return float3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
* Utility function to unmirror one coordinate value to the other side
* UnMirrored == 1 if normal
* UnMirrored == -1 if mirrored
* Used by most of parameter functions generated via code in this file
MaterialFloat UnMirror( MaterialFloat Coordinate, FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters )
return ((Coordinate)*(Parameters.UnMirrored)*0.5+0.5);
* UnMirror only U
MaterialFloat2 UnMirrorU( MaterialFloat2 UV, FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters )
return MaterialFloat2(UnMirror(UV.x, Parameters), UV.y);
* UnMirror only V
MaterialFloat2 UnMirrorV( MaterialFloat2 UV, FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters )
return MaterialFloat2(UV.x, UnMirror(UV.y, Parameters));
* UnMirror only UV
MaterialFloat2 UnMirrorUV( MaterialFloat2 UV, FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters )
return MaterialFloat2(UnMirror(UV.x, Parameters), UnMirror(UV.y, Parameters));
* Transforms screen space positions into UVs with [.5, .5] centered on ObjectPostProjectionPosition,
* And [1, 1] at ObjectPostProjectionPosition + (ObjectRadius, ObjectRadius).
MaterialFloat2 GetParticleMacroUV(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return (Parameters.ScreenPosition.xy / Parameters.ScreenPosition.w - Parameters.Particle.MacroUV.xy) * Parameters.Particle.MacroUV.zw + MaterialFloat2(.5, .5);
MaterialFloat4 ProcessMaterialColorTextureLookup(MaterialFloat4 TextureValue)
if( View.MobilePreviewMode > 0.5f)
// undo HW srgb->lin
TextureValue.rgb = pow(TextureValue.rgb, 1.0f / 2.2f); // TODO: replace with a more accurate lin -> sRGB conversion.
// sRGB read approximation
TextureValue.rgb *= TextureValue.rgb;
return TextureValue;
MaterialFloat4 ProcessMaterialLinearColorTextureLookup(MaterialFloat4 TextureValue)
return TextureValue;
MaterialFloat ProcessMaterialGreyscaleTextureLookup(MaterialFloat TextureValue)
if( View.MobilePreviewMode > 0.5f )
// undo HW srgb->lin
TextureValue = pow(TextureValue, 1.0f/2.2f); // TODO: replace with a more accurate lin -> sRGB conversion.
// sRGB read approximation
TextureValue *= TextureValue;
return TextureValue;
MaterialFloat ProcessMaterialLinearGreyscaleTextureLookup(MaterialFloat TextureValue)
return TextureValue;
/** Accesses a shared material sampler or falls back if independent samplers are not supported. */
SamplerState GetMaterialSharedSampler(SamplerState TextureSampler, SamplerState SharedSampler)
return SharedSampler;
// Note: to match behavior on platforms that don't support SUPPORTS_INDEPENDENT_SAMPLERS,
// TextureSampler should have been set to the same sampler. This is not currently done.
return TextureSampler;
/** Calculate a reflection vector about the specified world space normal. Optionally normalize this normal **/
MaterialFloat3 ReflectionAboutCustomWorldNormal(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, MaterialFloat3 WorldNormal, bool bNormalizeInputNormal)
if (bNormalizeInputNormal)
WorldNormal = normalize(WorldNormal);
return -Parameters.CameraVector + WorldNormal * dot(WorldNormal, Parameters.CameraVector) * 2.0;
* Calculates opacity for a billboard particle as if it were a sphere.
