1. 程式人生 > >(轉)EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure - move an XML document to relational tables

(轉)EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure - move an XML document to relational tables

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原文:https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/zh/SSEPGG_9.8.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.rtn.doc/doc/r0054910.html https://www.cnblogs.com/DBA-Ivan/p/7845938.html-----【DB2】Event monitor for locking https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/51678348----------------------運維必備--如何徹底解決數據庫的鎖超時及死鎖問題 https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/data/library/techarticles/dm-1001luohq/index.html----DB2 V9.7 鎖事件監控 The EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure retrieves data stored in an unformatted event (UE) table produced by an event monitor and converts it into a set of relational tables. The process of creating relational tables takes place in two steps. First the data in the UE table is converted to XML format, using the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_XML table function. This table function is run for you automatically as part of running the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure. Next, the XML document that contains the event monitor data is turned into relational tables using XML decomposition.





The schema is SYSPROC.

Table function parameters

An input parameter of type VARCHAR(128) that represents the type of data stored in the unformatted event table. The possible values are as follows:
Data stored in the unformatted event table is from a locking event monitor.
Data stored in the unformatted event table is from a PACKAGE CACHE event monitor.
Data stored in the unformatted event table is from a UOW event monitor.
An input parameter of type VARCHAR (128) that specifies the first-part of the name of the XSR object that describes how data from the UE file corresponds to columns in tables. The second-part of the XSR object name is derived from the xsrobjectname parameter. The complete XSR object name is defined as xsrschema.xsrobjectname. If this value is NULL, then the authorization ID of the current session user is used.

An input parameter of type VARCHAR (128) that specifies the second-part of the name of the XSR object that describes how data from the UE file corresponds to columns in tables. The first-part of the XSR object name is derived from the xsrschema parameter. The complete XSR object name is defined as xsrschema.xsrobjectname and is unique among all objects in the XSR. If this value is NULL then the xsrobjectname is derived as follows:EVMON_<evmon_type>_SCHEMA_<SQL release level>. For example, a locking event monitor in DB2® Version 9.7 would have an derived xsrname of EVMON_LOCKING_SCHEMA_SQL09070.

The XSR object is a copy of the XML schema file that describes the output of the event monitor. It is stored in the XML schema repository (XSR), and defines the relationship between the elements of the interim XML document produced by the first stage of EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES processing, and the tables and columns the procedure ultimately produces. The XSR object is also used to manage the mutual dependency between any tables that have been created and the XML schema from which those tables are derived. If the XSR object is dropped, or if any of the tables produced by the procedure are dropped or the columns altered, the dependency between the two is said to be broken. If EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES (or the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_XML table function) has not yet been run against the UE file for a specific type of event monitor, the XSR object that describes the event monitor output will not yet exist. In this case, the XML schema file for the event monitor is used to create and register an XSR object in the system catalog tables.

An input parameter of type VARCHAR (1024) that is a fully qualified path to the XML schema document on disk that describes the output produced by the event monitor. The XML schema document elements are annotated with information that maps XML elements and attributes to the relational tables and their columns.

This parameter is used register an XSR object. If there is no XSR object registered and enabled for the type of event monitor specified in evmon_type, then an XSR object is registered as follows:

