1. 程式人生 > >pbkdf2&sha256加密驗證演算法 | 密碼加密

pbkdf2&sha256加密驗證演算法 | 密碼加密





具體參考 getEncodedHash 方法,因為返回有很多格式,這裡列舉了Base64和64位的十六進位制

下面貼程式碼: Pbkdf2Sha256 工具類

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.spec.
InvalidKeySpecException; import java.security.spec.KeySpec; import java.util.Random; /** * PBKDF2_SHA256加密驗證演算法 * * @author 慌途L */ public class Pbkdf2Sha256 { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Pbkdf2Sha256.class); /** * 鹽的長度 */ public static final
int SALT_BYTE_SIZE = 16; /** * 生成密文的長度(例:64 * 4,密文長度為64) */ public static final int HASH_BIT_SIZE = 64 * 4; /** * 迭代次數(預設迭代次數為 30000) */ private static final Integer DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 30000; /** * 演算法名稱 */ private static final String algorithm = "pbkdf2&sha256"; /** * 獲取密文 * @param password 密碼明文 * @param salt 加鹽 * @param iterations 迭代次數 * @return */ public static String getEncodedHash(String password, String salt, int iterations) { // Returns only the last part of whole encoded password SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = null; try { keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error("Could NOT retrieve PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256 algorithm", e); } KeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(password.toCharArray(), salt.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")), iterations, HASH_BIT_SIZE); SecretKey secret = null; try { secret = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { logger.error("Could NOT generate secret key", e); } //使用Base64進行轉碼密文 // byte[] rawHash = secret.getEncoded(); // byte[] hashBase64 = Base64.getEncoder().encode(rawHash); // return new String(hashBase64); //使用十六進位制密文 return toHex(secret.getEncoded()); } /** * 十六進位制字串轉二進位制字串 * @param hex 十六進位制字串 * @return */ private static byte[] fromHex(String hex) { byte[] binary = new byte[hex.length() / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) { binary[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(2 * i, 2 * i + 2), 16); } return binary; } /** * 二進位制字串轉十六進位制字串 * @param array 二進位制陣列 * @return */ private static String toHex(byte[] array) { BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(1, array); String hex = bi.toString(16); int paddingLength = (array.length * 2) - hex.length(); if (paddingLength > 0) return String.format("%0" + paddingLength + "d", 0) + hex; else return hex; } /** * 密文加鹽 (獲取‘SALT_BYTE_SIZE’長度的鹽值) * @return */ public static String getsalt() { //鹽值使用ASCII表的數字加大小寫字母組成 int length = SALT_BYTE_SIZE; Random rand = new Random(); char[] rs = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int t = rand.nextInt(3); if (t == 0) { rs[i] = (char) (rand.nextInt(10) + 48); } else if (t == 1) { rs[i] = (char) (rand.nextInt(26) + 65); } else { rs[i] = (char) (rand.nextInt(26) + 97); } } return new String(rs); } /** * 獲取密文 * 預設迭代次數:30000 * @param password 明文密碼 * @return */ public static String encode(String password) { return encode(password, getsalt()); } /** * 獲取密文 * @param password 明文密碼 * @param iterations 迭代次數 * @return */ public static String encode(String password, int iterations) { return encode(password, getsalt(), iterations); } /** * 獲取密文 * 預設迭代次數:30000 * @param password 明文密碼 * @param salt 鹽值 * @return */ public static String encode(String password, String salt) { return encode(password, salt, DEFAULT_ITERATIONS); } /** * 最終返回的整串密文 * * 注:此方法返回密文字串組成:演算法名稱+迭代次數+鹽值+密文 * 不需要的直接用getEncodedHash方法返回的密文 * * @param password 密碼明文 * @param salt 加鹽 * @param iterations 迭代次數 * @return */ public static String encode(String password, String salt, int iterations) { // returns hashed password, along with algorithm, number of iterations and salt String hash = getEncodedHash(password, salt, iterations); return String.format("%s$%d$%s$%s", algorithm, iterations, salt, hash); } /** * 驗證密碼 * @param password 明文 * @param hashedPassword 密文 * @return */ public static boolean verification(String password, String hashedPassword) { //hashedPassword = 演算法名稱+迭代次數+鹽值+密文; String[] parts = hashedPassword.split("\\$"); if (parts.length != 4) { return false; } //解析得到迭代次數和鹽值進行鹽值 Integer iterations = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); String salt = parts[2]; String hash = encode(password, salt, iterations); return hash.equals(hashedPassword); } }


package com.huangtu.test;

import java.io.IOException;

public class TestCode {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        String salt = Pbkdf2Sha256.encode("123456");
        System.out.println("salt===" + salt);
        boolean verification = Pbkdf2Sha256.verification("123456", salt);

         * Python生成的密碼和密文
         * 123456
         * pbkdf2&sha256$30000$UaNFcHyg$1b2ae7dd474ed8ba868e310a6e1af3b28f0cda0b3982d1aeb80bbf28d75bc3bf
         * pbkdf2&sha256$30000$PIlXVW8S$c4b6f2710cab9911a5098975b7cd7f41b113b6add2b7a4a76360f218a475b2ad
        String oldPassword1 = "pbkdf2&sha256$30000$UaNFcHyg$1b2ae7dd474ed8ba868e310a6e1af3b28f0cda0b3982d1aeb80bbf28d75bc3bf";
        String oldPassword2 = "pbkdf2&sha256$30000$PIlXVW8S$c4b6f2710cab9911a5098975b7cd7f41b113b6add2b7a4a76360f218a475b2ad";
        boolean verification1 = Pbkdf2Sha256.verification("123456", oldPassword1);
        boolean verification2 = Pbkdf2Sha256.verification("123456", oldPassword2);

         * Python生成的密碼和密文
         * qdwdqwd4q5678123FF..
         * pbkdf2&sha256$30000$DjfyzQJd$f85391e1dd4a73cd9158845688a332779f5bd566e3dcc494022b5018235bdd1b
         * pbkdf2&sha256$30000$9WkXOXkn$147498306e8b6fd23661f2f8d5169bed28d8636fb64cf3ca56d549f0e5bb66fd
         * pbkdf2&sha256$30000$gB3LTNFA$85cfd2100afea42ea33a104d876b9ee0d2ba9941e26ae492593f01b52acea1b0
        String oldPassword4 = "pbkdf2&sha256$30000$DjfyzQJd$f85391e1dd4a73cd9158845688a332779f5bd566e3dcc494022b5018235bdd1b";
        String oldPassword5 = "pbkdf2&sha256$30000$9WkXOXkn$147498306e8b6fd23661f2f8d5169bed28d8636fb64cf3ca56d549f0e5bb66fd";
        String oldPassword6 = "pbkdf2&sha256$30000$gB3LTNFA$85cfd2100afea42ea33a104d876b9ee0d2ba9941e26ae492593f01b52acea1b0";
        boolean verification4 = Pbkdf2Sha256.verification("qdwdqwd4q5678123FF..", oldPassword4);
        boolean verification5 = Pbkdf2Sha256.verification("qdwdqwd4q5678123FF..", oldPassword5);
        boolean verification6 = Pbkdf2Sha256.verification("qdwdqwd4q5678123FF..", oldPassword6);

         * Python生成的密碼和密文
         * admin123456
         * pbkdf2&sha256$30000$SzNgPdzz$50f22e207abec8e837bce97642a46f965f19d992217d7df9be496700b286345d
         * pbkdf2&sha256$30000$VzmO4yOZ$71891148cfbdd9103aaa511d20dc52431c8947ce4a00d89708231ec76053f6f3
         * pbkdf2&sha256$30000$3xuRb8AR$6bff0310fd35c88572633b00d36e9039fef3e68c6e37b14204958946e8738e93
        String oldPassword7 = "pbkdf2&sha256$30000$SzNgPdzz$50f22e207abec8e837bce97642a46f965f19d992217d7df9be496700b286345d";
        String oldPassword8 = "pbkdf2&sha256$30000$VzmO4yOZ$71891148cfbdd9103aaa511d20dc52431c8947ce4a00d89708231ec76053f6f3";
        String oldPassword9 = "pbkdf2&sha256$30000$3xuRb8AR$6bff0310fd35c88572633b00d36e9039fef3e68c6e37b14204958946e8738e93";
        boolean verification7 = Pbkdf2Sha256.verification("admin123456", oldPassword7);
        boolean verification8 = Pbkdf2Sha256.verification("admin123456", oldPassword8);
        boolean verification9 = Pbkdf2Sha256.verification("admin123456", oldPassword9);