* Note: Calling this function requires the vertex factory to have been compiled with SPHERICAL_PARTICLE_OPACITY set to 1
float GetSphericalParticleOpacity(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float Density)
float Opacity = 0;
float3 ParticleTranslatedWorldPosition = Parameters.Particle.TranslatedWorldPositionAndSize.xyz;
float ParticleRadius = max(0.000001f, Parameters.Particle.TranslatedWorldPositionAndSize.w);
// Substitute object attributes if the mesh is not a particle
// This is mostly useful for previewing materials using spherical opacity in the material editor
float3 ParticleTranslatedWorldPosition = Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.xyz + ResolvedView.PreViewTranslation.xyz;
float ParticleRadius = max(0.000001f, Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.w);
// Rescale density to make the final opacity independent of the particle radius
float RescaledDensity = Density / ParticleRadius;
// Distance from point being shaded to particle center
float DistanceToParticle = length(Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets_CamRelative - ParticleTranslatedWorldPosition);
if (DistanceToParticle < ParticleRadius)
// Distance from point being shaded to the point on the sphere along the view direction
float HemisphericalDistance = sqrt(ParticleRadius * ParticleRadius - DistanceToParticle * DistanceToParticle);
// When rendering shadow depths we can't use scene depth or the near plane, just use the distance through the whole sphere
float DistanceThroughSphere = HemisphericalDistance * 2;
// Initialize near and far sphere intersection distances
float NearDistance = Parameters.ScreenPosition.w - HemisphericalDistance;
float FarDistance = Parameters.ScreenPosition.w + HemisphericalDistance;
float SceneDepth = CalcSceneDepth(SvPositionToBufferUV(Parameters.SvPosition));
FarDistance = min(SceneDepth, FarDistance);
// Take into account opaque objects intersecting the sphere
float DistanceThroughSphere = FarDistance - NearDistance;
// Use the approximation for the extinction line integral from "Spherical Billboards and their Application to Rendering Explosions"
Opacity = saturate(1 - exp2(-RescaledDensity * (1 - DistanceToParticle / ParticleRadius) * DistanceThroughSphere));
// Fade out as the particle approaches the near plane
Opacity = lerp(0, Opacity, saturate((Parameters.ScreenPosition.w - ParticleRadius - View.NearPlane) / ParticleRadius));
return Opacity;
/** Vertex offset for SpeedTree wind and LOD */
float3 GetSpeedTreeVertexOffsetInner(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters, int GeometryType, int WindType, int LODType, float BillboardThreshold, FSpeedTreeData STData)
return float4(0,0,0);
float3x3 LocalToWorld = (float3x3)Parameters.InstanceLocalToWorld;
float3 LocalPosition = Parameters.InstanceLocalPosition;
// skip if this instance is hidden
if (Parameters.PerInstanceParams.z < 1.f)
return float3(0,0,0);
float3x3 LocalToWorld = (float3x3)Primitive.LocalToWorld;
float3 LocalPosition = mul(float4(GetWorldPosition(Parameters), 1), Primitive.WorldToLocal).xyz;
float3 TreePos = GetObjectWorldPosition(Parameters);
// compute LOD by finding screen space size
float LodInterp = 1.0;
const float ScreenMultiple = 0.5 * max(View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.x * ResolvedView.ViewToClip[0][0],
View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.y * ResolvedView.ViewToClip[1][1]);
const float ScreenRadius = ScreenMultiple * Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.w /
max(1.0, dot(TreePos - ResolvedView.WorldCameraOrigin, ResolvedView.ViewForward.xyz));
const float ScreenArea = PI * ScreenRadius * ScreenRadius * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.z * View.ViewSizeAndInvSize.w;
LodInterp = saturate((ScreenArea - SpeedTreeLODInfo.x) / SpeedTreeLODInfo.z);
TreePos *= 0.001; // The only other use of the tree position is as an offset into trig functions, but big numbers don't play nice there