  • If xmlschemafile is NULL, then the procedure uses the XML schema file on disk that corresponds to value specified for evmon_type, as follows:
  • If you specify the name of an XML schema file, then that file is used to register and enable the XSR object for decomposition.
  • If you specify values for the xsrschema and xsrobjectname parameters, then XSR object is created with these names. Otherwise, the XSR object is named as using the defaults previously described for xsrobjectname.
ImportantIf an XSR object has previously been registered and is enabled for decomposition, this parameter is ignored. If you want to register an XSR object using a different XML schema file, you must first drop the existing XSR object.
An input parameter of type VARCHAR (128) that represents the SQL schema name where the event monitor relational tables are created. If this value is NULL, then the authorization ID of the current session user is used. The SQL schema under which the tables are created is determined as follows:
  • If <db2-xdb:SQLSchema> is specified, use this schema;
  • If <db2-xdb:defaultSchema> is specified, use this schema;
  • If neither of these values is specified, use the value from the sqlschema input parameter.
NoteWhen an XML schema is registered for decomposition, the XSR schema repository creates a dependency between each table referenced in the schema and the XSR object that corresponds to this schema. Which means the XSR object name is linked to a unique set of relational tables in the database. If you reference an existing XSR object, its data is always decomposed and inserted into the tables to which the XSR object was linked.
An input parameter of type VARCHAR(128) that indicates the table space where the relational tables are created. The default value for this parameter is NULL. The table space name specified on the CREATE TABLE statement within the XML schema file takes precedence over this input parameter.
An input parameter of type VARCHAR(1024) which represents a list of keyword options supported by this table function. Each option must be delimited using a semicolon (;) character. The possible values are:
Indicates that the relational tables are dropped and re-created before decomposition.
Indicates that the relational tables are dropped and recreated in the following situations:
  1. If the XSR object is not registered, but the tables exist.
  2. On the first failed decomposition attempt. Subsequent failures are returned, and no attempts are made to re-create the tables.
If an error occurs, for example, a table space full error or an authorization error, the procedure does not filter the SQLCODE returned by the decomposition procedure. The procedure treats all negative SQLCODES equally and tries to re-create the tables.
An input parameter of type INTEGER. The possible values are as follows:
Commit after every 100 successful documents decomposed.-1 is the the default value.
Never commit.
Commit after every n documents successfully decomposed.
An input parameter of type CLOB(2M) that represents the fullselect statement from an unformatted event table. The fullselect statement is a query that conforms to the rules of the SELECT statement. The query must follow the following rules:
  • The query must use the "*" clause or specify all the columns of the unformatted event table. Otherwise an error is returned. The columns must be specified in the same order as returned by the DESCRIBE statement of the unformatted event table.
  • The query must select only from an unformatted event table.
  • The WHERE clause can use any of the non-LOB columns of the unformatted event table to filter out events.


EXECUTE privilege on the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES stored procedure.

SELECT privilege on the unformatted event table, if you did not create it.

CREATE privilege to create the relational tables in the specified SQL schema.

INSERT privilege to insert into the relational tables, if you did not create them.

All privileges required by the XDB_DECOMP_XMP_FROM_QUERY procedure.

Usage notes

Relationship of records in a UE table to the output of the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES table function

There is not a one-to-one mapping between the records written to the UE table and the output of the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure. Some events generate multiple records in the UE table; some result in just one record being added. When writing data to relational tables, the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure might, in some cases combine information in multiple UE table records into a single relational table, or it may produce more than one row in different output tables.

Table creation

In order for decomposition to occur, a set of relational tables must exist. The EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure creates the relational tables automatically, as follows:
  • The procedure parses the event monitor XML schema file to find the <db2–mon:createStmt> elements. Each element contains a complete CREATE TABLE statement.
  • The procedure extracts and runs the CREATE TABLE statements.

The <db2–mon:createStmt> is a child element of the existing <db2–xdb:table> element. Only the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure recognizes and uses this element. All other procedures that parse the XML schema file, such as the XSR objects, ignore this element.

Do not qualify the table name within the <db2–mon:createStmt>.

XML schema files from release to release

The default XML schema files provided by each event monitor always reflects the XML schema for the current release. So, when you run EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES (or EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_XML), the output reflects the monitor elements defined for that event monitor in that release. The next section describes what happens if the schema files for the event monitors happen to change over time. Understanding the impact of these changes is important if you create tables using the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure, and then apply a fix pack or upgrade to a new release.

