1. 程式人生 > >NGUI 無限滑動,支援定位顯示指定資料

NGUI 無限滑動,支援定位顯示指定資料


計算出四個邊角的區域性座標 再根據是左右滑動還是上下滑動來確定邊角離中心的距離,當滑動的時候,item離中心點的距離大於的邊角離中心點的距離,item就設定座標在反方向,例子:如果是向左滑動,當item離中心點的距離大於邊角離中心點的距離,該item就設定座標在最右邊。

 /// <summary>
    /// item , item下標 , 資料下標 (都是從0開始)
    /// </summary>
    public Action<Transform,int,int> renderItem; //渲染item
    public Action renderAllItemCallBack; // 渲染完所有item的回撥

    public UIGrid grid;// 排序元件
    public GameObject itemPrefab; //item預製體
    public UIScrollView scrollView; //滑動元件
private int dataCount; //資料個數 private List<Transform> childers; //item列表 private UIPanel panel; //滑動的panel元件 private float width { get { return grid.cellWidth; } } // item寬度 private float height { get { return grid.cellHeight; } } //item高度 //If the arrangement is horizontal, this denotes the number of columns.
// If the arrangement is vertical, this stands for the number of rows. private int maxPerLine { get { return grid.maxPerLine; } } private int rows = 1; //行數 (預製體所佔的總行數) private int columns = 1; //列數 (預製體所佔的總列數) private float extents = 0; //所有預製體所佔長度或者是高度的一半 用在迴圈的時候計算item的座標 private int itemCount = 10; //預製體item的數量


 /// <summary>
    /// 初始化資料
    /// </summary>
    public void initData ()
        int itemCount = childers.Count;
        if (scrollView.movement == UIScrollView.Movement.Horizontal)
            rows = maxPerLine; //行數
            columns = itemCount / maxPerLine;
            extents = columns * width * 0.5f;
            columns = maxPerLine; //列數
            rows = itemCount / maxPerLine;
            extents = rows * height * 0.5f; 
      /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void creatItem()
        if (itemCount == 0)
            itemCount = grid.transform.childCount;
            int childCount = grid.transform.childCount;
            int count = itemCount - childCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(itemPrefab) as GameObject;
                go.transform.SetParent(grid.transform, false);
        grid.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft;  //強制錨點為左上


  /// <summary>
    /// 滑動回撥
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="panel"></param>
    private void onMove(UIPanel panel)
        Vector3[] corners = panel.worldCorners;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) //轉換成區域性座標
            Vector3 v = corners[i];
            v = grid.transform.InverseTransformPoint(v);
            corners[i] = v;

        Vector3[] localCorners = corners;
        Vector3 center = (localCorners[0] + localCorners[2]) * 0.5f; // 邊角的中心點座標
        bool allWithinRange = true;
        //0:bottom - left    1:top - left     2:top - right     3:bottom - right
        if (scrollView.movement == UIScrollView.Movement.Horizontal)
            float min = localCorners[0].x - width;
            float max = localCorners[2].x + width;
            int count = childers.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Transform item = childers[i];
                Vector3 localPos = item.localPosition;
                float distance = localPos.x - center.x;  //用來判斷是在左邊還是右邊  計算item座標離中心的距離

                Vector2 pos = item.localPosition;
                int realIndex = 0;
                if (distance < -extents || distance > extents)
                    if (distance < -extents) // 向左拉的時候(向右移動)
                        pos.x += extents * 2;
                        realIndex = getRealIndexByPos(pos);
                    else if (distance > extents) //向右拉 (向左移動)
                        pos.x -= extents * 2;
                        realIndex = getRealIndexByPos(pos);
                    if (realIndex >=0 && realIndex < dataCount)
                        item.localPosition = pos;
                        updateItem(item,i, realIndex);
                    else allWithinRange = false;

        else if (scrollView.movement == UIScrollView.Movement.Vertical)
            float min = localCorners[0].x - width;
            float max = localCorners[2].x + width;
            int count = childers.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Transform item = childers[i];
                Vector3 localPos = item.localPosition;
                float distance = localPos.y - center.y;  //用來判斷是在上邊還是下邊  計算item座標離中心的距離

