1. 程式人生 > >matlab標定和三維重建的幾個問題(已解決)






squareSize = 108; % millimeters(我猜應該是每個方格的長度,好像不是面積)

解決:修改為我列印的標定板的方格大小:squareSize = 30



% Reduce the number of colors in the image to 128.
[reducedColorImage, reducedColorMap] = rgb2ind(J1, 128);

% Plot the 3D points of each color.
hFig = figure; hold on;
set(hFig, 'Position', [1 1 840   630]);
hAxes = gca;






To properly calibrate your camera, follow these rules:

  • Keep the pattern in focus, but do not use auto-focus.相機不能設成自動調焦!焦距需要保持不變!!!

  • Do not change zoom settings between images, otherwise the focal length changes.拍攝影象不要放大縮小,否則焦距會變!!

For best results, use between 10 and 20 images. The calibrator requires at least three images. For greater calibration accuracy:

  • Take the images of the pattern at a distance roughly equal to the distance from your camera to the objects of interest. For example, if you plan to measure objects of interest at a distance of 2 meters, keep your pattern approximately 2 meters from the camera.把棋盤標定板放在需要量測的距離上。

  • Place the checkerboard at an angle less than 45 degrees relative to the camera plane.棋盤版與相機平面的角度小於45度。

  • Do not modify the images. For example, do not crop them.不要裁剪影象。

  • Do not use auto-focus or change the zoom between images.不要用自動調焦和放大縮小影象。

  • Capture the images of a checkerboard pattern at different orientations relative to the camera.拍攝棋盤版不同的朝向。

  • Capture enough different images of the pattern so that you have covered as much of the image frame as possible. Lens distortion increases radially from the center of the image and sometimes is not uniform across the image frame. To capture this lens distortion, the pattern must appear close to the edges.

問題5:錯誤使用 vision.StereoParameters/reconstructSceneImpl (line 228)

You must call rectifyStereoImages on the stereoParams input before calling reconstructScene.