1. 程式人生 > >【quant!quant!!】一家國外金融公司的quant面試題


zz from http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/thread-785069-1-1.html

Jane Street Capital, 一家quantitative trading公司。主要是靠arbitrage來創利。和hedge fund不同的是這家公司不替任何客戶管理資本。這家公司用的是自己的錢。所以對風險的喜好沒有hedge fund那麼高。其實具體操作起來,和hedge fund沒什麼區別。都是通過建立模型預測市場走向來套利的。所以在這種地方工作還是蠻有挑戰的。正如這家公司自己網站上說的:

Jane Street is a quantitative proprietary trading firm that operates around the clock and around the globe. We bring a deep understanding of markets, a scientific approach, and innovative technology to bear on the problem of trading profitably in the world's highly competitive financial markets.

網上搜了下,這家公司在華爾街還是比較有名的。想進這家公司可是沒那麼容易。可以想像,2000年成立,全球三所offices(紐約,倫敦,香港), 到現在才一共200多人。而且每年都在招人……

我今年11月中旬參加了這家公司在我們學校的宣講。居然是公司三個創始人之一直接上陣。可見對我們學校還是蠻重視的。從這家公司的網站上看,這家公司居然只對英國4所學校感興趣……我很無語……其實說實在的,在聽了宣講之後,我並不是很想投這家公司。因為會上有人問到面試會有什麼問題。那CEO舉了一些例子,沒有一個我能答上來的。自己掂量掂量,覺得可能性不大。可是,由於馬上要畢業了,而且他們做的也確實挺有意思,我還是抱著試試看的心情投了簡歷。沒想到不到一週收到郵件說要有一個initial telephone interview。當時正在修改論文的緊張階段。於是就推到12月2號了。也好有個時間好好準備準備。這期間把概率惡補了一下。於是在2號上迎來了本學年第一個正式的工作面試。

另,據小道訊息報道,這家公司紐約部門給畢業生的工資是10萬刀每年,加2萬刀signing bonus。不知道是真是假……


(15 mins)

1. mental arithmetics (no calculator, no paper and pen)
38*42=? What is the percentage you are confident with your answer?

2. I roll a die, and I will give you an amount in pounds equal to the number on the die. For example, if I get 5, I will give you 5 pounds. What is the price you are willing to pay for this game? (a: 3.5)

now say that when you roll the die, you are allowed to either take the money that you get with the roll, or roll a second time. But you have to take whatever it is of the second roll. what is the price you willing to pay to play? (a: 4.25)

3. 3 coins, what is the probability that I get two heads? If 4 coins, what is the probability that I get at least two heads? How confident you are with this answer? (a: 0.5, 11/16)

4. One normal ball has length 8-inch weighs 80kg, what is a 12-inch ball weigh? (a: 270kg)

5. If I drop a ball from 10 meters high, it will always rebound half the distance, e.g. the first time, it rebounds 5m high, then the second time 2.5m, etc. So how long does the ball travel after it finally stops? Confident? (a: 30m)

最後,如果有人有志做quant,我很建議大家看看Crack 的"Heard on the street"這本書。對準備quant面試相當有幫助!建議大家搜尋下載。我下了一本,可是附件太大沒有辦法發到這裡。有興趣的朋友可是又找不到下載地方的可以留下郵箱地址。我有空的時候發給你。
