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計算機國際會議分類排名 Computer Science Conference Rankings(zz)

Australian Software Engineering Conference
IEEE Int. W'shop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Sys.
IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering
The Northern Formal Methods Workshops
Formal Methods Pacific
Int. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems
JFPLC - International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint Programming
L&L - Workshop on Logic and Learning
SFP - Scottish Functional Programming Workshop
LCCS - International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer Science
VLFM - Visual Languages and Formal Methods
Formal Methods Workshop
PASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and Engineering
TLCA: Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications
FATES - A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software
Workshop On Java For High-Performance Computing
DSLSE - Domain-Specific Languages for Software Engineering
FTJP - Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs
WFLP - International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming
FOOL - International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages
SREIS - Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security
HLPP - International workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications
INAP - International Conference on Applications of Prolog
MPOOL - Workshop on Multiparadigm
Programming with OO Languages
PADO - Symposium on Programs as Data Objects
TOOLS: Int'l Conf Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
Australasian Conference on Parallel And Real-Time Systems
PASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and Engineering
AvoCS: Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems
SPIN: Workshop on Model Checking of Software
: Workshop on Formal Design of Safety Critical Embedded Systems
PPDP: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
APL Conference
ASM: Workshops on Abstract State Machines
COORDINATION: Coordination Models and Languages
DocEng: ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
DSV-IS: Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive Systems
FMCAD: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
FMLDO: Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects
IFL: Implementation of Functional Languages
ILP: International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming
ISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
ITC: International Test Conference
IWFM: Irish Workshop in Formal Methods
Java Grande
LP: Logic Programming: Japanese Conference
LPAR: Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning
LPE: Workshop on Logic Programming Environments
LPNMR: Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning
PJW: Workshop on Persistence and Java
RCLP: Russian Conference on Logic Programming
STEP: Software Technology and Engineering Practice
TestCom: IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems
VL: Visual Languages
FMPPTA: Workshop on Formal Methods for Parallel Programming Theory and Applications
WRS: International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming
FATES: A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software
FORMALWARE: Meeting on Formalware Engineering: Formal Methods for Engineering Software
DRE: conference Data Reverse Engineering
STAREAST: Software Testing Analysis & Review Conference
Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing
International Testing Computer Software Conference
Linux Showcase & Conference
FLOPS: International Symposum on Functional and Logic Programming
GCSE: International Conference on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering
JOSES: Java Optimization Strategies for Embedded Systems
AADEBUG: Automated and Algorithmic Debugging
AMAST: Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology