1. 程式人生 > >【LeetCode每天一題】Rotate List(旋轉鏈表)

【LeetCode每天一題】Rotate List(旋轉鏈表)

type etc exp 直接 style info back 結果 null

Given a linked list, rotate the list to the right by k places, where k is non-negative.

Example 1:

Input: 1->2->3->4->5->NULL, k = 2               Output: 4->5->1->2->3->NULL
rotate 1 steps to the right: 5->1->2->3->4->NULL
rotate 2 steps to the right: 4->5->1->2->3->NULL

Example 2:Input: 0->1->2->NULL, k = 4 Output: 2->0->1->NULL


  對於鏈表類的題目最重要的就是指針的控制,因此對於這道題我的思路就是我們先找到倒數第K個節點前一個節點的位置,並先將鏈表尾部指針指向頭指針,然後將頭指針指向倒數第K個節點,最後對倒數K節點上一個指針賦值為None。時間復雜度為O(n), 空間復雜度為O(1)




 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def rotateRight(self, head, k):
3 """ 4 :type head: ListNode 5 :type k: int 6 :rtype: ListNode 7 """ 8 if not head or k < 0: # 為空或者K小於0直接返回 9 return head 10 length, tem = 0, head 11 12 while tem: # 求出鏈表的長度
13 tem, length = tem.next, length + 1 14 15 k = k % length # 防止K的長度大於鏈表的長度 16 fast, slow = head, head 17 while k > 0: # 快指針先走K步 18 fast, k = fast.next, k-1 19 20 while fast.next: # 兩個指針同時動 21 slow, fast = slow.next, fast.next 22 fast.next = head # 進行指針交換操作得到結果 23 head = slow.next 24 slow.next = None 25 return head 26

【LeetCode每天一題】Rotate List(旋轉鏈表)