                Vector2 pos = item.localPosition;
                int realIndex = 0;
                if (distance < -extents || distance > extents)
                    if (distance < -extents) // 向左拉的時候(向右移動)
                        pos.y += extents * 2;
                        realIndex = getRealIndexByPos(pos);
                    else if (distance > extents) //向右拉 (向左移動)
                        pos.y -= extents * 2;
                        realIndex = getRealIndexByPos(pos);
                    if (realIndex >= 0 && realIndex < dataCount)
                        item.localPosition = pos;
                        updateItem(item, i, realIndex);
                    else allWithinRange = false;
        scrollView.restrictWithinPanel = !allWithinRange;


 private int getRealIndexByPos(Vector2 pos)
        int realIndex = 0;  // 0 - dataCount-1
        int currentRows = (int)(-pos.y / height) ; //行數
        int currentColumns = (int)(pos.x / width); //列數

        if (scrollView.movement == UIScrollView.Movement.Horizontal)
            realIndex = currentRows + maxPerLine * currentColumns;
            realIndex = currentRows * maxPerLine + currentColumns;
        return realIndex;


private void updateItem(Transform item,int itemIndex, int index)
        if (renderItem != null)
    private void onRenderCompelte()
        if (renderAllItemCallBack != null)


 public void renderItemByIndex(int dataIndex)
        if (dataIndex < 0)
            dataIndex = 0;
        else if(dataIndex >= dataCount)
            dataIndex = dataCount - 1;
        int currentColumns = 0; //列數 從0開始
        int currentRows = 0; //行數 從0開始
        int maxRows = 0; //最大行數
        int maxColumns = 0; //最大列數
        float posY = 0; 
        float posX = 0;
        int showCountItem = rows * columns;
        if (scrollView.movement == UIScrollView.Movement.Horizontal)
            currentColumns = dataIndex / maxPerLine;
            maxColumns = (dataCount - 1) / maxPerLine;
            currentRows = dataIndex % maxPerLine;

            int startColumns = 0; //開始的列數
            int offsetColums = 0; //偏移的列數
            int maxShowColumns = (int)(panel.width / width);

            if (currentColumns + maxShowColumns / 2 < maxShowColumns)//如果要顯示的列數小於螢幕顯示的最大列數 就直接從0列開始顯示
                startColumns = 0;
                offsetColums = startColumns;
            else if (currentColumns + maxShowColumns/2 >= maxColumns) //如果當前顯示的列數加上螢幕顯示的最大列數大於最大的列數就從 最大列數-螢幕顯示列數 開始顯示
                startColumns = maxColumns - columns + 1;
                offsetColums = maxColumns - maxShowColumns + 1;
            else //正常顯示 這裡可以改成- N 
                //(很多時候坑逼策劃會讓你居中顯示, 下面程式碼可以改成 startColumns = currentColumns - (columns / 2) +1
                startColumns = currentColumns - 1;
                offsetColums = startColumns;
            int line = -1;

            Vector2 offset = new Vector2((offsetColums) * width, 0);
            float x = panel.transform.localPosition.x + panel.clipOffset.x;
            panel.clipOffset = offset;
            panel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x - offset.x, 0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < showCountItem; i++)
                Transform item = childers[i];

                if (i % rows == 0) //下一列了
                    line += 1;
                int column = (startColumns + line);
                //if (column > maxColumns)
                //    break;//超標了 直接退出

                posX = column * width;
                posY = i % rows * -height;
                Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(posX,posY);
                item.localPosition = newPos;
                int realIndex = getRealIndexByPos(newPos);
                updateItem(item, i, realIndex);
            currentRows = dataIndex / maxPerLine;
            maxRows = (dataCount - 1) / maxPerLine;
            currentColumns = dataIndex % maxPerLine;

            int startRows = 0; //開始的行數
            int offsetRows = 0; // 偏移的行數
            int maxShowRows = (int)(panel.height / height); //裁剪區域能顯示的最大行數
            if (currentRows + maxShowRows / 2 < maxShowRows)//
                startRows = 0;
                offsetRows = startRows;
            else if (currentRows + maxShowRows/2 >= maxRows)
                startRows = maxRows - rows + 1;
                offsetRows = maxRows - maxShowRows +1;
                startRows = currentRows - 1;
                offsetRows = startRows;
            int line = -1;

            Vector2 offset = new Vector2(0, offsetRows * -height);
            float y = panel.transform.localPosition.y + panel.clipOffset.y;
            panel.clipOffset = offset;
            panel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(panel.transform.localPosition.x, y - offset.y, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < showCountItem; i++)
                Transform item = childers[i];
                if (i % columns == 0) //下一行了
                    line += 1;
                int row = (startRows + line);
                if (row > maxRows)
                    break;//超標了 直接退出
                posY = row * -height;
                posX = i % columns * width;

                Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(posX, posY);
                item.localPosition = newPos;
                int realIndex = getRealIndexByPos(newPos);
                updateItem(item, i, realIndex);


本篇教程是結合ngui 的uigrid排序元件,以及uipanel,UIScrollView滑動元件來做的,uigrid的pivot 必須為 UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft
注意點:grid.arrangement 與UIScrollView.movement必須相反, uigrid的pivot 必須為 UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft