1. 程式人生 > >Golang效能調優(go-torch, go tool pprof)

Golang效能調優(go-torch, go tool pprof)


go tool pprof簡介

Golang內建cpu, mem, block profiler


  • cpu profiles
  • mem profiles
  • block profile


  • 基準測試檔案:例如使用命令go test . -bench . -cpuprofile prof.cpu生成取樣檔案後,再通過命令 go tool pprof [binary] prof.cpu 來進行分析。

  • import _ net/http/pprof:如果我們的應用是一個web服務,我們可以在http服務啟動的程式碼檔案(eg: main.go)新增 import _ net/http/pprof,這樣我們的服務 便能自動開啟profile功能,有助於我們直接分析取樣結果。

  • 通過在程式碼裡面呼叫runtime.StartCPUProfile或者runtime.WriteHeapProfile等內建方法,即可方便的進行資料取樣。

go tool pprof的使用方法

go tool pprof的引數很多,不做詳細介紹,自己help看看。在這裡,我主要用到的命令為:
go tool pprof --seconds 25 http://localhost:9090/debug/pprof/profile

[email protected]:~/# go tool pprof -h
usage: pprof [options] [binary] <profile source> ...
Output format (only set one):
  -callgrind        Outputs
a graph in callgrind format
-disasm=p Output annotated assembly for functions matching regexp or address -dot Outputs a graph in DOT format -eog Visualize graph through eog -evince Visualize graph through evince -gif Outputs a graph image in GIF format -gv Visualize graph through gv -list=p Output annotated source for functions matching regexp -pdf Outputs a graph in PDF format -peek=p Output callers/callees of functions matching regexp -png Outputs a graph image in PNG format -proto Outputs the profile in compressed protobuf format -ps Outputs a graph in PS format -raw Outputs a text representation of the raw profile -svg Outputs a graph in SVG format -tags Outputs all tags in the profile -text Outputs top entries in text form -top Outputs top entries in text form -tree Outputs a text rendering of call graph -web Visualize graph through web browser -weblist=p Output annotated source in HTML for functions matching regexp or address Output file parameters (for file-based output formats): -output=f Generate output on file f (stdout by default) Output granularity (only set one): -functions Report at function level [default] -files Report at source file level -lines Report at source line level -addresses Report at address level Comparison options: -base <profile> Show delta from this profile -drop_negative Ignore negative differences Sorting options: -cum Sort by cumulative data Dynamic profile options: -seconds=N Length of time for dynamic profiles Profile trimming options: -nodecount=N Max number of nodes to show -nodefraction=f Hide nodes below <f>*total -edgefraction=f Hide edges below <f>*total Sample value selection option (by index): -sample_index Index of sample value to display -mean Average sample value over first value Sample value selection option (for heap profiles): -inuse_space Display in-use memory size -inuse_objects Display in-use object counts -alloc_space Display allocated memory size -alloc_objects Display allocated object counts Sample value selection option (for contention profiles): -total_delay Display total delay at each region -contentions Display number of delays at each region -mean_delay Display mean delay at each region Filtering options: -runtime Show runtime call frames in memory profiles -focus=r Restricts to paths going through a node matching regexp -ignore=r Skips paths going through any nodes matching regexp -tagfocus=r Restrict to samples tagged with key:value matching regexp Restrict to samples with numeric tags in range (eg "32kb:1mb") -tagignore=r Discard samples tagged with key:value matching regexp Avoid samples with numeric tags in range (eg "1mb:") Miscellaneous: -call_tree Generate a context-sensitive call tree -unit=u Convert all samples to unit u for display -divide_by=f Scale all samples by dividing them by f -buildid=id Override build id for main binary in profile -tools=path Search path for object-level tools -help This message Environment Variables: PPROF_TMPDIR Location for saved profiles (default $HOME/pprof) PPROF_TOOLS Search path for object-level tools PPROF_BINARY_PATH Search path for local binary files default: $HOME/pprof/binaries finds binaries by $name and $buildid/$name


go-torch是Uber公司開源的一款針對Golang程式的火焰圖生成工具,能收集 stack traces,並把它們整理成火焰圖,直觀地程式給開發人員。go-torch是基於使用BrendanGregg建立的火焰圖工具生成直觀的影象,很方便地分析Go的各個方法所佔用的CPU的時間。

go-torch -u http://localhost:9090 -t 30

[email protected]:~/# go-torch -h
  go-torch [options] [binary] <profile source>

pprof Options:
  -u, --url=         Base URL of your Go program (default: http://localhost:8080)
  -s, --suffix=      URL path of pprof profile (default: /debug/pprof/profile)
  -b, --binaryinput= File path of previously saved binary profile. (binary profile is anything accepted by https://golang.org/cmd/pprof)
      --binaryname=  File path of the binary that the binaryinput is for, used for pprof inputs
  -t, --seconds=     Number of seconds to profile for (default: 30)
      --pprofArgs=   Extra arguments for pprof

Output Options:
  -f, --file=        Output file name (must be .svg) (default: torch.svg)
  -p, --print        Print the generated svg to stdout instead of writing to file
  -r, --raw          Print the raw call graph output to stdout instead of creating a flame graph; use with Brendan Gregg's flame graph perl script (see
      --title=       Graph title to display in the output file (default: Flame Graph)
      --width=       Generated graph width (default: 1200)
      --hash         Colors are keyed by function name hash
      --colors=      set color palette. choices are: hot (default), mem, io, wakeup, chain, java, js, perl, red, green, blue, aqua, yellow, purple, orange
      --cp           Use consistent palette (palette.map)
      --reverse      Generate stack-reversed flame graph
      --inverted     icicle graph

Help Options:
  -h, --help         Show this help message



git clone https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph.git

cp flamegraph.pl /usr/local/bin

在終端輸入 flamegraph.pl -h 是否安裝FlameGraph成功:

$ flamegraph.pl -h
Option h is ambiguous (hash, height, help)
USAGE: /usr/local/bin/flamegraph.pl [options] infile > outfile.svg

    --title       # change title text
    --width       # width of image (default 1200)
    --height      # height of each frame (default 16)
    --minwidth    # omit smaller functions (default 0.1 pixels)
    --fonttype    # font type (default "Verdana")
    --fontsize    # font size (default 12)
    --countname   # count type label (default "samples")
    --nametype    # name type label (default "Function:")
    --colors      # set color palette. choices are: hot (default), mem, io,
                  # wakeup, chain, java, js, perl, red, green, blue, aqua,
                  # yellow, purple, orange
    --hash        # colors are keyed by function name hash
    --cp          # use consistent palette (palette.map)
    --reverse     # generate stack-reversed flame graph
    --inverted    # icicle graph
    --negate      # switch differential hues (blue<->red)
    --help        # this message

    /usr/local/bin/flamegraph.pl --title="Flame Graph: malloc()" trace.txt > graph.svg



go get -v github.com/uber/go-torch



在我的例項中,是一個簡單的web Demo,go run main.go -printStats啟動之後,瀏覽器能正常訪問待調優的介面: http://localhost:9090/demo。每次該介面的訪問,都會列印訪問資訊,如下所示:

[email protected]:/# go run main.go -printStats
Starting Server on :9090
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 67.984µs
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 339.656µs
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 55.749µs
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 89.34µs
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 59.606µs
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 47.917µs
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 42.768µs
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1.270416ms
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 34.518µs
IncCounter: handler.received.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 1
RecordTimer: handler.latency.garnett.advance.no-os.no-browser = 281.014µs



我們使用go-wrk工具進行試壓,go-wrk的安裝請前往github官網https://github.com/adjust/go-wrk,只要把程式碼clone下來go build一下即可。

執行如下命令,進行35s 1W次高併發場景模擬:

go-wrk -d 35 -n 10000 http://localhost:9090/demo

使用go tool pprof


go tool pprof --seconds 25 http://localhost:9090/debug/pprof/profile

命令中,我們設定了25秒的取樣時間,當看到(pprof)的時候,我們輸入 web, 表示從瀏覽器開啟,可見下圖:




go-torch -u http://localhost:9090 -t 30


Writing svg to torch.svg








Golang效能調(go-torch, go tool pprof)


golang 效能調分析工具 pprof(下)

[golang 效能調優分析工具 pprof(上)篇](https://www.cnblogs.com/jiujuan/p/14588185.html), 這是下篇。 ## 四、net/http/pprof ### 4.1 程式碼例子 1 > go version go1.13.9 把上面的程式例子稍


         這篇要講的東西,主要是HTTP,WebSocket的測試及如何調優Go程式的一些方法. 分下面幾個內容: 一.httptest測試包 二.效能測試 三.怎麼利用引數分析和調優程式四.在執行中實時監控調優 一.httptest測試包 對於HTTP和WebS

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1. 分配資源調優 Spark效能調優的王道就是分配資源,即增加和分配更多的資源對效能速度的提升是顯而易見的,基本上,在一定範圍之內,增加資源與效能的提升是成正比的,當公司資源有限,能分配的資源達到頂峰之後,那麼才去考慮做其他的調優 如何分配及分配哪些資源 在生產環境中,提交spark作


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ifeve.com 南方《JVM 效能調實戰之:使用阿里開源工具 TProfiler 在海量業務程式碼中精確定位效能程式碼》

https://blog.csdn.net/defonds/article/details/52598018 多次拉取 JStack,發現很多執行緒處於這個狀態:    at jrockit/vm/Allocator.getNewTla(JJ)V(Native Method) 

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第一章 Java效能調概述

效能概述 看懂程式的效能 一般來說,程式的效能能通過以下幾個方面來表現: 執行速度:程式的反映是否迅速,響應時間是否足夠短 記憶體分配:記憶體分配是否合理,是否過多地消耗記憶體或者存在洩漏 啟動時間:程式從執行到可以正常處理業務需要花費多長時間 負責承受能力:當系統壓力上升時,系統的執