// SpeedTrees should only be uniformly scaled, but if necessary, it takes a few more instructions
float TreeScale = length(mul(float3(0,0,1), LocalToWorld));
// length((float3)LocalToWorld[1]),
// length((float3)LocalToWorld[2]));
// @todo There is probably a more optimal way to get the rotated (but not translated or scaled) vertex position needed for correct wind
float3 OriginalPosition = LocalPosition;
OriginalPosition = mul(OriginalPosition, LocalToWorld) / TreeScale;
float3 FinalPosition = OriginalPosition;
if (BillboardThreshold < 1.0)
// billboard meshes can have triangles drop out if they aren't facing the camera
// this rotates the view direction around so we ignore the local Z component
float3 LocalView2D = normalize(float3(ResolvedView.ViewForward.xy, 0));
float3 LocalNormal2D = normalize(float3(Parameters.TangentToWorld[2].xy, 0));
if (dot(LocalView2D, LocalNormal2D) > (-1.0 + BillboardThreshold * 0.25))
FinalPosition = float3(0,0,0);
// rotated normal needed in a few places
float3 Normal = Parameters.TangentToWorld[2];
// branches and fronds
// smooth LOD
float3 LODPos = float3(Parameters.TexCoords[3].x, Parameters.TexCoords[3].y, Parameters.TexCoords[4].x);
LODPos = mul(LODPos, LocalToWorld) / TreeScale;
FinalPosition = lerp(LODPos, FinalPosition, LodInterp);
// frond wind, if needed
float2 TexCoords = Parameters.TexCoords[0];
float4 WindExtra = float4(Parameters.TexCoords[5].x, Parameters.TexCoords[5].y, Parameters.TexCoords[6].x, 0.0);
FinalPosition = RippleFrond(STData, FinalPosition, Normal, TexCoords.x, TexCoords.y, WindExtra.x, WindExtra.y, WindExtra.z);
// leaves and facing leaves
// remove anchor pos from vertex position
float3 Anchor = float3(Parameters.TexCoords[4].y, Parameters.TexCoords[5].x, Parameters.TexCoords[5].y);
Anchor = (mul(Anchor, LocalToWorld)) / TreeScale;
FinalPosition -= Anchor;
// smooth LOD
float3 LODPos = float3(Parameters.TexCoords[3].x, Parameters.TexCoords[3].y, Parameters.TexCoords[4].x);
LODPos = mul(LODPos, LocalToWorld) / TreeScale - Anchor;
FinalPosition = lerp(LODPos, FinalPosition, LodInterp);
float LODScalar = Parameters.TexCoords[3].x;
FinalPosition *= lerp(LODScalar, 1.0, LodInterp);
// face camera-facing leaves to the camera, if needed
// have to rotate the view into local space
FinalPosition = FinalPosition.x * ResolvedView.ViewRight +
FinalPosition.y * ResolvedView.ViewUp +
FinalPosition.z * ResolvedView.ViewForward;
// leaf wind
float4 WindExtra = float4(Parameters.TexCoords[6].x, Parameters.TexCoords[6].y, Parameters.TexCoords[7].x, Parameters.TexCoords[7].y);
float LeafWindTrigOffset = Anchor.x + Anchor.y;
FinalPosition = LeafWind(STData, WindExtra.w > 0.0, FinalPosition, Normal, WindExtra.x, float3(0,0,0), WindExtra.y, WindExtra.z, LeafWindTrigOffset, WindType);
// move leaf back to anchor
FinalPosition += Anchor;
// branch wind (applies to all geometry)
float2 VertBranchWind = Parameters.TexCoords[2];
FinalPosition = BranchWind(STData, FinalPosition, TreePos, float4(VertBranchWind, 0, 0), WindType);
// global wind can apply to the whole tree, even billboards
FinalPosition = GlobalWind(STData, FinalPosition, TreePos, true);
// convert into a world space offset
return (FinalPosition - OriginalPosition) * TreeScale;
/** Vertex offset for SpeedTree wind and LOD */
float3 GetSpeedTreeVertexOffset(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters, int GeometryType, int WindType, int LODType, float BillboardThreshold, bool bUsePreviousFrame)
if (bUsePreviousFrame)
return GetSpeedTreeVertexOffsetInner(Parameters, GeometryType, WindType, LODType, BillboardThreshold, GetPreviousSpeedTreeData());
return GetSpeedTreeVertexOffsetInner(Parameters, GeometryType, WindType, LODType, BillboardThreshold, GetCurrentSpeedTreeData());
return 0;
MaterialFloat2 GetLightmapUVs(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return Parameters.LightmapUVs;
return MaterialFloat2(0,0);
#include "EyeAdaptationCommon.usf"
// only Postprocess material bind PostprocessInput0, PostprocessInput0Size, PostprocessInput0MinMax ...
#include "PostProcessCommon.usf" // PostprocessInput0
#include "DeferredShadingCommon.usf" // GetGBufferData()
float4 GetPostProcessInputSize(uint Index)
if (Index == 0) return PostprocessInput0Size;
else if (Index == 1) return PostprocessInput1Size;
else if (Index == 2) return PostprocessInput2Size;
else if (Index == 3) return PostprocessInput3Size;
else if (Index == 4) return PostprocessInput4Size;
else if (Index == 5) return PostprocessInput5Size;
else if (Index == 6) return PostprocessInput6Size;
return 1.0f;
float4 GetPostProcessInputMinMax(uint Index)
if (Index == 0) return PostprocessInput0MinMax;
else if (Index == 1) return PostprocessInput1MinMax;
else if (Index == 2) return PostprocessInput2MinMax;
else if (Index == 3) return PostprocessInput3MinMax;
else if (Index == 4) return PostprocessInput4MinMax;
else if (Index == 5) return PostprocessInput5MinMax;
else if (Index == 6) return PostprocessInput6MinMax;
return 1.0f;
MaterialFloat4 MobileSceneTextureLookup(inout FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, int SceneTextureId, float2 UV)
// For fetching SceneDepth and CustomDepth after tonemapper we need to switch OpenGL coordinates
// SceneColor will be transformed to OpenGL coordinates during tonemapping
if (SceneTextureId == 1)
UV.y = 1.0 - UV.y;
MaterialFloat Depth = ConvertFromDeviceZ(Texture2DSample(SceneDepthTexture, SceneDepthTextureSampler, UV).r);
return MaterialFloat4(Depth.rrr, 0.f);
else if (SceneTextureId == 13)
UV.y = 1.0 - UV.y;
MaterialFloat Depth = ConvertFromDeviceZ(Texture2DSample(CustomDepthTexture, CustomDepthTextureSampler, UV).r);
return MaterialFloat4(Depth.rrr, 0.f);
// PPI_PostprocessInput
else if (SceneTextureId == 14)
MaterialFloat4 Input0 = Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput0, PostprocessInput0Sampler, UV);
Input0 = Decode32BPPHDR(Input0);
// We need to preserve original SceneColor Alpha as it's used by tonemaper on mobile
Parameters.BackupSceneColorAlpha = Input0.a;
return Input0;
return MaterialFloat4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
/** Applies an offset to the scene texture lookup and decodes the HDR linear space color. */
float4 SceneTextureLookup(float2 UV, int SceneTextureIndex, bool bFiltered)
return float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
FScreenSpaceData ScreenSpaceData = GetScreenSpaceData(UV, false);
// TODO: PS4 doesn't optimize out correctly the switch(), so it thinks it needs all the Samplers even if they get compiled out
// This will get fixed after launch per Sony...
if (SceneTextureIndex == 0) return float4(CalcSceneColor(UV), 0);
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 1) return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Depth;
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 2) return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.DiffuseColor, 0);
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 3) return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.SpecularColor, 0);
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 4) return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData.rgb, 0);
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 5) return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.BaseColor, 0);
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 6) return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Specular;
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 7) return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Metallic;
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 8) return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.WorldNormal, 0);
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 9) return 1; // todo
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 10) return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData.a;
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 11) return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Roughness;
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 12) return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.GBufferAO;
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 13) return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomDepth;
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 14) if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput0, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput0, PostprocessInput0Sampler, UV);}
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 15) if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput1, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput1, PostprocessInput1Sampler, UV);}
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 16) if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput2, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput2, PostprocessInput2Sampler, UV);}
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 17) if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput3, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput3, PostprocessInput3Sampler, UV);}
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 18) if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput4, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput4, PostprocessInput4Sampler, UV);}
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 19) if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput5, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput5, PostprocessInput5Sampler, UV);}
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 20) if (bFiltered) { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput6, BilinearTextureSampler0, UV);} else { return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput6, PostprocessInput6Sampler, UV);}
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 21) return 0; // material compiler will return an error
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 22) return float4(GetShadingModelColor(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.ShadingModelID), 1);
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 23) return ScreenSpaceData.AmbientOcclusion;
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 24) return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomStencil;
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 25) return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.StoredBaseColor, 0);
else if (SceneTextureIndex == 26) return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.StoredSpecular.rrr, 0);
// order needs to match to ESceneTextureId
// PPI_SceneColor
case 0: return float4(CalcSceneColor(UV), 0);
// PPI_SceneDepth
case 1: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Depth;
// PPI_DiffuseColor
case 2: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.DiffuseColor, 0);
// PPI_SpecularColor
case 3: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.SpecularColor, 0);
// PPI_SubsurfaceColor
case 4: return IsSubsurfaceModel(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.ShadingModelID) ? float4( ExtractSubsurfaceColor(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer), ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData.a ) : ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData;
// PPI_BaseColor
case 5: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.BaseColor, 0);
// PPI_Specular
case 6: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Specular;
// PPI_Metallic
case 7: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Metallic;
// PPI_WorldNormal
case 8: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.WorldNormal, 0);
// PPI_SeparateTranslucency
case 9: return float4(1, 1, 1, 1); // todo
// PPI_Opacity
case 10: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomData.a;
// PPI_Roughness
case 11: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.Roughness;
// PPI_MaterialAO
case 12: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.GBufferAO;
// PPI_CustomDepth
case 13: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomDepth;
// PPI_PostprocessInput0
case 14: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput0, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput0Sampler, UV);
// PPI_PostprocessInput1
case 15: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput1, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput1Sampler, UV);
// PPI_PostprocessInput2
case 16: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput2, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput2Sampler, UV);
// PPI_PostprocessInput3
case 17: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput3, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput3Sampler, UV);
// PPI_PostprocessInput4
case 18: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput4, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput4Sampler, UV);
// PPI_PostprocessInput5
case 19: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput5, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput5Sampler, UV);
// PPI_PostprocessInput6
case 20: return Texture2DSample(PostprocessInput6, bFiltered ? BilinearTextureSampler0 : PostprocessInput6Sampler, UV);
// PPI_DecalMask
case 21: return 0; // material compiler will return an error
// PPI_ShadingModel
case 22: return float4(GetShadingModelColor(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.ShadingModelID), 1);
// PPI_AmbientOcclusion
case 23: return ScreenSpaceData.AmbientOcclusion;
// PPI_CustomStencil
case 24: return ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.CustomStencil;
// PPI_StoredBaseColor
case 25: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.StoredBaseColor, 0);
// PPI_StoredSpecular
case 26: return float4(ScreenSpaceData.GBuffer.StoredSpecular.rrr, 0);
return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
// PS4 as of SDK 930 can't figure out the switch statement exits through all code paths...
return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Uniform material expressions.
// can return in tangent space or world space (use MATERIAL_TANGENTSPACENORMAL)
half3 GetMaterialNormalRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.Normal;
half3 GetMaterialNormal(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
half3 RetNormal;
RetNormal = GetMaterialNormalRaw(PixelMaterialInputs);
// this feature is only needed for development/editor - we can compile it out for a shipping build (see r.CompileShadersForDevelopment cvar help)
half3 OverrideNormal = View.NormalOverrideParameter.xyz;
OverrideNormal = Parameters.TangentToWorld[2] * (1 - View.NormalOverrideParameter.w);
RetNormal = RetNormal * View.NormalOverrideParameter.w + OverrideNormal;
return RetNormal;
half3 GetMaterialEmissiveRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.EmissiveColor;
half3 GetMaterialEmissive(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
half3 EmissiveColor = GetMaterialEmissiveRaw(PixelMaterialInputs);
EmissiveColor = max(EmissiveColor, 0.0f);
return EmissiveColor;
half3 GetMaterialEmissiveForCS(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return 0;
half3 GetMaterialBaseColorRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.BaseColor;
half3 GetMaterialBaseColor(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return saturate(GetMaterialBaseColorRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));
half GetMaterialMetallicRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.Metallic;
half GetMaterialMetallic(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return saturate(GetMaterialMetallicRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));
half GetMaterialSpecularRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.Specular;
half GetMaterialSpecular(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return saturate(GetMaterialSpecularRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));
half GetMaterialRoughnessRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.Roughness;
half GetMaterialRoughness(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return 1;
// The smallest normalized value that can be represented in IEEE 754 (FP16) is 2^-14 = 6.1e-5.
// The code will make the following computation involving roughness: 1.0 / Roughness^4.
// Therefore to prevent division by zero on devices that do not support denormals, Roughness^4
// must be >= 6.1e-5. We will clamp to 0.09 because 0.09^4 = 6.5e-5.
// Note that we also clamp to 1.0 to match the deferred renderer on PC where the roughness is
// stored in an 8-bit value and thus automatically clamped at 1.0.
half Roughness = GetMaterialRoughnessRaw(PixelMaterialInputs);
// this is only needed for mobile preview on PC
Roughness = Roughness * View.RoughnessOverrideParameter.y + View.RoughnessOverrideParameter.x;
// Increase value from 0.09 to 0.12 to fix missing specular lobe problem on device
return clamp( Roughness, 0.12, 1.0 );
half Roughness = saturate(GetMaterialRoughnessRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));
// this feature is only needed for development/editor - we can compile it out for a shipping build (see r.CompileShadersForDevelopment cvar help)
Roughness = Roughness * View.RoughnessOverrideParameter.y + View.RoughnessOverrideParameter.x;
return Roughness;
half GetMaterialTranslucencyDirectionalLightingIntensity()
return 1.00000;
half GetMaterialTranslucentShadowDensityScale()
return 0.50000;
half GetMaterialTranslucentSelfShadowDensityScale()
return 2.00000;
half GetMaterialTranslucentSelfShadowSecondDensityScale()
return 10.00000;
half GetMaterialTranslucentSelfShadowSecondOpacity()
return 0.00000;
half GetMaterialTranslucentBackscatteringExponent()
return 30.00000;
half3 GetMaterialTranslucentMultipleScatteringExtinction()
return MaterialFloat3(1.00000, 0.83300, 0.58800);
// This is the clip value constant that is defined in the material (range 0..1)
// Use GetMaterialMask() to get the Material Mask combined with this.
half GetMaterialOpacityMaskClipValue()
return 0.33330;
// Should only be used by GetMaterialOpacity(), returns the unmodified value generated from the shader expressions of the opacity input.
// To compute the opacity depending on the material blending GetMaterialOpacity() should be called instead.
half GetMaterialOpacityRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.Opacity;
// Returns the material mask value generated from the material expressions.
// Use GetMaterialMask() to get the value altered depending on the material blend mode.
half GetMaterialMaskInputRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.OpacityMask;
// Returns the material mask value generated from the material expressions minus the used defined
// MaskClip value constant. If this value is <=0 the pixel should be killed.
half GetMaterialMask(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return GetMaterialMaskInputRaw(PixelMaterialInputs) - GetMaterialOpacityMaskClipValue();
// Returns the material opacity depending on the material blend mode.
half GetMaterialOpacity(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
// Clamp to valid range to prevent negative colors from lerping
return saturate(GetMaterialOpacityRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));
float3 GetMaterialWorldPositionOffset(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
// skip if this instance is hidden
if (Parameters.PerInstanceParams.z < 1.f)
return float3(0,0,0);
return MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000);;
float3 GetMaterialPreviousWorldPositionOffset(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters)
// skip if this instance is hidden
if (Parameters.PerInstanceParams.z < 1.f)
return float3(0,0,0);
return MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000);;
half3 GetMaterialWorldDisplacement(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
return MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000);;
half GetMaterialMaxDisplacement()
return 0.00000;
half GetMaterialTessellationMultiplier(FMaterialTessellationParameters Parameters)
return 1.00000000;;
// .rgb:SubsurfaceColor, .a:SSProfileId in 0..1 range
half4 GetMaterialSubsurfaceDataRaw(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return 0;;
half4 GetMaterialSubsurfaceData(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
half4 OutSubsurface = GetMaterialSubsurfaceDataRaw(Parameters);
OutSubsurface.rgb = saturate(OutSubsurface.rgb);
return OutSubsurface;
half GetMaterialCustomData0(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return 1.00000000;;
half GetMaterialCustomData1(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
return 0.10000000;;
half GetMaterialAmbientOcclusionRaw(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.AmbientOcclusion;
half GetMaterialAmbientOcclusion(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return saturate(GetMaterialAmbientOcclusionRaw(PixelMaterialInputs));
half2 GetMaterialRefraction(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.Refraction;
void GetMaterialCustomizedUVs(FMaterialVertexParameters Parameters, out float2 OutTexCoords[NUM_MATERIAL_TEXCOORDS])
OutTexCoords[0] = Parameters.TexCoords[0].xy;
float GetMaterialPixelDepthOffset(FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
return PixelMaterialInputs.PixelDepthOffset;
