1. 程式人生 > >機器人常用模擬軟體



RoboWorks - RoboWorks是一個非常容易上手的3D建模,模擬及動畫模擬的工具軟體,它可以應用於很多不同的系統. 通過使用Roboworks,使用者可以簡單的建立高質量的3D模型,並可以通過特別的介面與其他軟體相相容. RoboWorks支援直接從鍵盤輸入或從檔案輸入資料,已用來動畫模擬,也支援開源的Robotalk的程式. RoboWorks下載

BugWorks 2D Robot Simulator - 一個用JAVA寫的2D的機器人模擬程式.
Camelot - Camelots Ropsim是基於Windows系統的機器人離線程式設計與動態模擬軟體,它在工業上應用很廣泛.通過Camelots Ropsim你可以在你的個人電腦上程式設計控制機器人,體驗控制機器人運動的快感.
Encarnação Robot Simulator - 一個用來做機器手的動態模擬軟體.
Mobile Robot Simulators - 特別適用於微型移動機器人足球比賽用機器人的動態模擬.可以用來對機器人的控制結構進行一個測試.
MOBOTSIM - Mobile Robot Simulator - Windows 下的2D動態移支機器人模擬軟體.它提供了一個圖形介面,你可以很方便的建立和編輯你的機器人,支援basic語言.
RRG Kinematix - 一個 C/C++ 上使用的,適用於各種不同運動副的庫檔案.它適用於任何運動副,也適用於任意自由度的機器人模擬.
ThreeDimSim - 一個3D的機構模擬及渲染軟體


TeamBots is a Java-based collection of application programs and Java packages for multi-agent mobile robotics research. It supplies a simulation and real robot execution environment. TeamBots is developed at CMU and Georgia Tech.

TeamBots supports prototyping, simulation and execution of multi-robot control systems. Robot control systems developed in TeamBots can run in simulation using the TBSim simulation application, and on mobile robots using the TBHard robot execution environment. find more...

[ Download TeamBots.zip ]


SoccerBots is a Multi-robot soccer simulation. It is used by a number of educators and multi-agent systems researchers. SoccerBots is included in the TeamBots distribution. It is written in Java, and developed at CMU and Georgia Tech. find more...

SoccASCII Soccer

ASCII Soccer is a tool for investigating how groups of simple agents interact while playing a soccer-like game. You can create your own team strategies and test them against others. find more...


MisssionLab is a multi-robot simulation and real robot execution environment. It takes high-level military-style plans and executes them with teams of real or simulated robotic vehicles. MissionLab Includes a graphical robot behavior editor called cfgedit. MissionLab is developed at Georgia Tech. find more...

[download mlab-6.0.tar.gz]

Open Automaton Project

The Open Automaton Project aims to develop Open Source blueprints for an intelligent PC-based mobile robot for home or office environments. find more...

Robot Software Components

Developing software for robots is a difficult and time consuming business, so really anything which makes the process easier is a bonus. As a spin-off from the the author's main robotics project Rodney , he have developed a number of windows DLLs in order to better modularize the software architecture. find more...