1. 程式人生 > >system.map檔案解析


system.map檔案可以幫助我們理解核心編譯,它記錄了所有程式碼的執行地址 內容格式為:線性地址 型別 符號
  1. 具體內容如下:
  2. 00100000 A phys_startup_32
  3. c0100000 T startup_32
  4. c0100000 A _text              注:表示核心程式碼第一個位元組的地址
  5. c01000c6 t checkCPUtype
  6. c0100147 t is486
  7. c010014e t is386
  8. c0100199 t L6
  9. c010019b t check_x87
  10. c01001c2 t setup_idt
  11. c01001df t rp_sidt
  12. c01001ec t ignore_int
  13. c0100220 t rest_init
  14. c0100220 T stext
  15. c0100220 T _stext
  16. c0100252 t do_pre_smp_initcalls
  17. c0100257 t run_init_process
  18. c0100283 t init
  19. c01003a8 t try_name
  20. c0100529 T name_to_dev_t
  21. c0100790 t calibrate_delay_direct
  22. ...
  23. c02f95d7 T register_kretprobe
  24. c02f96cd T unregister_kretprobe
  25. c02f9760 t .text.lock.kprobes
  26. c02f97b0 T __kprobes_text_end
  27. c02f9abe t iret_exc
  28. c02fa1af A _etext               注:核心程式碼結束的位置,之後為核心初始化的資料
  29. c02fa1b0 A __start___ex_table
  30. c02facc0 A __stop___ex_table
  31. c02fb000 r __func__.12
  32. c02fb000 A __start_rodata
  33. c02fb00c r __func__.13
  34. c02fb020 r __func__.2
  35. c02fb02c r __func__.3
  36. c02fb040 R linux_banner
  37. c02fb0bb r __func__.0
  38. c02fb0c7 r __func__.1
  39. c02fb0e0 r __func__.0
  40. c02fb0ec r __func__.1
  41. c02fb100 r border
  42. c02fb160 r cplens
  43. ...
  44. c03e1b08 D ip_statistics
  45. c03e1b10 D tcp_statistics
  46. c03e1b18 D udp_statistics
  47. c03e1b20 D icmp_statistics
  48. c03e1b28 D net_statistics
  49. c03e1b30 d fn_hash_kmem
  50. c03e1b34 d fn_alias_kmem
  51. c03e1b38 d xfrm_dst_cache
  52. c03e1b3c d secpath_cachep
  53. c03e1b40 A _edata             注:核心初始化資料結束,之後為未初始化資料
  54. c03e2000 D init_thread_union
  55. c03e4000 A __init_begin
  56. c03e4000 t no_halt
  57. c03e4000 T _sinittext
  58. c03e400d t mca_pentium
  59. c03e401d t no_387
  60. c03e4033 t check_fpu
  61. ...
  62. c043a058 b pfkey_table
  63. c043a05c b pfkey_table_lock
  64. c043a05c b pfkey_table_users
  65. c043a060 b pfkey_socks_nr
  66. c043a064 b acqseq.4
  67. c043a068 b acqseq_lock.5
  68. c043a068 A __bss_stop
  69. c043a068 A _end              注:核心未初始化資料結束
  70. c043b000 A pg0
  71. ffffe400 A __kernel_vsyscall
  72. ffffe410 A SYSENTER_RETURN
  73. ffffe420 A __kernel_sigreturn
  74. ffffe440 A __kernel_rt_sigreturn
符號含義 小寫字母表示區域性; 大寫字母表示全域性(外部).  The symbol's value is absolute, and will not be changed by further linking. The symbol is in the uninitialized data section (known as BSS). The symbol is common. Common symbols are uninitialized data. When linking, multiple common symbols may appear with the same name. If the symbol is defined anywhere, the common symbols are treated as undefined references. For more details on common symbols, see the discussion of -warn-common in Linker options. The symbol is in the initialized data section. The symbol is in an initialized data section for small objects. Some object file formats permit more efficient access to small data objects, such as a global int variable as opposed to a large global array. The symbol is an indirect reference to another symbol. This is a GNU extension to the a.out object file format which is rarely used. The symbol is a debugging symbol. The symbol is in a read only data section. The symbol is in an uninitialized data section for small objects. The symbol is in the text (code) section. The symbol is undefined. The symbol is a weak object. When a weak defined symbol is linked with a normal defined symbol, the normal defined symbol is used with no error. When a weak undefined symbol is linked and the symbol is not defined, the value of the weak symbol becomes zero with no error. The symbol is a weak symbol that has not been specifically tagged as a weak object symbol. When a weak defined symbol is linked with a normal defined symbol, the normal defined symbol is used with no error. When a weak undefined symbol is linked and the symbol is not defined, the value of the weak symbol becomes zero with no error. The symbol is a stabs symbol in an a.out object file. In this case, the next values printed are the stabs other field, the stabs desc field, and the stab type. Stabs symbols are used to hold debugging information. For more information, see Stabs. The symbol type is unknown, or object file format specific. <script>window._bd_share_config={"common":{"bdSnsKey":{},"bdText":"","bdMini":"2","bdMiniList":false,"bdPic":"","bdStyle":"0","bdSize":"16"},"share":{}};with(document)0[(getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||body).appendChild(createElement('script')).src='http://bdimg.share.baidu.com/static/api/js/share.js?v=89860593.js?cdnversion='+~(-new Date()/36e5)];</script> 閱讀(941) | 評論(0) | 轉發(2) | 給主人留下些什麼吧!~~ 評論熱議