1. 程式人生 > >測序資料模擬——ART基因序列產生器









tar zxvf artbingreatsmokymountains041716linux64tgz.tgz 
cd art_bin_GreatSmokyMountains/


[email protected]:~/congmin/software/art_bin_GreatSmokyMountains$ art_illumina 

             ART_Illumina (2008
-2016) Q Version 2.5.1 (Apr 17, 2016) Contact: Weichun Huang <[email protected]> ------------------------------------------- ===== USAGE ===== art_illumina [options] -ss <sequencing_system> -sam -i <seq_ref_file> -l <read_length> -f <fold_coverage> -o <outfile_prefix> art_illumina [options] -ss <sequencing_system> -sam -i <seq_ref_file> -l <read_length> -c <num_reads_per_sequence> -o <outfile_prefix> art_illumina [options] -ss <sequencing_system> -sam -i <seq_ref_file> -l <read_length> -f <fold_coverage> -m <mean_fragsize> -s <std_fragsize> -o <outfile_prefix> art_illumina [options] -ss <sequencing_system> -sam -i <seq_ref_file> -l <read_length> -c <num_reads_per_sequence> -m <mean_fragsize> -s <std_fragsize> -o <outfile_prefix> ===== PARAMETERS ===== -1
--qprof1 the first-read quality profile -2 --qprof2 the second-read quality profile -amp --amplicon amplicon sequencing simulation -c --rcount number of reads/read pairs to be generated per sequence/amplicon (not be used together with -f/--fcov) -d --id the prefix identification tag for
read ID -ef --errfree indicate to generate the zero sequencing errors SAM file as well the regular one NOTE: the reads in the zero-error SAM file have the same alignment positions as those in the regular SAM file, but have no sequencing errors -f --fcov the fold of read coverage to be simulated or number of reads/read pairs generated for each amplicon -h --help print out usage information -i --in the filename of input DNA/RNA reference -ir --insRate the first-read insertion rate (default: 0.00009) -ir2 --insRate2 the second-read insertion rate (default: 0.00015) -dr --delRate the first-read deletion rate (default: 0.00011) -dr2 --delRate2 the second-read deletion rate (default: 0.00023) -l --len the length of reads to be simulated -m --mflen the mean size of DNA/RNA fragments for paired-end simulations -mp --matepair indicate a mate-pair read simulation -M --cigarM indicate to use CIGAR 'M' instead of '=/X' for alignment match/mismatch -nf --maskN the cutoff frequency of 'N' in a window size of the read length for masking genomic regions NOTE: default: '-nf 1' to mask all regions with 'N'. Use '-nf 0' to turn off masking -na --noALN do not output ALN alignment file -o --out the prefix of output filename -p --paired indicate a paired-end read simulation or to generate reads from both ends of amplicons NOTE: art will automatically switch to a mate-pair simulation if the given mean fragment size >= 2000 -q --quiet turn off end of run summary -qL --minQ the minimum base quality score -qU --maxQ the maxiumum base quality score -qs --qShift the amount to shift every first-read quality score by -qs2 --qShift2 the amount to shift every second-read quality score by NOTE: For -qs/-qs2 option, a positive number will shift up quality scores (the max is 93) that reduce substitution sequencing errors and a negative number will shift down quality scores that increase sequencing errors. If shifting scores by x, the error rate will be 1/(10^(x/10)) of the default profile. -rs --rndSeed the seed for random number generator (default: system time in second) NOTE: using a fixed seed to generate two identical datasets from different runs -s --sdev the standard deviation of DNA/RNA fragment size for paired-end simulations. -sam --samout indicate to generate SAM alignment file -sp --sepProf indicate to use separate quality profiles for different bases (ATGC) -ss --seqSys The name of Illumina sequencing system of the built-in profile used for simulation NOTE: sequencing system ID names are: GA1 - GenomeAnalyzer I (36bp,44bp), GA2 - GenomeAnalyzer II (50bp, 75bp) HS10 - HiSeq 1000 (100bp), HS20 - HiSeq 2000 (100bp), HS25 - HiSeq 2500 (125bp, 150bp) HS10 - HiSeq 1000 (100bp), HS20 - HiSeq 2000 (100bp), HS25 - HiSeq 2500 (125bp, 150bp) HSXn - HiSeqX PCR free (150bp), HSXt - HiSeqX TruSeq (150bp), MinS - MiniSeq TruSeq (50bp) MSv1 - MiSeq v1 (250bp), MSv3 - MiSeq v3 (250bp), NS50 - NextSeq500 v2 (75bp) ===== NOTES ===== * ART by default selects a built-in quality score profile according to the read length specified for the run. * For single-end simulation, ART requires input sequence file, outputfile prefix, read length, and read count/fold coverage. * For paired-end simulation (except for amplicon sequencing), ART also requires the parameter values of the mean and standard deviation of DNA/RNA fragment lengths ===== EXAMPLES ===== 1) single-end read simulation art_illumina -ss HS25 -sam -i reference.fa -l 150 -f 10 -o single_dat 2) paired-end read simulation art_illumina -ss HS25 -sam -i reference.fa -p -l 150 -f 20 -m 200 -s 10 -o paired_dat 3) mate-pair read simulation art_illumina -ss HS10 -sam -i reference.fa -mp -l 100 -f 20 -m 2500 -s 50 -o matepair_dat 4) amplicon sequencing simulation with 5' end single-end reads art_illumina -ss GA2 -amp -sam -na -i amp_reference.fa -l 50 -f 10 -o amplicon_5end_dat 5) amplicon sequencing simulation with paired-end reads art_illumina -ss GA2 -amp -p -sam -na -i amp_reference.fa -l 50 -f 10 -o amplicon_pair_dat 6) amplicon sequencing simulation with matepair reads art_illumina -ss MSv1 -amp -mp -sam -na -i amp_reference.fa -l 150 -f 10 -o amplicon_mate_dat 7) generate an extra SAM file with zero-sequencing errors for a paired-end read simulation art_illumina -ss HSXn -ef -i reference.fa -p -l 150 -f 20 -m 200 -s 10 -o paired_twosam_dat 8) reduce the substitution error rate to one 10th of the default profile art_illumina -i reference.fa -qs 10 -qs2 10 -l 50 -f 10 -p -m 500 -s 10 -sam -o reduce_error 9) turn off the masking of genomic regions with unknown nucleotides 'N' art_illumina -ss HS20 -nf 0 -sam -i reference.fa -p -l 100 -f 20 -m 200 -s 10 -o paired_nomask 10) masking genomic regions with >=5 'N's within the read length 50 art_illumina -ss HSXt -nf 5 -sam -i reference.fa -p -l 150 -f 20 -m 200 -s 10 -o paired_maskN5



zhoukr@bsn001:~/congmin/software/art_bin_GreatSmokyMountains$ art_illumina -ss HS20 -i GRCH38chr1L3556522.fna -l 100 -f 20 -o G38L100F20Nhs20


zhoukr@bsn001:~/congmin/software/art_bin_GreatSmokyMountains$ art_illumina -ss HS20 -i GRCH38chr1L3556522.fna -l 100 -f 20 -o G38L100F20Nhs20

             ART_Illumina (2008-2016)          
          Q Version 2.5.1 (Apr 17, 2016)       
     Contact: Weichun Huang <whduke@gmail.com> 


[email protected]:~/congmin/software/art_bin_GreatSmokyMountains$ ll
total 9443836
drwxrwxr-x 2 hadoop hadoop       4096  62 23:10 ./
drwxrwxr-x 6 hadoop hadoop       4096  62 22:59 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hadoop hadoop 4635232124  62 23:11 G38L100F20Nhs20.aln
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hadoop hadoop 4347022003  62 23:11 G38L100F20Nhs20.fq
-rw-r--r-- 1 hadoop hadoop  252513055  62 23:00 GRCH38chr1L3556522.fna




目錄 ART基因序列產生器簡介 官網1. 軟體下載2. 相關論文3. ART使用 軟體配置 tar zxvf artbingreatsmokymountains041716linux64tgz.tgz cd

Next generation sequencing (NGS)二代資料預處理與分析

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需要準備的資料: 降解組測序資料QC後整理為redundant fasta格式 轉錄本資料,fasta格式 miRNA序列,fasta格式 檢視幫助文件 CleaveLand4.pl --help readscount轉為fasta格式(redundent rea


通常我們下機得到的資料是raw reads,但是公司通常會質控一份給我們,所以到很多人手上就是clean data了。我們再次使用fastqc來進行測序資料質量檢視以及結果分析。 fastqc的操作: 1. FastQC使用 fastqc -f [bam | sam | fastq] -o [

2018-6-23轉錄組學習2 資料質量檢查

1.sra檔案轉換為fastq格式 為了進行測序資料質量檢查我們需要將下載好的sra資料轉換為fastq格式:使用Sratoolkits中的fastq-dump命令進行格式轉換 Sratoolkits的官方文件中有fastq-dump命令的介紹(http


      對於公司送回來的測序資料,我們通常需要進行質檢,檢查資料是否符合我們要求的測序深度,在質檢中,統計各個位點的depth就顯得尤為重要。      最常見的統計depth的方法就是使用samtools depth,但是這個方法僅僅侷限於對單個位點進行depth進行統


microRNA的分析過程:microRNA測序資料分析選用軟體miRDeep,關於這個軟體,有文章:Discovering microRNAs from deep sequencing data using miRDeep,Nature Biotechnology 2


  基因組測序資料的拼接/組裝 (圖片來源:google)     每一個物種的參考基因組序列(reference genome)的產生都要先通過測序的方法,獲得基因組的測序讀段(reads),然後再進行從頭拼接或組裝(英文名稱為do novo&nbs


  首先我們將所有一代測序的序列檔案都儲存在同一個資料夾下,然後用cat命令合併成一個fasta檔案。 在每條序列第一行插入> for file in .fas; do sed -i “s/>./file” ; done 將序列第一和第二行合併

全面解讀第四代基因技術Oxford Nanopore--轉載

能夠 ural 變異 發現 提高 pla art deep 導致 納米孔測序技術(又稱第四代測序技術)是最近幾年興起的新一代測序技術。目前測序長度可以達到150kb。這項技術開始於90年代,經歷了三個主要的技術革新:一、單分子DNA從納米孔通過;二、納米孔上的酶對於測序分子


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基因組測序模擬 一、摘要 通過熟悉已有的基因組測序模擬和評估程式,加深全基因組鳥槍法測序原理的理解,並且能夠編寫程式模擬全基因組鳥槍法測序,理解覆蓋度、測序深度、拷貝數等概念,設定測序相關引數,生成單端/雙端測序結果檔案 二、材料和方法 1、硬體平臺 處理器:Inte


    由於連線測序儀的伺服器不知道哪裡抽了風,無法直接的生成fastq格式的檔案,好久都無解,經過一段時間仍無法解決,所以採用曲線救國的方法,看能不能利用三方軟體將bcl轉換成fastq檔案     google以後發現illumina的OLB(off-line Base

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第三代基因技術革新 雲計算的應用

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drop 體積 構建 pan 以及 lex 建議 nod 1.8 宏基因組測序: 濃度>=50ng/ul OD260/280:1.8-2.0 DNA兩次需要量>=3ug 宏基因組測序需要提供什麽樣品要求? (1)提供環境微生物的基因組DNA或者擴增產物,O

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需要 qmail 等等 lane prime 功能 一段 vfk 可能 一些常用基本概念的介紹: flowcell流動池 是指Illumina測序時,測序反應發生的位置,1個flowcell含有8條lane lane通道 每一個flowcell上都有8條泳道,用於測序反應

WES 平均深度

一次 概念 發生 區分 分離 利用 變異 相同 作用 http://blog.csdn.net/guomutian911/article/details/70312973 1 基礎概念 平均測序深度: 指定區域內得到的所有堿基數目與該區域的長度的比值,如果是全基因組