1. 程式人生 > >MATLAB 視訊與影象轉換

MATLAB 視訊與影象轉換


  • MATLAB將視訊轉換成幀圖片

    • 讀取視訊,獲取視訊屬性。
    • 取得視訊的每一幀圖片,並分別儲存。


    • 讀取視訊資訊,使用VideoReader函式
    • 讀取每一幀圖片使用read函式,儲存圖片使用imwrite函式
    %% 讀取視訊
    NumberOfFrames; %% 儲存每一幀圖片到資料夾image if ~exist('image','dir') mkdir('image'); disp('successfully create directory image!'); end for i=1:frame_number image_name=strcat('./image/im_',num2str(i),'.jpg'); frame=read(video_obj,i); imwrite(frame,image_name,'jpg'); end disp
    ('all images are written into directory image')


    • VideoReader
      在MATLAB命令列輸入命令help VideoReader顯示如下:

      VideoReader Create a multimedia reader object.
      OBJ = VideoReader(FILENAME) constructs a multimedia reader object, OBJ, that
      can read in video data from a multimedia file.  FILENAME is
      a string specifying the name of a multimedia file. There are no restrictions on file extensions. By default, MATLAB looks for the file FILENAME on the MATLAB path. If the object cannot be constructed for any reason (for example, if the file cannot be opened or does not exist, or if the file format is not recognized or supported), then MATLAB throws an error. OBJ = VideoReader(FILENAME, 'P1', V1, 'P2', V2, ...) constructs a multimedia reader object, assigning values V1, V2, etc. to the specified properties P1, P2, etc. If an invalid property name or property value is specified, MATLAB throws an error and the object is not created. Note that the property value pairs can be in any format supported by the SET function, e.g. parameter-value string pairs, structures, or parameter-value cell array pairs. Example: % Construct a multimedia reader object associated with file 'xylophone.mp4' with % user tag set to 'myreader1'. readerobj = VideoReader('xylophone.mp4', 'tag', 'myreader1'); % Read in all video frames. vidFrames = read(readerobj); % Get the number of frames. numFrames = get(readerobj, 'NumberOfFrames'); % Create a MATLAB movie struct from the video frames. for k = 1 : numFrames mov(k).cdata = vidFrames(:,:,:,k); mov(k).colormap = []; end % Create a figure hf = figure; % Resize figure based on the video's width and height set(hf, 'position', [150 150 readerobj.Width readerobj.Height]) % Playback movie once at the video's frame rate movie(hf, mov, 1, readerobj.FrameRate); See also audiovideo, VideoReader/get, VideoReader/set, VideoReader/read, mmfileinfo. Reference page in Help browser doc VideoReader

      輸入doc VideoReader能夠看到更詳細的資訊,和VideoReader的屬性和方法。

      properties explain
      BitsPerPixel Bits per pixel of the video data.
      Duration Total length of the file in seconds.
      FrameRate Frame rate of the video in frames per second.
      Height Height of the video frame in pixels.
      Width Width of the video frame in pixels.
      Name Name of the file associated with the object.
      NumberOfFrames Total number of frames in the video stream.Some files store video at a variable frame rate, including many Windows Media Videofiles. For these files, VideoReader cannot determine the number of frames until you read the last frame. When you construct the object, VideoReader returns a warning and does not set the NumberOfFrames property.To count the number of frames in a variable frame rate file,use the read method to read the last frame of the file. For example: vidObj = VideoReader(‘varFrameRateFile.wmv’); lastFrame = read(vidObj, inf); numFrames = vidObj.NumberOfFrames;
      Path String containing the full path to the file associated with the reader.
      Tag String that identifies the object. Default: ”
      Type Class name of the object: ‘VideoReader’.
      UserData Generic field for data of any class that you want to add to the object.Default: []
  • MATLAB將幀圖片轉換成視訊

    framesPath = uigetdir('~/Desktop','please select image path');%影象序列所在路徑,同時要保證影象大小相同
    videoName = './video/Bolt.avi';%表示將要建立的視訊檔案的名字
    fps = 25; %幀率
    startFrame = 1; %從哪一幀開始
    endFrame = 490; %哪一幀結束
        delete ./video/videoName.avi
    aviobj=VideoWriter(videoName);  %建立一個avi視訊檔案物件,開始時其為空
    open(aviobj);%Open file for writing video data
    for i=startFrame:endFrame
        frames=imread([framesPath '/' fileName,'.jpg']);
        frames=im2frame(frames);  %讀如frames變數的是圖片,這裡要將圖片轉換成幀儲存到變數frames中,這樣才能成功寫入幀到視訊物件中。
    close(aviobj);% 關閉建立視訊