阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-16
/************************* OpenNI2 Deep, Color and Fusion Image Author: Xin Chen, 2013.2 Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/chenxin_130 *************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "OpenNI.h" #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace cv; using namespace openni; void CheckOpenNIError( Status result, string status ) { if( result != STATUS_OK ) cerr << status << " Error: " << OpenNI::getExtendedError() << endl; } int main( int argc, char** argv ) { Status result = STATUS_OK; //OpenNI2 image VideoFrameRef oniDepthImg; VideoFrameRef oniColorImg; //OpenCV image cv::Mat cvDepthImg; cv::Mat cvBGRImg; cv::Mat cvFusionImg; cv::namedWindow("depth"); cv::namedWindow("image"); cv::namedWindow("fusion"); char key=0; //【1】 // initialize OpenNI2 result = OpenNI::initialize(); CheckOpenNIError( result, "initialize context" ); // open device Device device; result = device.open( openni::ANY_DEVICE ); //【2】 // create depth stream VideoStream oniDepthStream; result = oniDepthStream.create( device, openni::SENSOR_DEPTH ); //【3】 // set depth video mode VideoMode modeDepth; modeDepth.setResolution( 640, 480 ); modeDepth.setFps( 30 ); modeDepth.setPixelFormat( PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM ); oniDepthStream.setVideoMode(modeDepth); // start depth stream result = oniDepthStream.start(); // create color stream VideoStream oniColorStream; result = oniColorStream.create( device, openni::SENSOR_COLOR ); // set color video mode VideoMode modeColor; modeColor.setResolution( 640, 480 ); modeColor.setFps( 30 ); modeColor.setPixelFormat( PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888 ); oniColorStream.setVideoMode( modeColor); //【4】 // set depth and color imge registration mode if( device.isImageRegistrationModeSupported(IMAGE_REGISTRATION_DEPTH_TO_COLOR ) ) { device.setImageRegistrationMode( IMAGE_REGISTRATION_DEPTH_TO_COLOR ); } // start color stream result = oniColorStream.start(); while( key!=27 ) { // read frame if( oniColorStream.readFrame( &oniColorImg ) == STATUS_OK ) { // convert data into OpenCV type cv::Mat cvRGBImg( oniColorImg.getHeight(), oniColorImg.getWidth(), CV_8UC3, (void*)oniColorImg.getData() ); cv::cvtColor( cvRGBImg, cvBGRImg, CV_RGB2BGR ); cv::imshow( "image", cvBGRImg ); } if( oniDepthStream.readFrame( &oniDepthImg ) == STATUS_OK ) { cv::Mat cvRawImg16U( oniDepthImg.getHeight(), oniDepthImg.getWidth(), CV_16UC1, (void*)oniDepthImg.getData() ); cvRawImg16U.convertTo( cvDepthImg, CV_8U, 255.0/(oniDepthStream.getMaxPixelValue())); //【5】 // convert depth image GRAY to BGR cv::cvtColor(cvDepthImg,cvFusionImg,CV_GRAY2BGR); cv::imshow( "depth", cvDepthImg ); } //【6】 cv::addWeighted(cvBGRImg,0.5,cvFusionImg,0.5,0,cvFusionImg); cv::imshow( "fusion", cvFusionImg ); key = cv::waitKey(20); } //cv destroy cv::destroyWindow("depth"); cv::destroyWindow("image"); cv::destroyWindow("fusion"); //OpenNI2 destroy oniDepthStream.destroy(); oniColorStream.destroy(); device.close(); OpenNI::shutdown(); return 0; }
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(TestOPENNI2) include_directories($ENV{OPENNI2_INCLUDE}) link_directories($ENV{OPENNI2_REDIST}) message($ENV{OPENNI2_INCLUDE}) message($ENV{OPENNI2_REDIST}) find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} "main.cpp") target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${OpenCV_LIBS} libOpenNI2.so )