1. 程式人生 > >ORS Visual醫學影像三維處理軟體簡介

ORS Visual醫學影像三維處理軟體簡介


1. ORS Visual軟體簡介:

  ORS Visual軟體是由加拿大的一家公司開發的,專門用於醫學影象處理的軟體系統。用接觸過的一位醫生的話說,加拿大人真是把軟體開發做到了極致。能夠獲得醫生這麼高評價的軟體,到底是一款什麼樣的軟體呢,接下來從其官網上摘錄一些對該軟體的介紹,可以迅速地瞭解這樣一款功能齊全的,兼具C/S和B/S架構的醫學影像處理軟體。

2. C/S模式

The most logical choice to meet any medical imaging challenge.
ORS Visual是滿足任何醫學影像工作挑戰的最合理的選擇.

ORS Visual offers a full suite of advanced 3D visualization and analysis tools for the diagnostic evaluation of medical image data acquired from CT, MR, US, and other imaging modalities.
ORS Visual提供了一整套先進的3D視覺化和分析工具,用於診斷獲取自CT, MR, US和任何其他醫學模態的醫學影像資料.

With multiple packages to match your specific needs, ORS Visual is simply the most comprehensive and affordable medical imaging solution on the market today.
藉助多樣的滿足您特定需求的功能包,ORS Visual是目前市面上最全面和最實惠的醫學影像處理解決方案。

Available functions include DICOM communication, display of image data in orthogonal and oblique planes, computation of volume renderings and maximum intensity projections (MIPs), 2D and 3D image measurements, as well as reporting, printing, and distribution of key images. ORS Visual also addresses the needs of specialists through add-on modules, such as Vessel Analysis and Autoplaque(血管分析和斑塊分析).

可用的功能包括DICOM的通訊,在正交和斜面平面上顯示影像資料,計算體繪製和最大密度投影,2D和3D的影象測量,以及關鍵影象的報告,列印和分發。ORS Visual還通過附加的模組,如血管處理和斑塊分析模組,來滿足專家的需求。

ORS Visual軟體的主要功能如下:
- 放射科讀片:MPR/CPR/MIP;
- 與PACS系統無縫整合:三維重建(Volume Rendering);
- 定量分析:Quantification;
- 2D與3D效果匯出為動畫檔案;
- 三角網格(mesh)的生成與STL匯出;
- 二次開發(Python/C++).

ORS Visual has FDA clearance, Health Canada approval, and is CE marked for countries in the European Union.
ORS Visual Pro軟體獲得了以下榮譽:
(1)ISO 13485認證;
(5)血管外掛(Vessel Analysis)及其斑塊分析外掛(Autoplaque)獲美國FDA認證。

3. B/S模式

Adapting to changing demands for access and security.


Boost radiological workflows and physician services with a Web-based solution that is easy to access, intuitive to use, and offers accelerated visualization of 2D, 3D, and 4D datasets and specialized workflows.

通過易於訪問、使用直觀、提供2D, 3D和4D資料集加速視覺化和專業工作流程的,基於Web的解決方案,提升了放射科的工作流程和醫師服務。

Supporting both Windows and Mac browsers, as well as mobile devices and smart phones, ORS Visual Web combines secure mobility with powerful server-based advanced visualization for the review of image data. Users simply login from any browser that supports HTML 5 to access the full clinical benefits of ORS Visual, including MPR, MIP, oblique views, real-time volumetric visualization, as well as feature extraction and measurement tools.

支援Windows和Mac平臺上的瀏覽器,還有移動裝置和手機,ORS Visual Web將移動安全性和強大的基於服務的對影象資料加速視覺化聯合在了一起。使用者僅需從任何支援HTML5的瀏覽器登入便可以訪問ORS Visual的全套臨床benefits,包括MPR, MIP, 斜面檢視,實時的體資料視覺化,特徵提取和測量工具。

To facilitate the review of patient studies and media-rich reports from mobile devices, ORS Visual Web provides intuitive tools to search image databases, apply window leveling, zoom, pan, and scroll through image stacks, as well as optimize the display of 3D volume renderings.
為了便於從移動裝置審查患者的檢查和媒體形式豐富的報告,ORS Visual Web提供了直觀的工具來查詢影象資料集,提供WWWL,Zoom, Pan和
