阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-05
select rownum id, sum(t.cap_ratio) over (order by rownum rows between unbounded preceding and current row) sum_cap_ratio, t.user_ratio from (select rownum id, cast(cap_ratio * 100 as number(8, 5)) cap_ratio, cast(user_ratio * 100 as number(8, 5)) user_ratio from (select cons_name, sum_cap, cap_ratio, rownum / count_cons_name user_ratio from (select cons_name, sum_cap, total, sum_cap / total cap_ratio, (select count(distinct cons_name) from t_cons_plt where org_no like '13401%' and build_date <= to_date('2016-12-12','yyyy-mm-dd') ) count_cons_name from (select cons_name,sum(contract_cap) sum_cap, (select sum(contract_cap) from t_cons_plt where org_no like '13401%' and build_date <= to_date('2016-12-12','yyyy-mm-dd') ) total from t_cons_plt ts where org_no like '13401%' and build_date <= to_date('2016-12-12','yyyy-mm-dd') group by cons_name order by sum_cap desc)))) t group by rownum,t.cap_ratio ,t.user_ratio order by rownum
json.push( { id:"main0", title:"", unit:'合同容量(%)', legend:['使用者(%)'], xAxis:data.timeList, series: [ { name:'使用者', type:'line', symbolSize: 6, itemStyle : { normal : { color:'#a7a7a7', borderColor:'#a7a7a7' } }, lineStyle:{ normal : { color:'#a7a7a7' } }, data:data.dataList },{ name:'80.00%', type:'line', symbolSize: 0, itemStyle : { normal : { color:'#FF44AA', borderColor:'#FF44AA' } }, lineStyle:{ normal : { color:'#FF44AA' } }, data:data.eList } ] } ); creatLineCharts(json[0]);
function creatLineCharts(json){ // 基於準備好的dom,初始化echarts例項 var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(json.id)); option = { title : { text: json.title, subtext: json.subtitle, x:'center' }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis' }, legend: { x : 'center', y : '92%', data: json.legend }, grid: { top: '10%', left: '3%', right: '3%', bottom: '15%', containLabel: true }, xAxis: [ { type: 'category', //name:'合同容量', data: json.xAxis, nameTextStyle:{ color:'#666666' }, splitLine:{ show:false }, axisLine:{ lineStyle:{ color:'#dcdcdc' } }, axisTick: { show:false, alignWithLabel: true } } ], yAxis: [ { type: 'value', name: json.unit, axisLabel: { formatter: '{value} %' },nameTextStyle:{ color:'#666666' }, type: 'value', axisLine:{ lineStyle:{ color:'#dcdcdc' } }, axisTick: { show:false, alignWithLabel: true } } ], series: json.series }; // 使用剛指定的配置項和資料顯示圖表。 myChart.setOption(option); }