1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >ipad和iphone切圖_如何在iPhone和iPad上設定和使用切換




Handoff is a feature of iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs that lets you start something on one device and then complete it on another. For example, you might start reading a web page on your iPhone and then realize you’d rather kick back and read on your iPad or MacBook. With Handoff, making that switch is a cinch. No more noting down the URL or emailing it to yourself for opening on a second device.

切換是iPhone,iPad,Apple Watch和Mac的一項功能,可讓您在一臺裝置上啟動某件事,然後在另一臺裝置上完成。 例如,您可能開始在iPhone上閱讀網頁,然後意識到自己寧願退後一步在iPad或MacBook上閱讀。 使用“切換”功能時,進行切換非常容易。 無需再記下URL或通過電子郵件將其傳送給自己,以便在第二個裝置上開啟。

You will need to meet a few prerequisitesfor using Handoff. Both devices must be on the same Wi-Fi network,have Bluetooth turned on, and be signed into the same iCloud account. Assuming your devices meet those conditions, using Handoff is easy. Apple’s first-party apps like Safari, Mail, Messages, and Pages all support Handoff right off the bat. Third-party developers can add support for Handoff as they see fit. No matter which app you’re using, using Handoff is the same.

您將需要滿足一些使用Handoff的先決條件。 兩臺裝置必須位於同一Wi-Fi網路上,並且已開啟藍芽,並且已登入到同一iCloud帳戶。 假設您的裝置滿足這些條件,則使用Handoff非常容易。 蘋果公司的第一方應用程式(例如Safari,郵件,訊息和Pages)都立即支援Handoff。 第三方開發人員可以根據需要新增對Handoff的支援。 無論您使用哪個應用程式,使用Handoff都是一樣的。

啟用切換 (Enabling Handoff)

First, let’s make sure that Handoff is turned on. You’ll need to turn it on on each of the devices you use, including your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Apple Watch.

首先,讓我們確保切換已開啟。 您需要在使用的每個裝置(包括iPhone,iPad,Mac或Apple Watch)上將其開啟。

在iPhone或iPad上啟用切換 (Enabling Handoff on your iPhone or iPad)

Open up your Settings app and tap the “General” option.


On the General page, tap the “Handoff” setting.


Flick the toggle to turn Handoff on (or off if that’s what want).


在Mac上啟用切換 (Enabling Handoff on Your Mac)

On the Mac, you’ll follow a similar process. Head to System Preferences > General and then make sure the “Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices” checkbox is enabled.

在Mac上,您將遵循類似的過程。 轉到系統偏好設定>常規,然後確保選中“允許在此Mac和您的iCloud裝置之間進行切換”複選框。

在Apple Watch上啟用切換 (Enabling Handoff on Your Apple Watch)

And on the Apple Watch, it’s just as easy. You’ll need to do it in the Watch app on your iPhone, though.

而在Apple Watch上,這同樣容易。 不過,您需要在iPhone上的Watch應用中執行此操作。

In the Watch app, open the “General” settings and then turn on the “Enable Handoff” toggle.


Now that you’ve got Handoff enabled everywhere, using it is super simple.


在iPhone或iPad上使用切換 (Using Handoff on your iPhone or iPad)

When you need to hand something off to another device, you don’t have to pull up a share sheet and hit “Send” or anything. You actually don’t need to do anything on the device from which you want to transfer at all, except making sure the app is open, and the page or document is loaded. That’s because everything is kept in sync through iCloud and readily available on the target device.

當您需要將某些東西交給另一臺裝置時,您不必拉起共享單並點選“傳送”或其他任何東西。 實際上,除了確保已開啟應用程式且已載入頁面或文件之外,您根本不需要在要從其進行傳輸的裝置上執行任何操作。 這是因為所有內容都通過iCloud保持同步並且可以在目標裝置上隨時使用。

For example, say you’ve got a web page open in Safari on your iPhone and wanted to continue it on another device. Go ahead and leave the page open on your iPhone (it doesn’t matter if your iPhone is awake or not). On your iPad or Mac, you’ll see an extra Safari icon with a little iPhone symbol above it. Hit that to open up the page right where you left off.

例如,假設您在iPhone上的Safari中打開了一個網頁,並希望在其他裝置上繼續瀏覽。 繼續操作,並在iPhone上保持開啟頁面的狀態(無論您的iPhone是否醒著都沒關係)。 在iPad或Mac上,您會看到一個額外的Safari圖示,其上方帶有一個iPhone小符號。 點選該按鈕可在您上次中斷的位置開啟頁面。

The small icon in the upper right indicates the app was open on another device.

On the receiving device, all you need to do is enter the app switcher. Depending on whether you’re using a device with a Home button or not, the method for doing that will be different. If you are, double-pressing the Home button will do the trick. If you’re using a newer device (iPhone X or newer, 2018 iPad Pro or newer), you can swipe up from the bottom of the screen, pausing for a moment.

在接收裝置上,您所需要做的就是輸入應用切換器。 根據您是否使用帶有主頁按鈕的裝置,執行此操作的方法會有所不同。 如果是這樣,雙擊“主頁”按鈕即可解決問題。 如果您使用的是較新的裝置(iPhone X或更高版本,2018 iPad Pro或更高版本),則可以從螢幕底部向上滑動,請稍等片刻。

Once in the app switcher, you will notice a button at the bottom of the screen. The button will show the app that is available for handoff and once tapped, the associated app and document will open.

進入應用切換器後,您會在螢幕底部看到一個按鈕。 該按鈕將顯示可用於越區切換的應用程式,點選該按鈕後,關聯的應用程式和文件將開啟。

If you’re using an Apple Watch, things work a little bit differently. For starters, you can only hand off in one direction: watch to phone. Handoff also only works with specific apps and Siri. In fact, Siri will offer to hand off things automatically that she can’t do on the watch. For example, if you tell Siri on your watch to compose an email, she’ll offer to continue the action on your phone automatically.

如果您使用的是Apple Watch,則工作原理會有所不同。 對於初學者,您只能向一個方向傳遞:觀看電話。 移交也僅適用於特定的應用程式和Siri。 實際上,Siri會自動提供她在手錶上無法完成的任務。 例如,如果您告訴手錶上的Siri撰寫電子郵件,她會主動在手機上繼續執行操作。

That’s really all there is to it. You might be surprised just how many apps support Handoff these days, and if you find yourself switching between multiple devices throughout your day, this is one feature that could save you more time and taps than you realize.

這就是全部。 這些天,您可能會驚訝於有多少應用程式支援Handoff;如果您發現自己在一整天之間在多個裝置之間進行切換,則此功能可以為您節省更多的時間和水龍頭。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/394036/how-to-set-up-and-use-handoff-on-your-iphone-and-ipad/