Impact of schema updates on tables produced by EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES

New monitor elements are likely to be added to event monitors in future fix packs or releases. These new monitor elements might result in new columns or even new tables being produced by the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure. However, if you already have tables that were created by this procedure before a fix pack was applied, or before upgrading to a new release, you need to do the following to have the new relational columns or tables created:
For fix pack updates
If relational tables produced by EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES before the installation of the latest fix pack still exist, you must force the creation of a new set of tables based on the new schema shipped in the fix pack if you want to see the new monitor elements in relational format. To force the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure to use the new schema shipped in the fix pack and create new tables, perform the following steps:
  1. Break the dependency between the currently registered version of the XML schema (see the note under the tabschema parameter of the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure for more information about schema registration) and the existing tables by performing one of the following actions:
    • Drop one of the existing tables that were produced by EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES
    • Drop the registered XML schema object associated with the existing tables using the DROP XSROBJECT statement. For example, to drop the registered XML schema object associated with the tables produced by EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES for the locking event monitor for DB2 V9.7, use the following command: DROP XSROBJECT EVMON_LOCKING_SCHEMA_SQL09070.
    • Alter any existing column that corresponds to an annotated monitor element in the currently registered XML schema object.
  2. Run the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure, using the FORCE option. This option causes the old tables to be dropped, and a new set of tables to be produced. If you omit this option, a SQL0601N error is returned.

This process is illustrated in Example 5: Picking up new elements in a fix pack update.

If you do not perform the preceding steps, existing tables are updated based on the previously registered schema file. Any new columns or tables that might have been added in the fix pack are not reflected in the output of the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure.

For release upgrades
Unless you specify otherwise, the default version of the XML schema file for the current release is used when you call the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure. So, if you upgrade to a new release of the DB2 product, then, by default, the new version of the schema file is used when you run the procedure.

If tables from the previous release do not exist, EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES produces tables using the most recent schema. However, if tables from the previous release exist, you must use the FORCE or RECREATE_ONERROR options to cause the old tables to be replaced by new ones. Otherwise, a SQL0601N error is returned. Example 6: Picking up new elements in a release update shows an example of recreating the tables using the default schema for a new release.

Alternatively, you can continue to use the existing tables, without adding any new columns or tables that might have been introduced in the latest release. To have the existing tables updated, you must specify the name of the registered XML schema file that was used to create the tables for the xsrobjectname parameter of the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure. Example 7: Using the previous relational tables on a release update shows an example of using the schema from a previous release.

NoteYou cannot pick up any new columns or tables introduced in fix packs or in new releases while retaining the data that was previously in the relational tables produced by EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES. Picking up any new columns requires the tables to be recreated.

Partial events

If partial or incomplete events exist in the UE table, a message (SQL443N) is returned when you run EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES. Incomplete events can occur when an agent finishes processing before the entire event record can be inserted in to the UE table. This situation can sometimes arise where locking is involved, particularly in partitioned database environments. For example, when the LOCKWAIT threshold is exceeded, details about the holder of the lock are written to the UE table. However, details about agents waiting for a lock on the same object are not captured until the lock times out or the waiter acquires the lock. If EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES is run before the agent waiting for the lock has written its information, then only a part of the information about the lock might exist in the UE table.

To see details about the incomplete events, run EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_XML with the LOG_PARTIAL_EVENTS option.


  • Example 1: Using default parameters
  • Example 2: Attempting to use tables under a different schema
  • Example 3: Attempting to use tables under a different schema
  • Example 4: Using the RECREATE_FORCE option
  • Example 5: Picking up new elements in a fix pack update
  • Example 6: Picking up new elements in a release update
  • Example 7: Using the previous relational tables on a release update

Example 1: Using default parameters

A user named Paul calls the procedure using the default parameters and requires all events that are part of the service class STUDENTS to be inserted into the relational tables.

     WHERE service_subclass_name = ‘STUDENTS‘
     ORDER BY event_id, event_timestamp‘)
技術分享圖片 The results of the call are as follows:
  1. The procedure parses the DB2EvmonUOW.xsd file, which is the default XML schema file, to identify the set of relational tables to create.
  2. The relational tables are created under SQL schema Paul.
  3. The XML schema is registered with an XSR object name of PAUL.EVMON_UOW_SCHEMA_SQL09070
  4. XSR object is enabled for decomposition.
  5. Data is decomposed and inserted into the tables under SQL schema Paul.

Example 2: Attempting to use tables under a different schema

In a continuation of the previous example, a user named Dave calls the stored procedure, setting the tabschema parameter to Paul.

  ‘UOW‘, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘Paul‘, NULL, NULL, -1,
     ORDER BY event_timestamp‘)
技術分享圖片 The results of the call are as follows:
  1. The procedure parses the DB2EvmonUOW.xsd file, which is the default XML schema file, to identify the set of relational tables to create.
  2. The procedure attempts to create the tables under schema Paul. However, an error is returned because the relational tables currently exist under the SQL schema PAUL. Previously existing tables cannot be used when a new XSR object is being registered.

Example 3: Attempting to use tables under a different schema

In a continuation of the previous example, a user named Greg calls the stored procedure setting the input parameter xsrschema to Paul.

  ‘UOW‘, ‘Paul‘, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1,
     ORDER BY event_timestamp‘)
技術分享圖片 The results of the call are as follows:
  1. The XSR object Paul.EVMON_UOW_SCHEMA_SQL09070, which exists, is enabled for decomposition.
  2. If Greg has INSERT privileges on the tables, then data is decomposed and inserted into the relational tables under SQL schema Paul. The existing XSR object Paul.EVMON_UOW_SCHEMA_SQL09070 is used, so the SQL schema for the relational tables is obtained from the XSR object, instead of being provided as an input parameter to the procedure.

Example 4: Using the RECREATE_FORCE option

In a continuation of the previous example, Paul wants to re-create the tables again, but in table space MYSPACE. Paul calls the procedure with the RECREATE_FORCE option and the tbsp_name parameter.

     ORDER BY event_timestamp‘)
技術分享圖片 The results of the call are as follows:
  1. The XSR object Paul.EVMON_UOW_SCHEMA_SQL09070, which exists, is enabled for decomposition.
  2. The RECREATE_FORCE option is set.
  3. The XML schema file is retrieved from the schema repository and parsed to identify the set of relational files.
  4. The current tables are dropped and created again in the MYSPACE table space.
  5. Data is decomposed and inserted into the new tables.

Example 5: Picking up new elements in a fix pack update

A new XML element called "db2EventNew" has been added to the XML schema file of the locking event monitor in the latest fix pack. Paul wants to pick up the new element to use in the decomposition of an XML file. To do so, he follows the following steps:
  1. Paul drops the XSR object created in the original release:
  2. He calls the procedure with the RECREATE_ONERROR option.
         ORDER BY event_timestamp‘)
    技術分享圖片 The results of the call are as follows:
    1. The XSR object does not exist, so the default DB2EvmonLocking.xsd schema file is parsed to identify the set of relational tables.
    2. As the RECREATE_ONERROR option was specified, the existing tables are dropped and re-created.

Example 6: Picking up new elements in a release update

Paul is upgrading to a new DB2 release and wants to pick up the new changes in the event monitor XML schema file. Paul calls the procedure with the RECREATE_ONERROR option.

     ORDER BY event_timestamp‘)
技術分享圖片 The results of the call are as follows:
  1. The XSR object Paul.EVMON_LOCKING_SCHEMA_SQL1000 does not exist.
  2. As the RECREATE_ONERROR option was specified, the tables are dropped and re-created.

Example 7: Using the previous relational tables on a release update

Greg has upgraded to a new DB2 release and does not want to pick up the new changes in the event monitor XML schema file. Greg calls the procedure with the xsrobjectname value from the previous release.

     ORDER BY event_timestamp‘)

Information returned

There is no output from the procedure except the SQLCA. The SQLCA indicates the completion status. The possible SQLCODES are:
All events were successfully inserted into the relational tables.
One or more events were not inserted into the relational tables. The tokens within the SQLCA contain the total number of documents that were attempted and the total number of documents that succeeded decomposition.

A diagnostic file is also created; and the name and location of that diagnostic file is stored in the db2diag log files, located in the DB2 diagnostic path.

negative sqlcode
An error has occurred, and investigating the SQLCODE message can provide additional details regarding the failure. For additional diagnostic messages, see the db2diag log files located in the DB2 diagnostic path.

(轉)EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure - move an XML document to relational tables