void CalcPixelMaterialInputs(in out FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, in out FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
// Initial calculations (required for Normal)
// The Normal is a special case as it might have its own expressions and also be used to calculate other inputs, so perform the assignment here
PixelMaterialInputs.Normal = MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,1.00000000);
// Note that here MaterialNormal can be in world space or tangent space
float3 MaterialNormal = GetMaterialNormal(Parameters, PixelMaterialInputs);
// Drop normal with simple forward shading for scalability
MaterialNormal = float3(0, 0, 1);
// flip the normal for backfaces being rendered with a two-sided material
Parameters.TangentNormal = MaterialNormal * Parameters.TwoSidedSign;
// ES2 will rely on only the final normalize for performance
Parameters.TangentNormal = normalize(Parameters.TangentNormal);
// normalizing after the tangent space to world space conversion improves quality with sheared bases (UV layout to WS causes shrearing)
// use full precision normalize to avoid overflows
Parameters.WorldNormal = normalize(float3(TransformTangentVectorToWorld(Parameters.TangentToWorld, Parameters.TangentNormal)));
// Here we don't supoport two sided materials
Parameters.TangentNormal = Parameters.WorldNormal = normalize(MaterialNormal);
Parameters.ReflectionVector = ReflectionAboutCustomWorldNormal(Parameters, Parameters.WorldNormal, false);
Parameters.Particle.MotionBlurFade = 1.0f;
// Now the rest of the inputs
MaterialFloat2 Local0 = (Parameters.TexCoords[0].xy * 1.00000000);
MaterialFloat4 Local1 = ProcessMaterialColorTextureLookup(Texture2DSample(Material.Texture2D_0,Material.Texture2D_0Sampler,Local0));
MaterialFloat4 Local2 = ProcessMaterialColorTextureLookup(Texture2DSample(Material.Texture2D_1,Material.Texture2D_1Sampler,Local0));
MaterialFloat4 Local3 = ProcessMaterialColorTextureLookup(Texture2DSample(Material.Texture2D_2,Material.Texture2D_2Sampler,Local0));
MaterialFloat3 Local4 = lerp(Local1.rgb,Local2.rgb,Local3.rgb);
MaterialFloat Local5 = (View.GameTime * 0.25000000);
MaterialFloat Local6 = (Local5 * 6.28318548);
MaterialFloat Local7 = cos(Local6);
MaterialFloat3 Local8 = lerp(MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,1.00000000,0.79365396),(MaterialFloat3(0.13119602,0.83164400,0.83999997) * 5.00000000),MaterialFloat(Local7));
MaterialFloat3 Local9 = lerp(MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000),Local8,Local3.rgb);
MaterialFloat3 Local10 = (Local4 * Local9);
MaterialFloat3 Local11 = (Local10 + Material.VectorExpressions[1].rgb);
MaterialFloat3 Local12 = (Local4 * Material.VectorExpressions[2].rgb);
PixelMaterialInputs.EmissiveColor = Local11;
PixelMaterialInputs.Opacity = 1.00000000;
PixelMaterialInputs.OpacityMask = 1.00000000;
PixelMaterialInputs.BaseColor = Local12;
PixelMaterialInputs.Metallic = 0.00000000;
PixelMaterialInputs.Specular = 0.50000000;
PixelMaterialInputs.Roughness = 0.50000000;
PixelMaterialInputs.AmbientOcclusion = 1.00000000;
PixelMaterialInputs.Refraction = 0;
PixelMaterialInputs.PixelDepthOffset = 0.00000000;
// Programmatically set the line number after all the material inputs which have a variable number of line endings
// This allows shader error line numbers after this point to be the same regardless of which material is being compiled
#line 1588
void ClipLODTransition(float2 SvPosition, float DitherFactor)
if (abs(DitherFactor) > .001)
float RandCos = cos(dot(floor(SvPosition.xy), float2(347.83451793,3343.28371963)));
float RandomVal = frac(RandCos * 1000.0);
half RetVal = (DitherFactor < 0.0) ?
(DitherFactor + 1.0 > RandomVal) :
(DitherFactor < RandomVal);
clip(RetVal - .001);
void ClipLODTransition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, float DitherFactor)
ClipLODTransition(Parameters.SvPosition.xy, DitherFactor);
void ClipLODTransition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
ClipLODTransition(Parameters, Parameters.PerInstanceParams.w);
float NonInstancedDitherLODFactor;
void ClipLODTransition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
if (NonInstancedDitherLODFactor != 0.0)
ClipLODTransition(Parameters, NonInstancedDitherLODFactor);
void ClipLODTransition(float2 SvPosition)
if (NonInstancedDitherLODFactor != 0.0)
ClipLODTransition(SvPosition, NonInstancedDitherLODFactor);
void ClipLODTransition(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters)
void ClipLODTransition(float2 SvPosition)
void GetMaterialClippingShadowDepth(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
clip(GetMaterialOpacity(PixelMaterialInputs) - 1.0f / 255.0f);
void GetMaterialClippingVelocity(FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
clip(GetMaterialMaskInputRaw(PixelMaterialInputs) - 1.0f / 255.0f);