1985年,satoshi suzuki發表了一篇論文,Topological structural analysis of digitized binary images by border following,他介紹了兩種演算法來實現輪廓的提取,當然輸入的影象是二值影象。findcontour就是基於這篇論文的思路來實現。
1. 上下左右極限位置構成了frame, 假定frame畫素由0 構成
2. 由畫素0構成的componet :如果包含frame, 那將其稱之為background;若不包含frame,則稱為hole;
3. 定義一:
In the 4- (8-) connected case, a 1-pixel (i, j) having a 0-pixel ( p, q) in its 8- (4) neighborhood is called a border point.
It is also described as “a border point between a 1-component S1, and a 0-components S2,”
if (i, j) is a member of S1 and (p, q) is a member of S2.
定義二: (surroundness among connected components).
For given two connected components S1 and S2 in a binary picture, if there exists a pixel belonging to S2 for any 4-path from a pixel in S1 to a pixel on the frame, we say that S2 surrounds S1.
If S2 surrounds S1 and there exists a border point between them, then S2 is said to surround
定義三: (outer border and hole border).
An outer border is defined as the set of the border points between an arbitrary 1-component and the 0-component which surrounds it directly. Similarly, we refer to the set of the border points between a hole and the 1-component which surrounds it directly asa hole border.
We use the term “border” for either an outer border or a hole border. Note that the hole border is defined as a set of 1-pixels (not 0-pixels)as well as the outer border.
The parent border of an outer border between a1-component S1 and the 0-component S2 which surrounds S1 directly is defined as:
(1) the hole border between S2 and the 1-component which surrounds S2directly, if S2 is ahole;
(2) the frame of the picture, if S2 is the background.
For two given borders B0 and Bn of a binary picture, we say that Bn surrounds B0 is there exists a sequence of border B0, B1, . . . , Bn such that Bk if the parent border of Bk-1, for all k (1 <= k <= n)
1、每次行掃描,遇到以下兩種情況,確定外邊界(outer boeder)和孔邊界(hole border):