1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >ipad和iphone切圖_如何在iPhone和iPad上密碼保護照片




A padlock on top of the Apple Photos app icon.

Sometimes, you need to protect your iPhone or iPad photos from prying eyes that might also have access to your device. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t provide an obvious, secure way to do this. However, there’s a work-around thanks to the Notes app.

有時,您需要保護您的iPhone或iPad照片免遭窺視,以防窺視您的裝置。 不幸的是,Apple沒有提供明顯,安全的方法來執行此操作。 但是,有了Notes應用程式,可以解決此問題。

它是如何工作的? (How Does It Work?)

You probably already know about the “Hidden Photos” folder in the Photos app on iPhone and iPad. IniOS 14 and iPadOS 14,you can hide that folder, as well. However, images hidden in the Photos app aren’t password-protected. There are other ways you can hide private photos

on your Apple device, but they often involve third-party apps.

您可能已經知道iPhone和iPad上的“照片”應用程式中的“隱藏的照片”資料夾。 在iOS 14和iPadOS 14中,您也可以隱藏該資料夾。 但是,“照片”應用程式中隱藏的影象不受密碼保護。 您可以通過其他方法在Apple裝置上隱藏私人照片,但是這些照片通常涉及第三方應用程式。

We’ll show you how to use the Notes app (which is on every iPhone and iPad) and a feature first introduced in iOS 9.3

to secure certain photos on your device. First, you’ll have to insert your photos into a note, and then, you canlock them behind a password, .

我們將向您展示如何使用Notes應用程式(在每臺iPhone和iPad上都使用)以及iOS 9.3中首次引入的功能來保護裝置上的某些照片。 首先,您必須將照片插入便箋中,然後可以將它們鎖定在密碼後面

如何使用註釋對照片進行密碼保護 (How to Password Protect Photos Using Notes)

If the photos you’d like to lock behind a password aren’t already on your iPhone or iPad, move them there. Next, open the Notes app and tap the New Note icon (the pencil and paper) to create a new note.

如果您要鎖定密碼的照片尚未在iPhone或iPad上,請將其移到那裡。 接下來,開啟“便箋”應用程式,然後點選“新便箋”圖示(鉛筆和紙)以建立新便箋。

Tap the New Note icon in Notes.

On the first line of the new note, type some text that won’t attract too much attention. This will appear in the list of notes, even after you lock it.

在新筆記的第一行,鍵入一些不會引起太多注意的文字。 即使您將其鎖定,它也將顯示在註釋列表中。

A note called "Gravel Statistics."

Tap the Add Photo icon (the camera) in the toolbar. On an iPad, you’ll find this at the top. On an iPhone, it’ll either be above the on-screen keyboard or at the bottom of the screen.

點選工具欄中的新增照片圖示(相機)。 在iPad上,您會在頂部找到它。 在iPhone上,它將位於螢幕鍵盤上方或螢幕底部。

In the menu that appears, tap “Choose Photo or Video.”


Tap "Choose Photo or Video."

On the following screen, tap the thumbnail of each photo you want to add (a checkmark will indicate they’re selected). When you’re done, tap “Add.”

在以下螢幕上,點選要新增的每張照片的縮圖(選中標記將表明已選中它們)。 完成後,點選“新增”。

Tap the photos you want to add, and then tap "Add."

Notes will insert the photos you selected into the note file. To lock the note, tap the Ellipsis icon (the three dots in a circle).

便箋會將您選擇的照片插入便箋檔案。 要鎖定筆記,請點選省略號圖示(圓圈中的三個點)。

Tap the Ellipsis icon.

In the window that appears, tap “Lock.”


Tap "Lock."

If you’ve previously set a Notes password, you’ll be asked to type it; after you do so, tap “OK.”

如果您之前已經設定了Notes密碼,系統將要求您輸入密碼; 完成後,點選“確定”。

Haven’t set a password? No problem! Notes will ask you to create one. Just remember, you’ll have to use this password to view all locked notes. If you’ve enabled theNotes app to sync to iCloud, this same password will also apply to other Apple devices signed into iCloud.

還沒有設定密碼? 沒問題! Notes會要求您建立一個。 請記住,您必須使用此密碼來檢視所有鎖定的筆記。 如果您已啟用Notes應用程式同步到iCloud ,則此密碼也將應用於登入到iCloud的其他Apple裝置

Type a password and a hint. If your device supports it, you’ll also have the option to lock Notes using Touch or Face ID. After you’ve typed your info and made your selections, tap “Done.”

輸入密碼和提示。 如果您的裝置支援,您還可以選擇使用Touch或Face ID鎖定Notes。 輸入資訊並進行選擇後,點選“完成”。

Type a Notes password, verify it, and then tap "Done."

Notes will confirm the lock has been added, but don’t walk away yet! This only enables the lock setting—you’ll still have to lock the note itself to make it secure.

筆記將確認已添加了鎖,但請不要走開! 這僅啟用鎖定設定-您仍然必須鎖定筆記本身以使其安全。

To do so, open the note, and then tap the Padlock icon in the toolbar.


Tap the Padlock icon.

You’ll then see a confirmation that says “This note is locked.” If you want to double-check, just tap “View Note.”

然後,您會看到一條確認訊息,指出“此記事已被鎖定。” 如果要仔細檢查,只需點選“檢視便箋”。

Tap "View Note."

When Notes asks for your password, type it, and then tap “OK.”


Type your password, and then tap "OK."

You’ll then see all the photos you added to the secure note.


Make sure you also visit the Photos app and delete the images you just password-protected. After that, you’ll need to visit the “Recently Deleted” folder in Photos and delete them there, as well.

確保您還訪問了“照片”應用,並刪除了剛剛用密碼保護的影象。 之後,您需要訪問照片”中“最近刪除”資料夾並將其刪除。

iPhone或iPad Notes鎖定的安全性如何? (How Secure Are Locked iPhone or iPad Notes?)

Locked notes on an iPhone or iPad are encrypted to the extent that it would be difficult to extract them, even with forensic tools. It’s not ironclad state-security-level encryption, though. One research firm recently discovered some weaknesses in the Notes app. These could allow a determined attacker with unrestricted access to your device to guess the partial contents of a locked note.

iPhone或iPad上的鎖定便箋經過加密,即使使用取證工具也很難將其提取出來。 但是,它不是鐵定的狀態安全級別加密。 一家研究公司最近在Notes應用程式中發現了一些弱點。 這些可以使確定的攻擊者可以不受限制地訪問您的裝置,以猜測鎖定便箋的部分內容。

These circumstances are rare, but there might also be other undiscovered bugs in Notes that could potentially compromise a note’s security.


For casual privacy purposes, however, locked notes are secure enough for most people to prevent opportunistic snooping. Just make sure you don’t create a passwordthat’s easy to guess!

但是,出於臨時隱私目的,鎖定的便籤對於大多數人來說足夠安全,可以防止機會主義的監聽。 只要確保您沒有建立容易猜到的密碼即可

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/691903/how-to-password-protect-photos-on-iphone-and-ipad/
